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> Sad News Today, Celtic Music and Brian O'Donovan
Posted: 07-Oct-2023, 02:56 PM
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Sad to hear today that Brian O'Donovan of GBH's radio show "A Celtic Sojourn" passed away. Brian did a lot to bring Celtic music into the main stream through his radio programs but also though his Celtic Christmas Sojourn shows. His live events and music festivals will be sorely missed to New Englanders.

From GBH:

“His passion for music and his sheer joy in sharing it was abundantly clear to GBH listeners, whether of his weekly show or of his spirited live events,” Susan Goldberg, GBH’s president and CEO, said in a statement. “In more than 35 years with our organization, Brian never met a stranger. His warmth to his colleagues, and his deep commitment to the mission of GBH, will be greatly missed.”

Rest in peace.

You can read a wonderful article from GBH about his life and accomplishments. He will be missed by many in the Irish, Celtic and Scottish music community.


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Posted: 07-Oct-2023, 06:06 PM
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Celtic Guardian
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I am sorry to hear this. I'd caught his seasonal shows during the Christmas season and really enjoyed them. He will be missed. sad.gif

Quando omni flunkus, moritati

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