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Sonee Posted on: 21-Sep-2011, 03:51 PM

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Views: 9,859
This is a short story I wrote a few years ago. I have tried to get it published without success. Any suggestions to that end would be greatly appreciated! I hope you enjoy! It's rather long (5 pages) so I'm not sure whether to attach it or just paste it. For now I will just paste it. If that is problematic for anyone (including and especially the moderator!) please let me know and I will change it in the future.


Curse of the Cards
by Sonja Lindsey
Lord Glamis walked quietly down a hallway on the lowest level of his castle. Every now and then he stopped and glanced behind him, listening and looking for anyone following him. As he rounded the corner he saw his friend Alexander Lindsay waiting for him. They shook hands and began talking in hushed voices.
“Listen” began Lord Glamis, “we canna make any noise. Ma wife daesna like me playing cairts or drinkin.”
“No noise? Are ye daft, man? We canna play cairts athoot some noise! And nae drinkin?” Alexander threw his hands up in an air of frustration.
“Listen tae me speak, man. That’s why we’re meetin here. This is a secret room. Ma wife daesna know aboot it. It’s a wee room though. Nae much space and nae windaes for air.”
“Why didna ye jus say so! Lead on, man. Let’s play some cairts.” Alexander thumped him on the back, harder than was needed, as Lord Glamis lead him into the secret room.
Materializing around the corner was the Lord’s most trusted servant, Thomas. In more whispered tones he ordered Thomas to bring drink and food to the secret room, specifically in that order. Before he let Thomas go he admonished him to keep the errand secret from everyone, especially Lady Glamis, under pain of death. Having secured their gaming provisions, Lord Glamis continued on his way and ushered Alexander into the secret room. The two men had barely sat down to begin their game when Thomas entered the room with their first large pitcher of ale followed shortly by two large plates of pulled beef and bread.
The men played many hands of cards, interrupted periodically by Thomas refreshing their pitcher or plate as needed. On one of these occasions Thomas observed the time and reminded the Lord and the Earl that it was nearing midnight.
“It’s n’er to the Sabbath, ma Laird.” Thomas cautioned. Everyone knew it was a sacrilege to play cards on the Sabbath so Thomas thought this would be enough to end the game. Neither man took any notice of him however, as they continued to take in more drink then food.
At five minutes to midnight Thomas again warned his Lord about the impending Sabbath and, though he had consumed enough ale to be quite fuzzy in the head it was not enough for him to purposely break the Sabbath.
“Ah, Alex ma freend, you’ve nearly broken me! As it is near tae the Sabbath let us call it a night.”
“I care not whit day o the week ‘tis! Couarts ye are if yi’ll nae play me. Ye donna like losin is what ‘tis! I am on such a streak I would play the verra Devil hisself!”
For a split second neither of the other men in the room knew quite what to do. That was an awfully heavy curse Alexander had just brought down upon himself.
Trembling in fear Lord Glamis retreated to his bedchamber without uttering a word. At the very stroke of midnight a stranger appeared, seemingly out of nowhere, standing framed in the doorway to the secret room. He was tall and dressed all in black.
“Are ye still lookin for a partner, ma laird?”
“Aye, if ye arna feart of the Sabbath” was Alexander’s reply.
The stranger sat down without another word and placed a handful of rubies in the middle of the table. Alexander’s eyes became saucers and he quickly took his seat at the table.
Meanwhile, Thomas’ curiosity was overpowering his fear and he headed back toward the secret room. He had been watching from the shadows on an upper floor and never saw the Earl return to his room. Wondering if the Earl had possibly managed to find someone to play card with him on the Sabbath, Thomas crept silently up to the door to the secret room.
First he laid his ear to the door. He could hear the shuffling of cards and an occasional grunt from the Earl but no other voices could be heard. After a few minutes of listening he heard a shout from Alexander that turned into a tortured scream. Thomas immediately put his eye to the keyhole to see what was happening. What he saw was the most horrible thing he had ever witnessed. The Earl of Crawford was completely engulfed in flames that were shooting from the fingertips of the stranger.
Thomas must have gasped in shock or made some other form of noise because the stranger turned to look at him. Thomas had just a split second to register that the strangers’ eyes were also on fire before a brilliant blast of white-hot light shot through the keyhole blinding him. Thomas’ scream alerted the household, many of whom came running to his side including Lord Glamis. Upon hearing the tale Thomas told, Lord Glamis immediately ordered the door opened so he could check on his friend. They tried every conceivable method of getting that door open but to his great anguish nothing worked. Any attempts to converse with the Earl through the immovable door failed to raise a response as well. The Earl had vanished.
Lord Glamis rested his hands on the door with a sob refusing to accept that his friend was gone. All at once the door became superheated and he had to jump away or risk being severely burned. Rubbing his hands in pain he stared at the door in confusion. He reached out a hand in a tentative attempt to touch the door again when he heard it.
“Leave me to me fate. Forget.”
“Alex?” Lord Glamis looked around frantically, trying to see where the voice had come from. Nobody else in the hallway seemed to have heard the voice. But they had heard him and were looking at him with a mix of pity and confusion. He turned back to the door and heard it again only this time it came with a warning.
“Leave me to me fate. Forget or repeat.”
When Lord Glamis reached out to touch the door again it immediately heated up. He sent everyone out of the hallway straight away and ordered it sealed. Nobody would ever find their way into this hallway again. Lord Glamis tried to follow his friends’ instruction but he could never forget. And every year, on the anniversary of the Earl’s disappearance Lord Glamis swears he sees his friend walk through the sealed wall saying “leave me to me fate”.

