MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 15-Aug-2006, 09:41 PM |
Replies: 200 Views: 231,454
The Committments ...quirky, rather dark humored, but very good...
The Mysts of Avalon...refreshing feminine perspective on the myths...
The Quiet Man...nostalgic and has Maureen O' it gets brownie points
The Sword in the Stone second favorite Disney flick...eternally a favorite of mine since youth...
Peter favorite Disney movie...gotta love those Pan and the pirates
Robin Hood...with Errol Flynn... looking actor award
Ryan's oldie but goodie...
Gangs of New violent, took me 3 sittings to watch...but I finished it ....suspect it was quite historically on target...but was hard to watch...
Green Grows My Valley...a Welsh movie about coal mining...sad...
Circle of Friends...excellent...but the book is better
The Harry Potter movies... did you know that the birds of prey, like Harry's owl...are from the Avary on the grounds of Belvadere Castle located in the midlands of Ireland? Very haunting place...also home of the Jealous Wall...
The Molly Maguires...based on a true story of Irish immigrants in the mid 1870's, set and filmed in the anthracite coal region of northeastern Pennsylvania....entertaining but does not tell the tale with historical accuracy...Sean Connory, Richard Harris star...a must see if you are Irish American and do not know the story...then read "Making Sense of the Molly Maguires" by Kevin Kenny...did you know the Mollies were the pioneers of the labor movement in America?
TLOTR... is there any doubt that Tolkien's Shire is based on Ireland and the Hobbits on the Irish?...then of course, there is Aragorn...sigh...
Angela's Ashes...have not seen the move...but the book is a must is the follow up "'Tis"...Frank McCourt has a way with a story...
The Fighting Prince of Donegal...another Disney...oldie but goodie...
Forum: General Discussion · Post Preview: #160836 |
MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 11-Aug-2006, 09:12 PM |
Replies: 2 Views: 12,903
Looking for Carroll, Creary, and Devlin clan...
Ancestors here since 1840's... Settled in Carbon and Schuylkill counties of Pennsylvania
Could ye be Clan?
If so, tell me yer story! |
Forum: Gathering of the Clans · Post Preview: #160349 |
MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 11-Aug-2006, 09:03 PM |
Replies: 10 Views: 1,512
Patrick's Day
'Tis Saint Patrick's Day Across the sea In the land Amerikay But in Ireland, March 17th Is simply Patrick's Day
Tourists come in hoards To Dublin City Foreigners from afar To tip their mugs of Guiness These strangers In our bars
Why do they come? What is the draw? Why flock to Erin's shore? Ah, t'was once trouble To be Irish But nay, My friends, no more!
For they all want to be Irish If only for this day in spring! They want to believe the blarney In leprechauns and faerie rings
They want to dance a jig or two Shed tears to "Danny Boy" They all want to be Irish - and why not? For to be Irish is a joy
How ironic such a turn around So try not to take offense After hundreds of years of bigotry 'Tis almost a compliment
So pin a shamrock on your shirt Raise your glass with a "Slainte" loudly But no matter how you choose to do it Choose to wear your Irish proudly...
*********************************** For Dominic: A Belated Patrick's Day Post
Many things you say are true...
But much is in the spirit of celebration And naught is done in malice We Irish American's worship Ireland And we toast it with reverent chalice...
Be tolerant of us Irish not privleged On Ireland's soil to be born Our ancestors had no choice, you see... Do you know our hearts still mourn?
We mean naught by our foolish ways We mean no degradation But it is how our Irish American-ness Was handed down, generation by generation
As for we women lovin' a man On whose tongue the Irish dwells We beg a pardon and mean no harm So, love, mind you forgive us that as well...
******************************* Almost half way to Patrick's Day 2007! March in the famous Annual Girardville St. Patrick's Day Parade The Saturday After Patrick's Day 2007 Hosted by the AOH Black Jack Kehoe, Division 1 Girardville, Pa., USA County Schuylkill...almost Ireland
Forum: Ireland · Post Preview: #160347 |
MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 11-Aug-2006, 07:46 PM |
Replies: 21 Views: 3,862
I took step lessons for several years Along with my two daughters, Brigid and Terra We had a great teacher, a lass named Una from Belfast I learned alongside the wee ones Which can be frustratin' for they pick it up Much more easily than adults...
