
Reader of souls, vision seeker, TROLL

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Joined: 20-Jun-2003
Birthday: 12-Jul-1952
Total Posts: 4816
Realm: The frontier of Penn's Woods

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As I see it...
Posted by Shadows on Jun 25th, 2009 3:32 PM
...the times seem to be showing their hand...
The sayers of the future have been correct to date!
Watch the news, listen to your heart and be prepared!
The times they are a changing!
A hole in the sky... a loss
Posted by Shadows on Aug 18th, 2008 5:42 PM
Today I lost a good friend, there is a hole in the sky!
A tree that has been here in the 22 years I have lived here is now on the ground!
The tree was here when I 1st moved here and was here when the house was built in the 1950!
It was a Locust tree 100 foot tall and 39 inches across at the base...
It has shaded my family for the years we have lived here, provided a playground for my wifes's cats... and damaged electric wires, phone , and cars , etc.
It had to come down! Rotten in the core!
The history it has seen is only guessed... it was here during the war between the states, and the Souths troops marched right by here... there are confederate graves less the 1/4 mile from here...
As I drove home tonight I saw in the distance the great hole in the sky...
My old friend you will be missed!
There is a hole in the sky!!!!!
Watch the sky...
Posted by Shadows on Mar 4th, 2008 1:20 PM
Over then next several months there will be some unique planitary interaction culminating about mid July. These have not been seen for many, many years.
be quite children...
Posted by Shadows on Nov 17th, 2006 6:18 PM
Be quite children listen to the wind, it speaks in great volume now a days....
A World Of Takers
Posted by Shadows on Sep 2nd, 2006 9:50 AM
The world seems to have evolved into a world of takers, there are a few that share what they know and those that just take what is offered...
I for one am getting irratated about this... we live in a "Give Me Society " with folks wanting everything, but not willing to give anything!
My Signature:I support the separation of church and hate!
IMAGINATION - the freest and largest nation in the world!
One can not profess to be of "GOD" and show intolerence and prejudice towards the beliefs of others.
Am fear nach gleidh na h–airm san t–sith, cha bhi iad aige ’n am a’ chogaidh. He that keeps not his arms in time of peace will have none in time of war.
"We're all in this together , in the parking lot between faith and fear" ... O.C.M.S.
“Beasts feed; man eats; only the man of intellect knows how to eat well.”
"Without food we are nothing, without history we are lost." - SHADOWS
Is iomadh duine laghach a mhill an Creideamh. Religion has spoiled many a good man.
The clan MacEwen |
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