Today we are officially relaunching our site. This is after an effort of almost two years of bringing the website technology up to date and fixing a ton of issues. Today we sit upon enough bandwidth and processing power to provide a great user experience.
It was not always this way, during our early days we struggled with alot of issue. But that is in the past, and we are looking to go to the moon with Celtic Radio.
Our relaunch is focused on the people that support this site. Without our Celtic Radio Founder members this site would not exist for all members and musicians alike.
A few key benefits of joining the Celtic Radio Founder's club:
- Email Services have been officially relaunched. Get your own Celtic Radio email address. - Family History PDF and Coat of Arms download. - Mobile Website App - listen through Desktop, Mobile or App - Host your WordPress site- we include all the tools - Many more features.
Sign-up today and get access to the special Celtic Radio Dashboard - it is a part of our site that is only available to Celtic Radio Founder members and is the central location for all the benefits and features of the club.
Thank you. We would be remiss if we did not mention two behind the scenes guys here in the forum that helped with some or the early direction of the redesign as well as to bounce things off:
They are the admin team behind Celtic Radio and very grateful for their support and friendship. I think they have both been on this site for at least 20 years.
Wonderful news!!! I picked around a bit earlier and love it! And thank you to everyone who worked so hard on the redo. It's been a long time coming, I know and a lot of hard work on everyone's part.
Well, we had an in-depth discussion today about the relaunch. Have received many emails and social media messages so very happy with all of the positive comments!
While the relaunch is mainly about the visual aspects of the site, what we have built is a framework behind the scenes to continue to support our operations. From the network, to the servers to our cloudflare integration.
And then someone today asked - what can we do to support the musicians with all of these changes? The pieces then fell together on our next move!
We will be creating a new class of member account. A musician only Celtic Radio account. The musician class will be completely free and is meant to provide the musician with a website, email address and ability to directly communicate with listeners on our broadcast. The only requirement will be that the musician has submitted 1 CD of their music to the broadcast.
Included with the musician member account will be:
Access to their Music
Special Musician Profile
Free Banner Advertising
Direct access to the broadcast
We all know how hard it can be, financially, for a new musician to get a name and audience out there. This account will provide a bridge to musicians to host their website and email address on our servers and to provide increase focus and attention to their music.
We expect to launch the Celtic Radio Musician accounts soon.
Group: Super Moderator
Posts: 4,816
Joined: 20-Jun-2003 Zodiac: Holly
Realm: The frontier of Penn's Woods
Thanks for the shout out!
I support the separation of church and hate!
IMAGINATION - the freest and largest nation in the world!
One can not profess to be of "GOD" and show intolerence and prejudice towards the beliefs of others.
Am fear nach gleidh na h–airm san t–sith, cha bhi iad aige ’n am a’ chogaidh. He that keeps not his arms in time of peace will have none in time of war.
"We're all in this together , in the parking lot between faith and fear" ... O.C.M.S.
“Beasts feed; man eats; only the man of intellect knows how to eat well.”
"Without food we are nothing, without history we are lost." - SHADOWS
Is iomadh duine laghach a mhill an Creideamh. Religion has spoiled many a good man.
A little update to this. We have locked in on the Celtic Radio Network App for another 3 years. We just could never make the deadline to create our own App before September 1st. Also we are a little behind with setting up WordPress websites - we are going to get caught up soon - we all had a bought of COVID or the FLU not sure which it was!
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