That is a great idea to tie in an email address with the WordPress site. We can actually have on the WordPress signup page in the dashboard an option to add an email address automatically when signing up - but with the ability to have a different name then the subdomain.
So, on the server we don't plan on implementing any sendmail type features, but there is probably a way to connect to the email server which is on the same network. As we go along we could add features like FTP, sendmail, etc. Mail list sending will not be supported could get us banned, but we have an idea to leverage our current ongoing mail service which has all the tools for that. We are resurrecting our Celtic Web Hosting so this is all on the plate for the future.
Our goal for this is to hopefully increase our Celtic Radio accounts to support the site. We have not really promoted much but with our new speedy internet plan we need to. If it is successful we could continue to upgrade our line speed to support more and more accounts.
Right now with so many listening options (spotify, itunes, other i-radios) out there, the future of Celtic Radio is dependent on our Celtic Radio Founder supporters. Hopefully this will be a good way to secure the site for the future.