  Forum: Celtic Hearts  ·  Post Preview: #302862

Sonee Posted on: 11-Aug-2009, 11:34 AM

Replies: 6
Views: 641
Wow, that was....interesting. Honestly it is rather disturbing. Funny, yes, but still disturbing. While SOME of what he said was worth listening to, that kind of thing is what gives the anti-Obama camp a bad name! I don't know whether to laugh or cry or just get mad!

BTW, you owe me ten points....I didn't laugh at all!
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #284949

Sonee Posted on: 11-Aug-2009, 01:24 AM

Replies: 62
Views: 2,767
That was exactly my point.....even though/if he didn't PERSONALLY order the blockage the ability of anyone or any group or any organization to block things like this can only be done because Obama allows it in other areas or in other things. People are realizing that the 'powers that be' are trampling on our constitution in all sorts of ways so they feel comfortable and/or obligated and/or like it is their 'right' to stop others from enjoying thier rights.

I really don't see how the trampling of our constitution and usurping of our rights one by one right out from under our noses is not pressing. What difference does any other problem we have make if we have no freedoms? You say that this is not circumventing our constitution but actually it is. This is how it starts, and it picks up speed by people like you who don't see anything wrong with what has happened, don't see the bigger picture. If nothing is done about this in a properly outraged manner the kinds of people that perpetrate this kind of censor gain power and confidence and things begin to escalate until it is too late.

This in and of itself may not be the worst thing the world has seen, but it is the troubling beginning of a road we do NOT want to travel down. To avoid the kinds of atrocities the rest of us can see coming it is time we nip this in the bud.
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #284912

Sonee Posted on: 11-Aug-2009, 12:53 AM

Replies: 118
Views: 4,682
Exactly, Shamrock. I'm pretty sure that nobody in their right mind honestly believes that Barack Hussein Obama is really the antichrist but come on people....

He refuses to put his hand over his heart during the national anthem.....
He tells foreign governments that we are a muslim nation.....
He is attempting to nationalize every major industry in the country so that he and his regime can control everything.....
He is trying to control what we see, hear, and even what we think.....

There is very little GOOD being done and very much BAD....oh sure, maybe a very bare FEW of his things are having a very bare MINIMUM of a good effect, (of course I can't actually point one out but I'm sure someone somewhere will make up, i mean come up with something) but in the long run EVERYTHING he is doing is bad. He is turning our country into at best a socialist country and at worst a totalitarian country. Look for the red curtain soon to be dropping all around our border....except for the one with Mexico....more freeloading uninsured/underinsured people taking hard working americans jobs and tax money to live high on the hog, not learn any English but expect ME to learn Spanish are very much welcome.

Just for the record, before any of you bleeding hearts start shouting 'racist' I have absolutely no problem with anyone crossing the border to come here and live....as long as it is in a legal manner, follows the laws put in place for the protection of AMERICA and AMERICANS and actually learns the language of the country in which they CHOOSE to live.
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #284911

Sonee Posted on: 10-Aug-2009, 10:51 AM

Replies: 2,901
Views: 296,013
Hey all! I've been gone for so long I almost forgot how good it was to talk to everyone here! I haven't had time to read all the posts I've missed (it has been over a year so there are quite a few unread ones!) but I will catch up on all the goings on. In the meantime I hope that everone is well and things are going good for you all.

