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> Game Reset 10-22-23, We have reset the game date
Posted: 22-Oct-2023, 11:19 AM
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Celtic Guardian
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Medieval Kingdom
Rank #76
232,758 Gold!

A long time ago we said that eventually we are going to work on this little retro game we call Medieval Kingdom.

That time is going to start now, with work on Celtic Radio slowing down the site is working and works well whether you use the website, mobile or app. With our framework solidly built our future focus will switch to 80% for this game development.

I realize that this game is not really being played, but hopefully we can change that with the prospects of the cash or crypto prizes we are going to offer.

Ultimately, the goal of this game is to bring it to an App. At the same time we develop the game further on the website we are going to be setting up a development server to create the gaming app using google's Flutter development system.

We will also leave open the prospect that the gold itself could become a currency under the Cardano blockchain system and hold real value. That is obviously a way off but some of the plans we are considering.

Work will commence with some better email coordination of the game and upon notifying all current and past players of the status of the game, we will start deleting folks accounts that are not playing to open up clan and country slots.

See our other thread about potential prizes:



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Posted: 22-Oct-2023, 11:21 PM
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Lord of the Drink
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Medieval Kingdom
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King of CelticRadio!


I may have gotten a little excited when I read this news! beer_mug.gif

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Posted: 05-Nov-2023, 10:38 AM
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Celtic Guardian
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Medieval Kingdom
Rank #76
232,758 Gold!

We are excited too! We are going to be working on King Arthur's auction house first. This will be a mini scaled down ebay type of system that ties into your Gold for when the season is over and you can cash out with prizes.

We will probably have another game reset once the auction house goes live. This might bring in some players. The game will always be available on Celtic Radio, but eventually we plan on having a stand alone version. Especially if we decide to turn the currency into a real life crypto currency we need to have a better server, database and security.

Funding for when the game is split out of Celtic Radio into a stand alone will be financed by an initial offering of MKC (Medieval Kingdom Coin) - which will be the native currency of the game. This will allow us to hire graphic designers and programmers.

This will be a few years off but it was always our intention once we were done with Celtic Radio development to develop this game.

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