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> Photo Gallery Help, Help Guide for the Photo Gallery
Posted: 03-Feb-2007, 11:25 AM
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We have received a number of questions about how to use the member photo gallery and have decided to put together this quick and easy help guide.

(Please note pictures must be no more than 1200px by 1200px)

Each member has allotted to them space to upload their own personal photographs to share with the rest of the community. When you upload your photographs, an icon will appear below each of your posts with a link to your photogallery (Look at the bottom of my post for an example of the photo icon).

One of the top questions we receive is how to upload photographs. The way our system is designed, it is a requirement for you to first create a photograph album before you upload photographs.

While everyone has photograph space, unless you create an album you can not utilize that space and upload photographs.

Here are the detailed steps:

Go to this link, making sure you are logged into your account:


Click on the Admin Mode:

user posted image

The system will enter the Admin mode, it might take a 5-15 seconds. Now let's create your photograph album. Click on "Create/order my albums":

user posted image

A box will appear on the screen where you can edit, delete and create your photograph albums. Click on the New button and a new photograph album will appear in the list named "New Album" - you can change the name by using the text box.

user posted image

When you are happy with the name of the album, click on the APPLY MODIFICATIONS button. You will receive a confirmation screen which you can click to confirm your additions or changes.

Congrats! You have now created your photograph album. The next step is to upload your photographs. Click on "Upload File":

user posted image

You will now be presented with a box list which you can upload multiple files. We suggest you upload 1 file at a time and to make sure that the files you upload are not huge. For example, the file size show only be 3 megabytes max and the size should be no more than 1200 x 1200.

The rest of the steps are self-explanatory. Just follow the on screen prompts. The most common question we received was how to upload photographs and once you create a photograph album, you should be able to upload your photographs with no major problems.

If you have any more questions, please let us know!

Good Luck!


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j Padraig moore 
Posted: 17-Mar-2007, 07:08 AM
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How does one change the file size?
For example, some of my photo files are 5 megabytes.
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Posted: 17-Mar-2007, 08:42 AM
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QUOTE (j Padraig moore @ 17-Mar-2007, 09:08 AM)
How does one change the file size?
For example, some of my photo files are 5 megabytes.

Thats a very good question.

Because Celtic Radio has limited funds we can not host super large photographs in our member photo gallery.

You will need to reduce the size of the photograph. I personally use paintshop pro to perform this action. If you have this application, check the help files on reducing photographs.

Here is a great site I found that has a help guide on this process using free tools:


We can also reduce your photograph for you. Just email it to us and we will send it back to you.
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j Padraig moore 
Posted: 26-Mar-2007, 08:56 PM
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I tried the download recommended in your link and it seems to work. I have added a couple of photos to my gallery and will add more over time.
Thanks Mac!!! thumbs_up.gif
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  Posted: 07-Apr-2007, 10:14 PM
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Wow, thanks for that help. I was fumbling quite a bit until I found this forum. thumbs_up.gif

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Posted: 08-Apr-2007, 07:44 PM
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QUOTE (jesstuss @ 08-Apr-2007, 12:14 AM)
Wow, thanks for that help. I was fumbling quite a bit until I found this forum. thumbsup.gif

Your welcome. We made some changes that may help.

Under the service menu you can now click "My Photos" - if you are logged in and you have created an album, you wil be sent to that album.

Otherwise, the system will redirect you to this thread for help on setting up your album.

Its all part of "My Services" now offered under the services menu.
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Posted: 02-Jun-2007, 03:40 AM
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Goodness! I literally cannot believe this! How long have I been on this site? a few years and I have NEVER been able to upload images into a gallery till tonight! I was so shocked! I don't know what happened, but for some reason it worked. Before that I always got that stupid "java script error." Will be seeing the Wicked Tinkers next month and want to add them to my gallery! yay!
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Posted: 02-Jun-2007, 03:43 PM
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Slowly but surely all of the kinds are being worked out! smile.gif

Glad it works now!

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Posted: 04-Aug-2008, 07:18 PM
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This really helped me put alot as I was having a time trying to do this,but it will have to wait till tomorrow night have to get ready for work now.

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Posted: 09-Aug-2008, 05:11 PM
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Well I figured everything out; states that I uploaded successfully, continued to save to the album.....but when I view my Gallery or Album, there are no images.....???????? Please help me wacko.gif
Posted: 14-Aug-2008, 09:46 AM
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Ha, ha laugh.gif note.gif I did it note.gif biggrin.gif thumbs_up.gif
Posted: 15-Aug-2008, 10:11 PM
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LeeLee, I can certainly understand. I am not real good at tech stuff and just uploading three photos in my gallery was a challenge! laugh.gif

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Posted: 24-Aug-2008, 04:19 PM
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Help please someone.

I downloaded some pics on the members photographs and into the general photographs that I wanted in my profile.
How can I delete the ones that I downloaded in the general photographs section so that I can reload them in my profile?

Thanks LOA

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Posted: 24-Aug-2008, 04:41 PM
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If I am correct;

1. Click on Edit Profile at the Top Menu of CR Menu (where you would check for New Posts etc).

2. Click on Profile now at the top of your screen.

3. Scroll down to Upload Photos and click on that in LOA's Photograph Section.
This should bring up all your photos.

4. Click on which pictures you want to delete. It will say "Delete These Files".

Unfortunately, this has also happened to me. The only way I know how to relocate the photos is delete them and start over.

I am also having some difficulty placing new pictures from a new designated album into my Profile.

Is there anyone out there that could assist us so that we can save our new album pics in our profile? smile.gif
Posted: 24-Aug-2008, 05:37 PM
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I tried that Leelee and sorry to say it doesn't work when one dowloads into the general photographs section.It does in one's profile.

If I want to delete pics in downloaded in my profile it's o.k but there is no "delete this file" anywhere that I can see in the general pics section.

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