As for me, I graduated from college, FINALLY, in May with a double bachelor's degree in Creative Writing and History. This fall I will begin work on my master's degree only this time the school is going to pay for my tuition and, if I teach and/or tutor in the writing center they will also pay me a stipend. So I'm on my way to a master's degree now. I'm also working on a novel and a 100 pg short story. Hopefull, by this time next year I will be a published author!

On a sadder note my marriage dissolved over the summer. I am now living on my own with my two kids. While it's good for me, he doesn't seem to be taking it so well and things are a bit tense there. Even though he is the one who told me to get out. Oh well, gotta deal with what life hands you so now me and the kids are on a wonderful adventure of self-discovery.

Well, I have to get to my summer job so I'll have to end it here. Again I hope everyone is well and I'm glad to be able, once again, to talk with my friends here. I really did miss you all!!
  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #284870

Sonee Posted on: 09-Aug-2009, 10:37 PM

Replies: 62
Views: 2,767
Well, once again I find myself compelled to add my voice to the many already here.....

I don't think it really matters at this point WHO actually instigated the blocking of the station. The fact that it was blocked, then that blockage was reported, then NOTHING was done about it proves that there is a problem somewhere and that problem almost HAS to be fairly high up on the food chain. If it was just a basic software/hardware/wiring/ISP problem then whoever's side that problem was on would go about fixing it and get the station up and running agian. If it is not getting fixed in due time then that is because someone is ordering it NOT to get fixed. No matter WHO that person is, the order is a direct violation of our rights. Regardless of who issued the order. THAT is the problem that needs to be addressed and our lackluster president should be the one to do it....IF he actually cares about our rights, which it doesn't appear that he does.
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #284866

Sonee Posted on: 09-Aug-2009, 10:05 PM

Replies: 118
Views: 4,682
Thanks for the welcome Shamrock...it's been a long, volatile summer and I have so missed everyone here! Now...

I may be completely off base here (honestly I wouldn't know since this particular phenomenon has never actually happened to me before! biggrin.gif ) but...

isn't it entirely possible that nobody actually believes in the very words of this 'satirical internet posting' and are instead commenting on the bigger picture it brings to mind? Maybe, instead of arguing over exorcism, or the anti-christ and whether or not Obama is said being (which none of us would probably know anyway until it was too late, that is supposed to be the point isn't it?) we should be discussing the irreparable damage being done to our country and our constitution by those so wrongfully put in charge.

Perhaps the reason people keep putting flaming pieces like this on the internet is because they have no other way to explain the atrocities being perpetrated on the United States and the American people. It's a case of no word, phrase or explitive in any language being able to describe or explain the level of incompetence calling themselves our government.

Power to the People....unless you live in the U.S where the government is slowly and stealthily sucking the power from the people and growing tyrannically and authoritatively stronger, all under the noses of the brainwashed masses.
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #284863

Sonee Posted on: 09-Aug-2009, 12:25 AM

Replies: 118
Views: 4,682
Ahh....how nice it is to come back after a long absence and find that things haven't changed that much.....'the story is the same, only the names have changed'....fantastic!

Let the establishment bashing begin....or continue....or increase....or maybe all three, take your pick!!!

For what it's worth my money's on the Bugs Bunny theory!!! Makes as much sense as anything else!
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #284750

Sonee Posted on: 08-Dec-2007, 01:07 AM

Replies: 3
Views: 987
Thank you. I appreciate that!
  Forum: Short Stories  ·  Post Preview: #221577

Sonee Posted on: 07-Dec-2007, 10:08 PM

Replies: 3
Views: 987
Okay ya'll...I'm trying to get this story published and I would be extremely grateful for any feedback that might help!! Here goes...btw it's about 906 words so it will be pretty long, please bear with me...

Earl Beardie
By Sonja Jackson

It is the year 1428 in the village of Glamis (pronounced Glahmz for those of you not familiar with the Gaelic language) in the country of Scotland. Alexander Lindsay has been invited to stay at the castle of his friend the 2nd Lord of Glamis. Here follows the true account of Alexander, “Earl Beardie”, the 4th Earl of Crawford.

