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Jennifer Licko

Jennifer Licko is an artist and performer from North Carolina. Her music embody the perfect compromise between new world and old world folk, blending in elements as diverse as Americana, bluegrass, country and Celtic.

I've always been passionate about music genres that grow and evolve based on so many different factors. European folk music traveled a long, long way across the vast and cold Atlantic Ocean to reach the shores of America. People brought their own songs, their own stories and their own memories in the form of their favourite tunes, but the music kept changing and acquiring new meanings; one generation after the other. Eventually, instruments and melodies of European music blended in with sounds that traveled all the way from Africa, originating exciting genres such as blues and rock. When I listen to the songs featured within "A thousand curses upon love", the latest studio work by Jennifer Licko, I am reminded of this beautiful story of sound - this story of evolution and emotion embedded deeply in the heart of those who sing and those who listen.

As a world traveler and multi-instrumentalist, Jennifer develops a truly kaleidoscopic attitude to musical composition, making for exciting and personal performances with a credible and spontaneous energy: it's all about bridging the gaps between culture and emotion! Culture is actually such an important part in Jennifer's life that she set out to collaborate on many school programs focused on the importance of cultural diversity.

"A thousand curses upon love" is not only the portrait of a talented performer, but also a fantastic journey through many musical and cultural traditions and more importantly…a collection of heartwarming and beautiful songs. And that earns it not only a 5 star review from Celtic Radio, but our selection of the 2014 Celtic Radio Album of the year!

Find out more and let the music tell you the rest of this story:

A Thousand Curses Upon Love

5.0 Stars!

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Track List
1. Turning Away
2. The Moon Going Home
3. Mile Marbhphaisg Air A'Ghaol
4. Fickle Breezes
5. Nollaig na mBan
6. The Song of the Singing Horseman
7. Siuthadaibh bhalachaibh
8. Hard Times Come Again No More
9. The Sea
10. Clare to Here

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