It's never too late to tune into our "A Celtic Christmas" broadcast! Thanks to our generous support by our premium members, we have been able to keep this channel going all year and are opening up this channel for free listening for the entire Christmas season. We have also increased our listener capacity to 250 listeners. If we need to bump up the listeners slots this week, we will. You can tune in any time and enjoy the music for the season or any time during 2023!
For Highlander Radio, we are going to try something a little different this year. We will be mixing in some of our best Celtic Christmas tracks in our regular broadcast schedule starting on Monday December 12th and will also open up Christmas requests at that ime.
"May those who love us, love us. And those who hate us, may God turn their hearts. And if he doesn't turn their hearts, may he turn their ankles so we'll know them by their limping." -Celtic Proverbs
Grateful am I to have a sword in which to defend myself at all times, blessed am I for the days I need not use it.
Thanks for your kind comments and holiday greetings!
We are happy to announce that Highlander Radio has gone Christmas! You will find that our Highlander Radio Christmas Playlist is a little better than our Celtic Christmas channel. This is because of the broadcast software we use locally on Highlander Radio, Celtic Moon and Celt-Rock Radio provides better control over playlist rotations.
Update: Tonight we will switch the Celtic Christmas channel over to the Highlander Christmas playlist. Been comparing the two and definitely like our Highlander Christmas. This change will be seamless you can connect to both channels the same way you connect as always.
Our Christmas playlist and requests are now available from the main page and our snow has returned.
Some new Christmas tracks are being added and we have many new recorded holiday greeting messages on both Highlander Radio and the Celtic Christmas channel.
Well after 20 years we are getting good at this, we seamlessly twitched the Celtic Christmas channel over to the Highlander Radio Christmas playlist (no dropping listeners). It is all of the same cherished Christmas songs, just different software runs the backbone.
Any requests will play simultaneous on Highlander Radio and Celtic Christmas. So your favorite Christmas songs will be heard by many, so request a way and Merry Christmas!
** Note that you can use the Highlander Radio music tools for seeing track info, song history and song queue during this time for the Celtic Christmas channel.
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