“Listen,” said Lord Glamis, “We canna mak ony soond. Ma wife daesna like ma playing cairts or ma drink.”

“Nae soond? Are ye daft gadgie?! We canna play cairts athoot a din! And nae drink?” Alexander threw his hands up in an air of frustration.

“Thare is ah spence that is dern. Ma wife daesna ken aboot it. We coud play thare?” Was Lord Glamis whispered reply.

“Why didna ye say so! Lead the gate gadgie!” Alexander thumped him on the back, probably harder than was needed, as Lord Glamis lead him to the secret room.

On the way Lord Glamis caught the arm of his most trusted servant, Thomas. In whispered tones he ordered Thomas to bring drink and food to the secret room, specifically in that order, but admonished him to keep the errand secret from everyone, especially Lady Glamis, under pain of death. Having secured their gaming provisions, Lord Glamis continued on his way and ushered Alexander into the secret room. The two men had barely sat down to begin their game when Thomas entered the room with their first large pitcher of ale followed shortly by two large plates of pulled beef and bread. The men played many hands of cards, interrupted periodically by Thomas refreshing their pitcher or plate as needed. On one of these occasions Thomas observed the time and reminded the Lord and the Earl that it was nearing midnight.

“It’s n’er to the Sabbath, ma Laird.” Everyone knew it was a sacrilege to play cards on the Sabbath.

Neither man took any notice of Thomas, however, as they continued to take in more drink than food. At five minutes to midnight Thomas again warned his Lord about the impending Sabbath and, though he had consumed enough ale to be quite fuzzy in the brain it was not enough for him to purposely break the Sabbath. After the last hand had been won by Alexander, Lord Glamis announced that he was through and was turning in. This made Alexander furious as he was on a winning streak and cared nothing for the sanctity of the Sabbath.

“I care not whit day o the week it is!” Alexander roared. “Ye are aw couarts ye are! If yese will nae play wit me, then I woud play the verra Devil hisself!”

Trembling in fear Lord Glamis retreated to his bedchamber hoping to avoid the curse that the Earl had surly called down upon himself. At the very stroke of midnight a stranger appeared at the door to the secret room. He was tall and dressed all in black. He asked the drunken, pacing Earl if he was still interested in playing cards.

“Aye, if ye arna feart of the Sabbath.”

The stranger sat down without a word and placed a handful of rubies in the middle of the table. Alexander’s eyes became saucers and he quickly took his seat at the table.

Meanwhile, Thomas’ curiosity was overpowering his fear and he headed back toward the secret room. He had been watching from the shadows and never saw the Earl return to his room but yet his shouting for a partner had ceased. Wondering who the Earl could have possibly gotten to play cards with him on the Sabbath, Thomas crept silently up to the door to the secret room. First he laid his ear to the door. He could hear the shuffling of cards and an occasional grunt from the Earl but no other voices could be heard. After a few minutes of listening he heard a shout from Alexander that turned into a tortured scream. Thomas immediately put his eye to the keyhole to see what was happening. What he saw was the most horrible thing he had ever witnessed. The Earl of Crawford was completely engulfed in flames that were emanating from the fingertips of the stranger. Thomas must have gasped in shock or made some other form of noise for the stranger turned to look at him. Thomas had just a split second to register that the strangers’ eyes looked as though they were on fire also before a brilliant blast of bright light shot through the keyhole blinding him. Thomas’ scream alerted the household, many of whom came running to his side including Lord Glamis. Upon hearing the tale Thomas told, Lord Glamis immediately ordered the door opened but none in the house could do so. He tried every conceivable method of getting that door open so he could determine the fate of his friend. To his great anguish no method was successful and any attempts to converse with the Earl through the immovable door failed to raise a response.

Alexander Lindsay, the 4th Earl of Crawford was never seen again and over time the exact location of the secret room was lost. Thomas went to his grave convinced that ‘Earl Beardie’ lost his soul to the Devil in a card game and Lord Glamis never spoke of the incident again, nor did he ever play another game of cards for the rest of his life.
  Forum: Short Stories  ·  Post Preview: #221518

Sonee Posted on: 07-Dec-2007, 01:58 PM

Replies: 34
Views: 1,307
There is definately some compelling information in that video and, as was mentioned earlier, with our governments penchant for lying and cover ups it becomes even more compelling. Perhaps if each individual item was taken on its own merit (speaking of every shaky 'event' that has happened in American history) it could be explained away but when you put everything together and look at the whole picture it becomes much harder to explain away.