Just can't help but dance When I hear Irish music...
My girls rebelled and quit After they discovered boys Unfortunately t'was also After the $500 Irish dance dresses Which now sit in their closet
Me, bein' too old for the dresses Is the only one who still dances
I dance all my steps almost every mornin' My 7's and 3's, my hard jig, My reels, my light jigs, etc.
Have done a bit of Ceili as well But I can only remember all the parts As long as I am dancin' them...
The Seige of Ennis feels like one Until you get into the pattern
O but I love it... Like the pipes...stirs the clan blood
I have both hard and soft shoes Trained in both But funny, peasant I am I perfer to dance in bare feet (As long as the floor is not too splintery... Or the gravel too hot ) |
Forum: Irish Dance · Post Preview: #160340 |
MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 11-Aug-2006, 02:16 PM |
Replies: 82 Views: 11,547
My name is MaggieCarroll, or at least when I am caught!
I was born in Baltimore - Maryland, not Ireland But raised a Coal Cracker - In the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania Which to most of us Irish Is simply another county in Ireland
Ah, but I should have been born in the Olde Sod For that is where my heart lies always My dream? To live in Ireland, of course The foot of the Wicklow Mountains Or maybe Donegal...
My family let in a few other ethnic groups Over the years, but my Gram never let us Forget we were Irish Come from Carroll, Devlin, and Creary stock From the Irish midlands And the north of Ireland
I am a writer, a poet, a singer Suppose a bard of sorts For my themes somehow all turn out To have something to do with the Irish Do some Irish step dancin' now and then A wee bit of acting then and now I belong to the LAOH, my husband Pat to the AOH Propagators of the Irish culture in Amerikay...
In my day job, I have a master's in nursing It has been payin' the bills for 30 years For the last six, I have been a certified school nurse
Summers off!
It's when I do a lot of research for my novels
My first novel, the Pipes Are Calling Will be published Spring of 2007 It is a historical fantasy that takes place Both in Ireland And "Molly Maguire" Country - the coal banks of County Schuylkill (Pennsylvania, that 'tis!)
Any history buffs out there familiar with the miners known as the Molly Maguires? |
Forum: Ireland · Post Preview: #160323 |
MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 11-Aug-2006, 01:46 PM |
Replies: 1,711 Views: 205,277
'Tis an old one, for sure But I needed a quick visit To the Old Sode
Yesterday, rewatched the "The Quiet Man" Still makes me sigh - and cry...
Parts of it were filmed In Cong on the West Coast... How grande a place is Ireland That fifty or so odd years later Some of the same landmarks Written in celluloid history Were those I saw on my last trip over...
And grander yet, That those landmarks were there For centuries before that....
Such is Ireland... I need to go back Soon...
Forum: Ye Ole Celtic Pub - Open all day, all night! · Post Preview: #160322 |
Pinned: Embrace The Music (Pages 1 2 3 )
MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 09-Aug-2006, 09:42 PM |
Replies: 44 Views: 7,786
Ancient rhythms Heartbeat sounds My soul no longer Touches ground
Heels and toes Batter clatter the floor The sound enough I need no more
The music curls Through wooded glen Lures me back Way back to when
O 'tis more than I ask All else does pale The bodhran my heartbeat This song is my tale... |
Forum: Poems · Post Preview: #160052 |
MaggieCarroll |
Posted on: 09-Aug-2006, 09:02 PM |
Replies: 241 Views: 141,676
Dia dhuit!
I am MaggieCarroll, healer and bard A gypsy of sorts, a reader of cards A bodhran, a fiddle , a piper called So along came I to greet ye all...::cheer
Mind ye, 'Tis no hardship to stay awhile The music's grande And the dance a smile... |
Forum: Introductions · Post Preview: #160024 |
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