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> Slavery Through History., What is its origins?
Posted: 09-Jul-2008, 05:46 PM
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First let me make it clear that I don't want to start a hot topic about who's against or who's offended. This is not about opinions this is about its history.
History has not always been beautiful and great there are some events that were pretty ugly and disturbing...slavery is one of them.

Even today there are some countries that still practice slavery,maybe the word is not use outloud but it is practiced all the same.

Vikings raided countrysides and took women and men as slaves in their camps or sold them at markets, Romans used childrens as slaves and I can go back to ancient times with the Egyptians.

So what was the purpose of it? Was it to feel superior or was it in the culture of the time? Even today there is a kind of "modern" slavery in our world even if we want to deny it it's there.

What do you know about slavery and its origins? I'm curious.


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Posted: 09-Jul-2008, 06:17 PM
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Slavery is as old as the Human Race and is embedded into the history and culture of every tribal and ethnic group that walks the face of this Planet. Slavery meant power, new territory and a very cheap work force. Every great civilization in the History of Earth was built on Slavery in one form or another.

Posted: 10-Jul-2008, 03:09 PM
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Slavery was many things. It was controlled labor, it was war prizes, currency, auxiliary breeding stock, among other things.

But the bottom line you're looking at is power. Whether that's material wealth, or the ability to build and produce on a scale that would not be possible otherwise, the common denominator is power.
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Posted: 10-Jul-2008, 07:43 PM
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What a topic . . .

Yes, it's a lot to do with a cheap and reliable (and importable) labor force, and a way to keep and manage a subjugated people on its own turf.

The similarities across history are interesting, but the differences should also be illuminating: how, and to what extent, is a slave regarded as inferior? in status only, or intrinsically somehow; and if thought intrinsically inferior, how does that play into justifying the slavery? What are the prospects and conditions for eventual freedom?

Those things have all varied . . . I wonder, does the answer in each case have anything to do with how the slave owners ultimately fared?
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Posted: 11-Jul-2008, 08:25 AM
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The good news is today slavery as its known in its most ugly form is not practiced as a policy by any nation or peoples.

The bad news is it is still being practised by those with a twisted and or broken humanity.

From the recently arrested LI, NY couple holding household slaves, to a vibrant human slave trade based on economics, politics, etc., that spans the globe.

oldraven brought up a discussion on Toyota in another forum topic as a modern day example.
Quoted here: Politics Live forum

"Toyota And The Media., Who's story are you getting?"

In the US ,
our founders decided not to deal with the issue of slavery at the time of our Declaration of Independence, too complicated and devisive. Look at some of the draft sentences cut out from the finished product.

The British and French abolished the slave trade in 1804 or so and abolished slavery in 1834 or so.

The Civil War 90 years after 1776 decided it for the USA.

Indentured servitude was a legal replacement for slave ownership and was well abused by individual masters and companies.

The economic realities of replacing a workforce of slaves with a workforce of free will labor was not simple, cheap, easy, or peaceful. As stoirmiel points out in a question, her previous post, last sentence.

Can you imagine being told you are free now, but must remain on site for a period of 6 years under apprenticeship? This is exactly what the British tried to do with slaves in the British colonies in 1834 or so. You can imagine, it didn't go over very well.
In the Americas, when the Declaration of Independence was first read to the public, many slaves immediately ran away. Jefferson lost around 20 slaves that first day. "....that all men are created equal...." was a very motivating line for the slaves.


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Posted: 11-Jul-2008, 08:52 AM
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Last week on, I think ABC News they did a segment on child slavery. Showed how a reporter flew to Haiti and within 10 hours of leaving NY. had purchased an 11 year old girl for $150.00. A while back on Bill Moyers there was a chap who wrote a book about how the Criminal Justice system in the South, during the early part of the 20th century kept slavery alive and prospering by renting out convicts (mostly Black) to work in fields and factories. Didn't catch all of it but what I saw was both interesting and appalling.

John Clements 
Posted: 11-Jul-2008, 09:28 AM
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Slavery not complicated. Do what you’re told, or die.

I wonder, do you think that “Stop Loss” is a form of slavery? (Always read the fine print.)