Don't know if I copied that link properly John, but I tried!
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #221435

Sonee Posted on: 30-Oct-2007, 08:06 PM

Replies: 25
Views: 1,715
Hey all,

I'm gonna bring this back to the top by posting here. There are quite a few people logged on right now and those of us in Live Chat would LOVE to have any and all of you join us there!

Trust me, you won't regret checking it out!! Give it a try...what do you have to lose?? A few hours of really insane fun and conversation?

I dare you all to log on...
  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #214365

Sonee Posted on: 24-Oct-2007, 02:58 PM

Replies: 25
Views: 1,715
At this point I'll try anything! Java apps aren't the only thing my computer is having problems with. Perhaps it is just the computer in general. I believe I will look into getting a new one, probably a laptop so I can access this forum from anywhere at anytime! I'll let you know what happens with the download.

Thanks A Shrule Egan and Aaediwen.

  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #213046

Sonee Posted on: 17-Oct-2007, 08:11 AM

Replies: 25
Views: 1,715
I'm not intentionally denying the app. I'm not being prompted for anything. There is something that pops up but I always allow it. (I'm not sure what it is but it's similar to an activeX control).

How do I check my java settings? (as you can tell I'm not very good with this internet stuff!)

I'll play around with it and see what I can do until you get back to me.
  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #211880

Sonee Posted on: 16-Oct-2007, 04:21 PM

Replies: 25
Views: 1,715
Okay, well now I actually have something other than a blank screen but I can't seem to do anything with it. I have five drop down menus across the top and a row of smilie face icons on the left side of the screen. None of the drop down menus seem to work though. If I go to Name login or register name in the first drop down menu I get Script Prompt: enter your password. Now what?
  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #211658

Sonee Posted on: 16-Oct-2007, 03:51 PM

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Views: 1,715
okay, I'm still getting nothing. I have the chat window open right now and it is blank. I right click and hit refresh and still nothing. This is getting really frustrating!
  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #211653

Sonee Posted on: 15-Oct-2007, 06:44 PM

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Views: 1,715
I get the pop up window but it is blank. As far as I know I have no blockers enabled or anything. Is there something else that might be interfering?
  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #211426

Sonee Posted on: 13-Oct-2007, 08:59 PM

Replies: 25
Views: 1,715
How? Everytime I hit the 'live chat' link on the menu it opens a blank window. Am I doing something wrong?
  Forum: General Discussion  ·  Post Preview: #211062

Sonee Posted on: 12-Oct-2007, 03:10 PM

Replies: 33
Views: 944
Hello JC! Thank you for posting the link. It does work and when I have time I will check it out and get back to you. For now, and please don't take offense at this, as much as you claim people who discredit this film are delusional couldn't they say the same about anyone who believes it?
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #210852

Sonee Posted on: 12-Oct-2007, 09:48 AM

Replies: 33
Views: 944
That doesn't answer my question. I get that you feel everything the Bush administration has done is for ulterior motives. What I'm asking is for you to pinpoint specific events and explain how it was deliberate on the part of Bush. What deliberate action did Bush and/or his administration do that lead to the felling of the Twin Towers? And, if it was deliberate on the part of the administration what was the ultimate goal? War in Iraq? The destruction of Saddam Hussein? If everything that happened to propel us into a war with Iraq was deliberate that means that there had to be people in the background pulling the strings to 'deliberately' cause those planes to crash into those buildings. Conspiracy is one thing but deliberately sabotaging events to create ones own end is entirely different. Take Pearl Harbor, for instance...the government
"deliberately" chose to ignore the information that Japan was going to attack hoping that the result would be that they could finally enter the war with public support. That does not mean that they help to orchastrate that attack or that they in any way had anything to do with the planning or carrying out of said attack. Instead of 'deliberate action' it's more a case of 'deliberate INaction'.
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #210811

Sonee Posted on: 11-Oct-2007, 03:07 PM

Replies: 33
Views: 944
QUOTE (stoirmeil @ 11-Oct-2007, 10:35 AM)
You think you might be giving them a little too much credit for actual deliberation?

