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Jeff Victor
Lifescapes - Scottish Moors
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Listener ReviewsMember Name: acmeannie Date Posted: 19-May-2013 Rating: Comments: My husband bought this little CD at our local Wal-Mart right after we got married in 1997. It became our default bedtime CD because it starts out quietly, builds up, and then comes back done, until nothing is left but the sound of water breaking on the sand. Perfect for relaxing and eventually falling asleep! We also used it as a sleep CD for our little son after he was born. Over the past 15 years, it has come and gone, sometimes played every night and sometimes just during our annual camping weekend for our local games (Loch Norman Highland Games at Rural Hill, Huntersville, NC). And always we come back to it and resurrect it for another good long run once or twice a year. Best $8.99 we ever spent!!!
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