Even after the Emancipation Act, (god only knows) how many Black men were convicted of loitering, and as result of ridiculous fines levied against them for that crime, ended up being slaves all over again, (either for the state, or large business concerns).

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Posted: 12-Jul-2008, 08:37 AM
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To get back to the History of Slavery.

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade can be traced back to the Portuguese in the mid to late 15th century and early 16th century. With the Potuguese search for a trade route to India by sailing south along the African Coast they set up Trading Forts along the way. Primarily this was to trade for Gold but it wasn't long before they discovered that they could make good money transporting slaves for the Muslim Traders who controlled most of the routes. When sugar cane was introduced to the
Azores a cheap labour force was required and the Black Slaves filled that niche. Approximately 81,000 were imported. As Portugal expanded into the new world (Brazil) they like the Spanish before them realized that the local population made a poor work force and a new market opened up for African Slaves.

Posted: 12-Jul-2008, 12:31 PM
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Medieval Kingdom
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For those interested in the history of the American slave trade, you may wish to read the article in the Smithsonian Magazine, "A Northern Family Confronts its Slaveholding Past" at http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-arch...ina-browne.html . A story of "slavery from the deep north".


Ya'll drive safe and come back soon.
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Posted: 12-Jul-2008, 03:34 PM
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Very interesting replies here and with various opinions.
We all know that slavery was power and cheap labor at some point.

But it was also a trade like Camac mentioned in his post and this is what really fascinates me. I think that slavery was a way of life as well.Not only for power but a need in the society of past times.
The slave trade was serious business and one could get very rich in selling slaves. Though I wouldn't believe that slavery is as old as the human race because I don't think cavemen used slaves at that time.They were much smarter then that.
This came way after that period,I think. I will have to read more on this.

In my opinion,slavery is derived from war and prisoners were then used as slaves. I think this is how it started.The Romans used slaves for all kinds of things. They would train them to become gladiators and such. Prisoners then were Christians destined to the circus and die. Slaves were there to clean up the mess.

Through history up until recently slaves were part of households.
Even here in Canada even though not much is mentioned in books about it. It's like if historians didn't want to make it known somehow.
Strange and intriguing.

I have found this book in my bookclub that's call "The Slave Ship:A Human History." by Marcus Rediker. I've read a few excerpts and I think I'll buy this very interesting book.

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Posted: 12-Jul-2008, 04:39 PM
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Believe me when I say that the Cavemen practiced slavery, especially when it came to women of other tribes.

Posted: 12-Jul-2008, 05:12 PM
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Believe me when I say that the Cavemen practiced slavery, especially when it came to women of other tribes.


Why? Were you there? lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif
I'm sorry my friend I just couldn't help myself...the door was open wide.

Please forgive me. hypocrite.gif (I'm still laughning)

I'll try to be serious next time....

Attached Image. (Click thumbnail to expand)
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Posted: 13-Jul-2008, 04:40 AM
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QUOTE (Lady of Avalon @ 12-Jul-2008, 06:12 PM)
Believe me when I say that the Cavemen practiced slavery, especially when it came to women of other tribes.


Why? Were you there? lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif
I'm sorry my friend I just couldn't help myself...the door was open wide.

Please forgive me. hypocrite.gif (I'm still laughning)

I'll try to be serious next time....


Yes. angel_not.gif rolleyes.gif
Posted: 13-Jul-2008, 07:54 AM
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For a reading of many histories of slavery , go to Google, type in slavery history, you will find many resources there. From ancient thru today.

No doubt slavery pre-dates recorded history.

It is recorded in Babylonian times, in Persia, ancient Egypt and Greece and Roman territory.

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Posted: 13-Jul-2008, 08:04 AM
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QUOTE (UlsterScotNutt @ 13-Jul-2008, 08:54 AM)
For a reading of many histories of slavery , go to Google, type in slavery history, you will find many resources there. From ancient thru today.

No doubt slavery pre-dates recorded history.

It is recorded in Babylonian times, in Persia, ancient Egypt and Greece and Roman territory.



I am no authority on the Bible but I believe that when Abraham left Ur (of the Chaldese) he took his family, followers and slaves. Ur is supposedly the oldest city

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