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> King Arthur's Auction House, Prizes for the Game
Posted: 10-Mar-2018, 10:38 AM
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As mentioned in previous posts, we have once again started development of the game.

Recently we completed alot of work with the sign-up, registration process getting some bugs out and making it easier to sign-up. We then expanded our development efforts to the Medieval Kingdom website with some tweaks, better navigation and visuals. An in-game message system and profile system now works with each gamers name on gaming pages.

To complete the website, we are going to begin work on King Arthur's auction house. This will be the place where you can use Gold that you earn during the game to purchase real life items.

Once the auction site is completed, we will then begin work on in-game updates.

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Posted: 20-Mar-2018, 12:37 PM
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That sounds like an interesting concept, you mean like music and items from the Celtic Radio store?

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Posted: 22-Oct-2023, 11:05 AM
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Celtic Guardian
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We could do some items from the store. We are also thinking on cash and crypto prizes. The auction house will work like this:

1. Game reset.
2. Start of Season will run for a period of time. 90 days as an example.
3. Season ends then auction starts for 1 week.
4. Bid using your game winnings.
5. Player with highest bid wins the prize at the end of the auction week.

We are going to start building the auction house. See our latest game thread news.
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