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> A Celtic Christmas 2024, Tune into heart warming musis
Posted: 06-Dec-2024, 06:25 PM
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"A Celtic Christmas"

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It's never too late to tune into our "A Celtic Christmas" broadcast! Thanks to our generous support by our premium members, we have been able to keep this channel going all year and are opening up this channel for free listening for the entire Christmas season. We have also increased our listener capacity to 250 listeners. If we need to bump up the listeners slots this week, we will. You can tune in any time and enjoy the music for the season or any time during 2023!

The Christmas Channel has been added to our Basic Listening in App with no login required. Just download the App and go to Basic to start listening!

Merry Christmas!


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Posted: 21-Dec-2024, 12:20 PM
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Celtic Guardian
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Medieval Kingdom
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A little late this year, but we have switched over to our server the playlist for our Christmas Channel and Highlander Radio. Our local server Christmas playlist is much better than the one we run all year remote you should notice a big difference.

Update: We are having a slight issue with our Christmas channel and have reverted back to the server playlist we had setup. If you tune into Highlander Radio you will hear our better Christmas playlist as well as you can make requests of Christmas songs they will show on our front page.

Sounds like we will have to work on this in 2025!

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