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Ardvreck_Castle – 266 viewsDarkShadow
Family Photograph – 124 viewsWhen photographs were taken around the turn of the 19th century, parents did not allow their children to smile for the camera. It was consider a bad omen. It looks like though this picture was snapped prematurely as the man on the left is smiling - must have been a great party!CelticRadio
031 - Western Highlands Tour - Doune Castle 2.JPG
Doune Castle – 129 viewsZione
298 views2 commentsMacFive
Edward Cooper - Founder of the American Mica Company – 130 viewsThis is Edward Cooper, my Great Grandfather and founder of the American Mica Company. The American Mica Company was an operation in Wellesley and Newton Massachusetts involved in the production of Mica for electrical devices. Mr. Cooper held many patients on the Mica splitting process and folding process. He had 14 children, all daughters with the exception of a son who died at a young age. Because of his company he enjoyed a very good life until he was swindled by a Wallstreet baron.CelticRadio
Edward Cooper Family – 117 viewsHappies time for my Great Grand Father Edward Cooper. Founder of the American Mica CompanyCelticRadio
Resting at the Park in 1900 – 122 viewsEdward Cooper and FamilyCelticRadio
362 views1 commentsCelticRadio
063 - Western Highlands Tour - Inveraray Castle 5.JPG
Inveraray Castle – 328 views1 commentsZione
Cook out in the 1910s – 243 viewsLooks like a formal affair for an outside barbacue. Foods looks good though!1 commentsCelticRadio
The Cooper Family – 190 viewsCeltic Radio
Turn of the Century – 125 viewsThey most have spent hours dressing for this photograph!CelticRadio
American Mica Company Field Day – 114 viewsHere is a picture of the people of the American Mica Company that my Great Grandfather Edward Cooper owned at the turn of the 19th century. You will not find Mr. Cooper at the front of the picture, but mixed in with the employees. That says alot about him, but unfortunately he was swindled out of the company by a Wall Street baron. While he understand electrical components, he did not understand that 51% of the company means you no longer control the company. He lost his dream and died in regret.CelticRadio
American Mica Company Employees – 117 viewsHere is another picture of the employees of the American Mica Company. I have circled 2 people. The one to the right is my Great Grand Father Edward Cooper, the one of the left is the Wallstreet Baron who swindled him out of his company. I think this picture is very telling of my Grandfather as he looks rather concerned, while the swindler not accustomed to hot weather appears to be talking his talk that lead to my Great Grand Father losing his company.CelticRadio
124 viewsCeltic Radio
Lets go for a Ride! – 120 viewsThats alot of people on this antique car. Appears to be Civil War dressed uniforms so thinking this was taking late 1800s or early 1900s.CelticRadio
128 viewsCeltic Radio
Sleigh Ride – 111 viewsMy Great Great Grandfather was a Sleigh maker. He is one of his sleighs.CelticRadio
Serene Morning – 116 viewsThis picture was again taking around the turn of the century. What a wonderful time to live, no internet, no TV and no cell phone. Pity the Great Depression was just around the corner.CelticRadio
Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, UK – 195 viewsflyingpixie
157 files on 8 page(s)


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