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> A Celtic Christmas, Christmas 2023
Posted: 16-Dec-2023, 11:56 AM
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"A Celtic Christmas"

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It's never too late to tune into our "A Celtic Christmas" broadcast! Thanks to our generous support by our premium members, we have been able to keep this channel going all year and are opening up this channel for free listening for the entire Christmas season. We have also increased our listener capacity to 250 listeners. If we need to bump up the listeners slots this week, we will. You can tune in any time and enjoy the music for the season or any time during 2023!

We are also broadcasting our Celtic Christmas channel on Highlander Radio - if you are not able to connect due to reaching our max listeners, then switch to Highlander Radio.

Also - as of yesterday we our broadcasting our Celtic Christmas channel from our own broadcast server and you will hear a noticeable improvement in the playlist.

Make a Christmas Request today!

Merry Christmas!


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Posted: 16-Dec-2023, 12:05 PM
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I'm seeing all your coding on this post, just so you know...

Quando omni flunkus, moritati

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Posted: 16-Dec-2023, 12:13 PM
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Celtic Guardian
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Medieval Kingdom
Rank #76
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I love how they change system settings without letting you know.

The Christmas Grinch was cloudflare - although that might be too harsh as they do alot of good for us.

Had to update the OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set. I think we are all set now.

I thought they might have been blocking Christmas!

Thank you!
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