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> Passing Of Queen Elizabeth, God Save the King
Posted: 08-Sep-2022, 12:32 PM
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Queen Elizabeth II, the UK's longest-serving monarch, has died at Balmoral aged 96, after reigning for 70 years.

Her family gathered at her Scottish estate after concerns grew about her health earlier on Thursday.

The Queen came to the throne in 1952 and witnessed enormous social change.

Prime Minister Liz Truss said the Queen was the rock on which modern Britain was built, and the new King would be known as King Charles III.

Read more from the BBC:


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Posted: 08-Sep-2022, 01:59 PM
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Remarkable woman. Backbone of steel who managed to survive everything thrown at her including all the stuff from her family and rise above it. Quite the legacy for someone who never really gave the crown a thought because she was third in line and didn't expect it.

Quando omni flunkus, moritati

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Posted: 09-Sep-2022, 10:46 AM
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Fine example of good leadership.
The world will be at a big lose without her.

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Am fear nach gleidh na h–airm san t–sith, cha bhi iad aige ’n am a’ chogaidh.
He that keeps not his arms in time of peace will have none in time of war.

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Is iomadh duine laghach a mhill an Creideamh.
Religion has spoiled many a good man.

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Posted: 09-Sep-2022, 01:09 PM
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Sad to see her gone. Quite an inspiration to so many.

"Cuimhnich air na daoine o'n d'thaining thu"
Remember the men from whom you are descended.
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