Taliesin's Journal

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Joined: 14-Sep-2004
Birthday: 6-Oct-1977
Total Posts: 233
Realm: Central Valley, California, USA

I love reading (mostly Science Fiction and Fantasy), and listening to and playing music. (I play Tin Whistle, all Clarinets, all Saxophones, and Piano.) I like to write, but don't do it as often as I would like to. I love anything Scottish. I love Celtic Knotwork! I also play Role-Playing games, which makes me a total geek...as if being in band all through high school didn't already take care of that. :) Oh yeah, and I AM the IT department at my company, which means that I am also a major computer geek. :)

I have a wonderful wife named Kim, and at the time of this writing, we've been married for over 17 years! She is amazing, and I am blessed daily by her! (And I try to be a blessing to her as well.) We have and homeschool our 4 children.
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Followup - Car Knotwork Sticker...
Posted by sir_tal on Oct 11th, 2004 11:16 PM
I got the pics of my new car knotwork sticker up in my Photo Gallery. Just go to the Photo Gallery section and look for sir_tal's gallery. There you can find my knotwork sticker. Or, if you'd rather just go to my personal site, you can do so here.


Feel free to let me know what you think. C'mon, be honest. smile.gif


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It's getting Cold Again...
Posted by sir_tal on Oct 11th, 2004 9:51 AM
Mmmmmm...I love this weather. I'm the only guy I know that wears shorts year round here. (Central Valley of California.)

In other news: I finally got my Celtic Knotwork sticker for my car. The backstory: I love knotwork. I always have. My love for knotwork predates my love of Scotland for a couple years at least. Ever since I've been able to drive I've wanted some sort of knotwork embellishment for my car. This year for my birthday, my wife contacted a vinyl vehicle sticker company and basically set up the chance for me to design my own sticker and get it cut out of vinyl. It was an adventure this weekend to make sure the finished product looked right, but if got done!!! I got it applied yesterday and it looks awesome. I'll see what I can do tonight about getting some pictures taken and put up on my website or in my picture album here. smile.gif

I got Aselin Debison's CD for my birthday. I was totally stoked. Now I can listen to her without having to annoy the rest of Celtic Radio's listeners that hate her voice. smile.gif I don't mind hearing about people that don't like her voice. They're entitled to their opinion. But for someone to say that she can't sing a note is ridiculous. I was a music major for 3 years. I took advanced Music Theory, Sightsinging, etc. I had to really train my ear, and while I may have lost some of that, I still play Whistle, Clarinet and Piano, so I haven't lost my ear entirely. I know when someone can't sing, and Aselin can sing just fine. She's actually quite good at bending her notes...just listen to Driftwood. I love new CD's. smile.gif

Ski season approaches, which reminds me...I need to get my skis waxed. And I need to get back into shape. wink.gif Well, I'm off for now!


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Friday...the last half hour...will it end?
Posted by sir_tal on Oct 8th, 2004 5:39 PM
Well, I have a journal. Let's hear it for personal discoveries!

Melancholy. That is a word that describes my mood right now. Why is that, one might ask? Well, you see, I don't know. Hope that helps. It could be the fact that I don't want to be where I am right now, which is work. Not that my weekend promises to be action-packed or anything. Just that I don't want to be here anymore. And I am inflicting upon myself the most exquisite torture known to mankind. I am listening to Celtic Radio. Na, na, na...I love Celtic Radio, but you must understand, for me it is torture.

You see, I have never been to the land of my ancestors. (That would be Scotland.) But I miss it like I would miss breathing if I stopped. I don't understand this homesickness for a land which I have never visited, let alone lived in. I have heard it said that you can take a Scot out of Scotland, but you can never take Scotland out of a Scot. I think this is the case.

So every note of a reel, every ornamentation tugs at my heart. Just reading the description of a Scottish Farmhouse brought tears to my eyes. I don't understand it, but I need to visit there soon or I fear I will go to pieces. So as I listen to bagpipes and whistle and the bodhran, I sit here dreaming that I am inhaling the heady aroma of peat-smoke and heather. Feeling the mist of Scotland touch my face. Listening to the wonderful lilts of the accented speech of the Scot. Upending a glass of ale into my mouth while having conversations with the locals. This is the stuff of dreams.

Well, reality settles in my heart like a stone. Namely, the fact that all of that took about 8 minutes to write and I still have work to do. Goodbye for now!


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A Scotsman Abroad

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