Good point, Stoirmeil. Using the word 'deliberate' implies a level of intelligent reasoning that I don't think they are capable of!

For the sake of argument lets go with it, though. In what ways, JC, was it deliberate action and not unfortunate mistakes? Is it possible that what you call deliberate was actually incompetence?
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #210710

Sonee Posted on: 10-Oct-2007, 01:19 PM

Replies: 33
Views: 944
QUOTE (John Clements @ 08-Oct-2007, 03:00 PM)
You see what I want most of all… is RESTATUTION

So basically you're saying that the outcome of an impeachment investigation and (possible) subsequent trial isn't really that important. What you want is for the investigation to lay bare all of the misconduct and mishandling for all the world to see, for the truth to come out publically and irrevocably so everyone will know once and for all every mistake made by this administration. Is that an accurate assessment?

If my understanding of your point is correct, that the ultimate goal is not the actual impeachment of Bush (although that would be a boon) but a revelation of what actually took place within the administration during his 'reign', then impeach away! I'm all for getting at the truth and making it as public as it can possibly be. But I don't believe for a second that if an impeachment investigation were begun it would yield honest results. I think that anyone assigned to this investigation would either be as corrupt as the administration they were investigating, bought off, or simply made to disappear. How can we even hope to find restitution when we don't know who to trust?
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #210500

Sonee Posted on: 08-Oct-2007, 01:51 PM

Replies: 33
Views: 944
Would impeachment do any good, though? Impeaching the "Bush Crime Family" would really serve no purpose because the family and the administration's reputations have already been forever damaged (by its own actions) for those who dislike them, and for those who still support the 'family' well...if they still fully support him after all of this they're obviously dilusional so their opinions won't be affected by an impeachment. No offense intended but I think that impeaching is nothing more than a public relations ploy, a way of publically 'branding' a president but having no real affect on the person or his position. In other words impeaching Bush won't erase the war in Iraq or fix any of the problems that the Bush administration created. In fact it would be nothing more than a band-aid on a broken leg. Even if you could officially convict Bush and his administration of misconduct, what good would that do? Most of the world already believes him guilty so slapping and 'official' label on him won't change anything. I think we need to forget about Bush and his entire family and focus on finding the person or persons who can help fix this mess.

On a side note...if all Bush wanted was the oil, how could he expect to hold on to it once he is out of office? Unless he expected to have some control over who took over the office after him, there is no way he can guarantee his policies will be upheld by the next president. For all he knows the next person to take over the presidency could immediately pull all of our troops out of the Middle East and let them sink or swim on their own. What would happen to his precious oil then? While that may have been part of his agenda I think there was way more to it than that.
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #210204

Sonee Posted on: 08-Oct-2007, 12:27 PM

Replies: 9
Views: 2,100
Yaay!! This is soo cool!! Thanks a bunch!
  Forum: Celtic Radio  ·  Post Preview: #210195

Sonee Posted on: 24-May-2007, 10:41 PM

Replies: 83
Views: 1,489
You don't fly the flag because it, personally, has done something for you. You dont' stop flying the flag, or fly it improperly, because it, personally, has done something to you. You fly it out of respect for what it stands for. If you stop respecting what it stands for, or lose faith in the people behind what it stands for, then there is no reason not to show that in the way you fly the flag. Whenever you drive by someone's house and they are flying a flag in their front yard your first thought (or at least my first thought) is 'there is a patriotic American who supports his country". Now, if I drove by a house with an upside down flag I would think "there is a patriotic American upset with his country". Or something like that. It's just an effigy used to represent a bigger entity.

If the flag truly represents "your right to disagree out loud with GWB and the rest of the Government" as you said Nova Scotian, then why can't we use that representation itself to disagree out loud? We don't have those freedoms because of a flag but because of the men and women who fight and die to protect this country and the men and women who fight in Washington to keep those amendments from getting trampled by wayward administrations.

Saying that people can't fly Old Glory upside down is like saying the Ten Commandments can't be displayed in public because it might offend certain members of a community. Either we are tolerant of everone's right to express their opinions in whatever way they see fit or we have to be intolerant of every single opinion expressed in public. You can't have it both ways: Allow public expressions when you agree with the sentiment but not when you disagree with it.
  Forum: Politics & Current Events  ·  Post Preview: #195847

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