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InRi Posted on: 19-Oct-2020, 12:14 PM

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They say there are no coincidences... On October-19-2008 I gave my first sign of life here.
Pretty people, plenty of fun and a lot of good music I found here. To this day I don't know for what reason I creeping stopped my activities here... but now I miss the atmosphere, the warmth and the fun of this community.
They say there are no coincidences... Today is October-19-2020 and I'm back.

Regards from Austria
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InRi Posted on: 08-Jun-2009, 08:40 AM

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The oldest European man celebrated yesterday during a military ceremony his 113th birthday. Henry Allington is the last still alive founder of the British Air Force. He celebrated within the circle of his family, friends and members of the British Navy on board the war ship "HMS President".
"It is wonderful, never I would await such a honor" said Mr Allington, who undergone three centuries. Asked for the secret of such a long life he answered: "Be so good as you can."

Well then! Congratulations.

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #282238

InRi Posted on: 08-Jun-2009, 08:15 AM

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Today is Monday June-08-2009.

What was happen in:

632:Mohammed, the founder of Islam passed away in Medina.

1849: Imperial edict about the formation of the Genadrmerie (police) in Austria-Hungary.

1937: World premiere of "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff in Frankfurt/Main (Germany)

1986: Kurt Waldheim became Federal President in Austria

Best regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #282237

InRi Posted on: 03-Jun-2009, 11:39 AM

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It seems I'm living in the wrong country - the full episode is viewable in USA and Canada only. pooh.gif happens


  Forum: Celtic Radio  ·  Post Preview: #282069

InRi Posted on: 01-Jun-2009, 02:32 AM

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That's the begin only. If I have a bit more time in my hand I'll continue...

  Forum: The Dungeon  ·  Post Preview: #281982

InRi Posted on: 29-May-2009, 01:07 PM

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QUOTE (InRi @ 29-May-2009, 06:39 PM)
I'll begin to translate within the next days.

I began to translate already today.

Here are the first four torture manners in disordered sequence - the relativly easy manners first... giljotiini.gif (Translation fails I please to excuse)

lead press, crown squeezer
Torture or execution. For using this instruments the head was layed into a vise and this was screwed down more and more until – akin the squeezing of grapes – heavy pressure weighed on the crowm of the accused until the crown broke.

to drown
Torture or execution. The tortured was, shackled on hands or within a cage on a rope launched to water (sea, river harbor) again and again so that he couldn't breath less or longer time. This was made by using a crane frame. Every time he was lifted above the water there was the ability to admit something. If he didn't he was launched again.

Torture or execution. The tortured was laid on a table and strapped down. On his chest was placed a plank. Oin this plank was laid heavy weights, those took him the breath. If the tortured didn't admit was put more and more weights on the plank – until the chest broke.

to broil
Torture or execution. The tortured was affixed above a fire place in a kind (eighter erectly fixed by a picket or layed on a frame) that you could ingnite a small fire below his feet. The feet lubed up by grease and the fire ignited. First burned up the skin on the feet until the substance was visibly. The smell of the own burned substance ingressed into the nose of the tortured. The torture could take so long until the feet-bones was visibly.

  Forum: The Dungeon  ·  Post Preview: #281800

InRi Posted on: 29-May-2009, 11:53 AM

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Views: 9,917
Today is Friday May-29-2009.

What was happen in

1453: Doom of the East-Roman Empire. The Ottomans conquered Byzantium.

1919: First experimental proof of the theory of relativity: Arthur Eddington measured during a solar eclipse the deflexion of starlight by gravitational force.

1953: First ascent of Mt. Everest by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay.

Best regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281795

InRi Posted on: 29-May-2009, 11:39 AM

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QUOTE (shiny @ 28-May-2009, 10:49 PM)
I am interested, but if it would cause you trouble to translate then don't worry about it.

Hi shiny,

my trouble to translate isn't the problem... but I'm worry about your mental condition after reading this... wink.gif

Okay, okay I'll begin to translate within the next days.

Best regards

  Forum: The Dungeon  ·  Post Preview: #281793

InRi Posted on: 27-May-2009, 12:08 PM

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Views: 332
QUOTE (flora @ 27-May-2009, 06:23 PM)
I think someone is backing them.  Russia, maybe?    Testing the waters.


