Interests: |
I love learning and reading. Currently I am a Natural Resource Management student. I love all things science. I find mathematics fascinating, but also extremely challenging.
Hallowe'en is one of my favourite festivals. I love costumes. I often repeat a costume for several years, adding to it each year and retiring it when it is complete or when I feel like moving on. My current costume is a gypsy girl.
My favourite music act is Celtic Thunder. I also love a wide range of Celtic and folk music (but not country) and the pop/light rock of the 80s and 90s. I love TV and movies. I don't watch horror, but I'm fairly open to any other genre. Some of my preferred TV shows are: The Big Bang Theory, The Finder, NCIS, NCIS:LA, JAG, Bones, M*A*S*H, Warehouse 13, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Eureka, Doctor Who, Torchwood and Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman. My all time favourite movie is The Princess Bride. I love superhero movies (Avengers was my favourite movie of the year).
I love to read. Mostly I read fantasy and Young Adult fiction. I loved The Hunger Games even though I expected to be totally freaked out. I read the whole Hunger Games series in 2.5 days. I love Tamora Pierce's Tortall universe. I love puzzles of all kinds. Math puzzles can be a lot of fun. Word searches and Suduko are particularly entertaining.
I am addicted to fanfiction. I write some, but mostly I read it.
I like to draw and paint. My favourite mediums are oil pastels and watercolours. |