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> CelticMusicRadio.com, Our new site is online
Posted: 05-Nov-2023, 11:01 AM
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Celtic Guardian
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Our flashy new website is live and online. Although we still have much work to do, the site itself functions and we are experimenting with some new audio technologies.

Not meant to replace CelticRadio.net, but be more of our razzle dazzle easy to use site when you want to listen quickly and grab the latest news articles from us. It also works fantastically which ever device you bring - computer, phone or tablet.


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Posted: 05-Nov-2023, 11:26 AM
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Celtic Guardian
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Did it wipe all the users out? I have a celticmusicradio.com account, but it's telling me there's no user found.

Quando omni flunkus, moritati

PMEmail Poster                
Posted: 05-Nov-2023, 03:36 PM
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Celtic Guardian
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Medieval Kingdom
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Great question - we plan on synchronizing the database membership base in the future. Right now, even though there is a membership sign up, you have full access to the site.

Once we start working on building out some features we will link the membership with your email address, so if you sign up with an email address on there in the future we will just backfill all of your account details.

Ideally you will be able to register or login on either website and there will be one common membership.

The Celtic Radio membership database remains intact! biggrin.gif
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