Hi flora,

good watch... Russia is one of the countries they have avoided harsher measures against NKorea for a long time. But also the Chinese aren't really interested in a change of the relative strength on the Korean peninsula.
I think all participants will mediate a kind of truce again and Kim will stop his nuclear upgrade for a while - against payment by a lot of cash and relief supplies.
You can say about Kim what you want, but I think he isn't so crazy to pick a quarrel. Far from it! I believe devoutly that he's calculating very exactly what he can do and what he better shouldn't do currrently.
Already for a long time the Kim-dynasty play a weird game - and as yet they won again and again...

  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #281708

InRi Posted on: 27-May-2009, 11:07 AM

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thirsty beast
Since 5 years a 73 years old Chinese suffered from inexplicable nosebleed. After the bleeding continued 10 days without an interruption he went to a doctor - which removed a 10cm (3.9'') bloodsucker out of his nose...

Best regards

  Forum: Ye Ole Celtic Pub - Open all day, all night!  ·  Post Preview: #281690

InRi Posted on: 27-May-2009, 10:47 AM

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Views: 9,917
Today is Wednesday, May-27-2009

What was happen in:

1937: Opening of the Golden Gate Bridge in San FRancisco

1941: Within the North-Atlantic the German battleship "Bismarck" was sank by its own crew. 1947 people died.

1972: The German TV broadcasted the first episode of "Star Trek".

Best regards


  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281687

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InRi Posted on: 26-May-2009, 11:02 AM

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QUOTE (Leelee @ 22-May-2009, 11:43 PM)
A little known fact....

The first testicular guard "Cup" was used in Hockey in 1874 and the first helmet was used in 1974.

It took 100 years for men to realize that the brain is also important.

Hi Leelee,

That's just the way it is. Everbody assign other priorties... wink.gif

  Forum: Ye Ole Celtic Pub - Open all day, all night!  ·  Post Preview: #281645

InRi Posted on: 26-May-2009, 10:37 AM

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Today is Tuesday, May-26-2009.

What was happen in:

1896: On the New York stock exchange was announced the Dow-Jones-Index the first time

2008: The spacecraft "Phoenix" landed on Mars. On Nov-02-2008 sent "Phoenix" the last data and on Nov-10 ended the mission officially. "Phoenix" was started on Aug-04-2007 from Earth.

Best regards


  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281644

InRi Posted on: 26-May-2009, 10:26 AM

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Views: 1,975
record attempt
The Indian Siddarth Rajan (24) want to cross Australia by unicycle. On Sunday he started in Perth (west Coast) on a road that run 1200 km (745 miles) cross the Nullabor-desert. The student will arrive Adelaide in July and from November he want to cycle from Adelaide to Sydney. The distance all up: 4000 kilometer (2485 miles).

heavy crocked
In Munich (Germany) was arrested a thief with 0.52 percent BAC. He tried to steal - a bottle of Vodka (!). The mason (52) was caught in the act in a shop at a gas station. The officers first believed that their breathanalyzer was broke down, the more so as the mason could follow the officers without problems to the station house.

esthetic surgery for free
A private hospital in Prague (Czech Republic) offers new employees an esthetic surgery for free - if they pledge oneself to work there smallest three years. With this campaign the hospital react to the continuing labot shortage.

Best regards

  Forum: Ye Ole Celtic Pub - Open all day, all night!  ·  Post Preview: #281642

InRi Posted on: 25-May-2009, 09:04 AM

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Views: 9,917
in addition...

1809: In the battle on the "Berg Isel" near Innsbruck (Tyrol) the Tyroleans under the leadership of Andreas Hofer beated the French and the Bavarians.

1932: Goofy had his first performance in the animated movie "Mickey's revue".

1977: World premiere of "Star Wars" by George Lucas.

1989: Mikhail Gorbachev becames Russian president.

Best regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281593

InRi Posted on: 24-May-2009, 01:03 PM

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Views: 330
I want to ask only one question:

Who of us humans is entitled to appoint when a lifetime of an other human has to end?


  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #281571

InRi Posted on: 23-May-2009, 11:13 AM

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Views: 1,975
cardiac defect
The British adventurer Sir Ranulph Fiennes is the first human, who crossed the Northpole, the Southpole and climbed the Mt. Everest.
He has been living with three bypasses for six years...

typing error
A three years old girl bought a (toy-)dredger at an internet auction at the price of 8800€. While the girl's mother a short time was absent the girl saw toy-biddings on the screen.
The purchase was canceled...

transfer bug
A bank in New Zealand transfered by mistake 10 million instead of 10.000$ as a credit to a couple.
The couple disappeared...

