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> Christmas Memories, Share One With Us
Posted: 03-Dec-2024, 11:45 PM
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OK gang, this may fall flat on it's face, but let's give it a whirl.

I know things can get over commercialized, but I love the Christmas season. With so much negativity nowadays (Aren't you THRILLED the election is over!!) I thought it would be fun to share a Christmas or holiday memory that means a lot to you, makes you smile, or whatever.

Here goes. My dad always bought a Christmas tree every year. He was Kentucky hillbilly and it was just something he had always done. One year, I guess things were pretty tight (Looking back, I guess we were poor, but Mom and Dad never told us!!). We had no Christmas tree. Then, Dad walked in on Christmas Eve with a really nice looking tree. It shocked my mom! He said he bought it from a Jewish guy that had a tree lot. He told my dad, "I'll not give it to you for nothing!! You must pay $1.00!!"

For some reason, that just still cracks me up to this day.

So, tell us! What is a special Christmas/holiday memory that brings a smile to your face or a warm glow to your spirit? Come on, tell us! Maybe we will get to hear from some old friends that used to inhabit these forums back in the day.

Have a blessed Christmas, everyone!

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The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble, and he knoweth them that trust in him - Nahum 1:7 (KJV)
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Posted: 04-Dec-2024, 04:27 AM
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I love that! We were poor for a long time too.


Newer memory: We have two girls and when they were little, 101 Dalmatians was the thing. Mickey D's was doing them for their Happy Meals and they did all 101 so of course, the girls had to each have a complete set. Yes, I ended up with 202 Happy Meal Dalmatians. The next year, they weren't bothering with them much anymore and I was tired of moving them around so when it came time to put the tree up, I ended up using them for the ornaments on the tree. We had a vaulted ceiling and a 12 foot tree and it ended up being pretty spectacular looking. It's just one of those memories I'll always keep close because it was their last year of Happy Meal must haves. But it was a lot of fun!

Merry Christmas!

Quando omni flunkus, moritati

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