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apAidan Posted on: 04-May-2024, 01:54 PM

Replies: 4
Views: 7,661
A very good album that I've been looking for for a number of years. Talked to the band, through their website and it's not available. <br><br>Review on Highlander<br><a href='http://www.celticradio.net/php/playlist.php?start=0&limit=25&letter=&search=Pipe+Dreamers&type=album&exact=exact'><b>Visit Album Page</b></a>
  Forum: Celtic Music  ·  Post Preview: #318859

apAidan Posted on: 08-Sep-2014, 03:31 PM

Replies: 39
Views: 84,452
While I'm of Scots decent and am an American (several of my ancestors ended up in the Colonies via Ireland after the 45 in time for the Revolution), I think that this is a situation that has a great number of ramifications that people haven't really thought about.

I haven't read the referendum question, but does it only undo the union between the kingdoms or does it also sever the crowns? If if doesn't, then the Scots find themselves a independent country while sharing a monarch with the English. Queen Elizabeth II becomes Queen Elizabeth II / I much as James was King James II / VII. If you sever the crowns, who takes the throne? Which of the various Stuart claimants or do you do a worldwide dna search to find a descendant of one of the other royal houses? Or do you have yet another referendum and chuck out the monarchy altogether?

Does the newly independent Scotland become a nuclear power? Are they a member of the EU or do they have to apply for admittance? The same for NATO, though the relevance of that organization is becoming more in doubt as time goes on it's still a question that needs to be answered. Do they even want to be a part of either body?

What happens when Putin discovers seven Russian expats living in Dundee and he decides that Tayside needs to go the way of Crimea? Silly question, but what keeps an eternal squabbling between London and Edinburgh over various border districts as to which are Scots and which are English? Me, I'm worried about the President of Mexico claiming San Diego and Los Angeles if this Crimea precedent is accepted so it's probably something the Scots should worry about.

Speaking of who invades what, what parts of the UK military devolves to Scottish control? Which treaties that Scotland is currently a part of do they honor or do they follow in the steps of the old DDR and declare they don't have to honor any of them since 'they' didn't sign them. And this isn't just military treaties, but things like international copyright accords and the like.

And if Scotland bolts, is Wales far behind? Mercia? East Anglia? Do all seven of the kingdoms that coalesced into England make a break for it?

As someone of Scot decent, the concept of an independent Scotland is attractive and something good, but I don't believe anyone has addressed the other issues other than politicians saying 'we'll work that out after the vote'. Wouldn't it be better if people knew exactly what they were voting for before they did it? Or is this a matter of 'we have to vote for it to find out what's in it'?

Good luck and Godspeed to all of the Scots in the coming days as the day of the vote approaches
  Forum: Polls  ·  Post Preview: #311153

apAidan Posted on: 29-May-2012, 10:43 PM

Replies: 3
Views: 2,192
I know it's not exactly on topic regarding dedications, but what happened with the request parameters? One day it's 5 and 15, and now it's 2 and 10. Some people might have been abusing the system, just a tad, to promote a specific artist or group, but that seems like a rather drastic shift.

Just curious.

ap Aidan
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