Best regards

  Forum: Ye Ole Celtic Pub - Open all day, all night!  ·  Post Preview: #281554

InRi Posted on: 23-May-2009, 10:48 AM

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Views: 9,917
Today is Sturday May-23-2009.

What was happen in

1887: Pope Leo XIII. accepted for the Chatholic Church in the German Empire the civil marriage, the governmental school supervising and the prohibition of political actuation for priests.

1934: On a country road in Ruston (Louisiana) died the gangster couple Bonnie Elizabeth Parker and Clyde Chestnut Barrow, known as Bonnie and Clyde, after a chase in a hail of bullets by police.
Both commited with their gang a lot of murders and bank robberies.

Best regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281552

InRi Posted on: 22-May-2009, 09:10 AM

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one I have yet...

1629: The treaty of Lübeck ended the participance of Denmark in the Thirty Years War as a warring party.

Best Regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281503

InRi Posted on: 21-May-2009, 01:04 PM

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Views: 7,107
Most of the time I feel (relativly) young and well, but there are days I realize that I'm actually already a honourable member of "Mature people club".
Today is one of these days.
I celebrated the 21st anniversary of my marriage today. My wife was very happy, that didn't forget the date in this year...
After a such long time too I have to admit: We both did a good choice together... smile.gif

Best regards

  Forum: Ye Ole Celtic Pub - Open all day, all night!  ·  Post Preview: #281482

InRi Posted on: 21-May-2009, 12:28 PM

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Views: 2,915
QUOTE (Leelee @ 21-May-2009, 03:15 PM)
Why do they lock gas station bathrooms? Are they afraid someone will clean them?

Wheee! I'm sure that you've never seen a bathroom on a not managed rest area nearby an Austrian expressway... The filth there begins to grow to an independent intelligent life-form and if you don't run away from there very hurry, it begins a profound dialog with you... wink.gif

Best regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281480

InRi Posted on: 19-May-2009, 09:57 AM

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Today is Tuesday May-19-2009.

What was happen in

1883: William Frederick Cody known as "Buffalo Bill" performed his Wild West Show in Omaha (Nebraska) the first time and and began to tour thereafter.

1935: The first section of "Reichsautobahn" was opened between Frankfurt/Main and Darmstadt (Germany)

1997: A heavy cyclone in Bangladesh put more than 500 people to dead. There are thousands of injured people and r.a. 2.5 million people became homeless.

Best regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281400

InRi Posted on: 18-May-2009, 09:42 AM

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...two I have yet:

1848: In the Frankfurt/Main St.Pauls church the National assembly concregated the first time, thus exist the first time a democratic elected parliament for Germany.

1897: In London is released the novel "Dracula" by the Irish author Bram Stoker.

Best regards

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #281368

InRi Posted on: 17-May-2009, 08:03 AM

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Views: 561
QUOTE (flora @ 17-May-2009, 01:19 AM)
Inri, it sounds like you have a great plan and are in action to make it work.  That's fantastic!

Hi flora,
you're welcome. But I don't think to have great plans - I only try to live consequently a way of life, I accept my responsibility for the next generations. And in my opinion this resonsibility doesn't start in any great projects to save the polar bears, the oceans, the world or what ever, but in very "small" things within the own house and outside the own door. I have to make sure that my children and their children come upon a worth living environment. I have a treaty with the following generations. My dwell time here is defined and I don't realize that my children have to remove my own waste...
I don't speak here about abdication but to think about a useful and responsible handling our ressources and a lot of (alleged) little things, which everybody could do.

Best regards

  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #281341

InRi Posted on: 15-May-2009, 12:20 PM

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village for sale
The village Linkenholt 120km in the South of London is sold to an unknown person. The price added up to 22.3 million € (30 million $)
Linkenholt has 40 inhabitants, 20 picturesque cottages, a cricket field and two smithies.

coke in the air
In Madrid and Barcelona, where is sniffed a lot of snow, researchers detected between 29 and 850 picogram Cocain per cubicmetre air.
The concentration grows up on weekends.

goatling rescue
In Croatia fighted rangers 25 days for the survive of a goatling, which was fallen into a deep cavity. Now it is saved. The owner fed it with grass all time.

Best regards

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