One of my Aunts traced the Lawrence side all the way back to the Mayflower. She did this so she could join DAR. Now my daughter would like to join so I am getting all the information needed. Keeping it going daughter, granddaughter and I. We even found out there were Free Masons on that side.
Hopes are towers in the skies Dreams are wings taking flight
The Boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best Shadowy and vague. Who shall say where one ends and the other begins
I have gotten back to the 1500's on my mothers side (Bruce and Duncan) but only to about 1800 on my fathers side ( Nash, Shoemaker). Found some really interesting stuff tho.
I haven't really started, but I know that my dad's maternal grandfather was an orphan so that's as far back as I can go there.
Mike F.
May the Irish hills caress you. May her lakes and rivers bless you. May the luck of the Irish enfold you. May the blessings of Saint Patrick behold you.
As of today I am the year 1732 Londonderry Ulster. My goal is to go to Belfast and see how much further I can go back in my family's genalogy past. Today I received a copy of letter requesting a pension of $91.57 from a Revoluntary War Soldier. This soldier is 6 generations removed from me if my math is correct. The date of this letter is 31 Dec. 1835. I am working on my family's lineage to join the SAR for the male heirs and female heirs for the DAR.
My maternal grandfather has been the family (by which I basically mean clan, as it's fairly extensive) genealogist for several years now. But like most people here, so far he's only gotten it to whenever someone has crossed the pond, whether that was in the early 1600s or a few generations ago. We know when part of our family came over from Ireland, but not when they got to Ireland from Scotland, for example. The maiden name of the woman who came to the US was Bugge, and I can't for the life of me find that anywhere, though it's Anglo-sounding. I'd like to be able to find traces of our family while they were still in Europe, but I hardly have time at the moment.
My dad just got some information from his side of the family, but I haven't gotten a chance to look at it yet. I know that we'll only be able to go back a little ways for part of that side, as my great-grandmother never told anyone who the father of her daughter was. Oh well, it's a journey, no?
Thanks!!!! I figured if there was a place I could go to ask that, this would be that place! Denmark and Norway would be very new editions to my family's heritage. I didn't think we liked it that far north! lol I'll have to let my grandfather know
Group: Celtic Nation
Posts: 1
Joined: 01-Feb-2011 Zodiac: Oak
QUOTE (Harlot @ 20-Apr-2008, 02:43 PM)
I've tracing for a little while now and know that my great grandfather Edward King immigrated from England in 1855 when he was 10 or 11 not sure what his parents names are, been having problems finding that. He settled down In Jamestown Indiana,married Sarah (last name n/a). They had one son named James Arthur,born 1882 My grandmother's side, John Kankamp, her father was born in Indaina in June of 1849 and his parents came from Germany. His wife Mandy was born in July of 1833 in Indiana.I can't find a last name for her.I know her parents came from England and Indiana.They had 4 sons and a daughter my grandmother Pearl. In 1910 James and Pearl were living in Jamestown Indiana. They had 3 sons and 2 daughters one of which was my father Raymond Arthur King. In 1930 they moved to Bronson Michigan. He married my mother Pauline Davis in April 1950 and had my brother James Arthur and I,Mitzie Rae. I know about my mother's side of her family,they were better at keeping records. A man that I work with his sister is going to see if she can help me with all my unanswered questions,she likes to do that so have at Judy and a BIG THANKS TO HER.
If you want to know about the Kankamps contact me. My mother & your father were cousins. Mandy = Amanda Ellen Sailor b July 21,1857 In d Feb 21,1946 Bronson, MI married June 18,1882 Steuben Co., IN Pam
My grandfather got all the way back to 1647 on one side.
The other side is a bit more difficult. Apparently, during WWII, the area outside Glasgow( Bridgeton) was heavily bombarded with VI & VII rockets. A lot of records were lost.
I have the copies of my Great-grandparents marriage, and my grandfather's birth certificate. But, that is where it stops. My grandfather immigrated in 1905, at age 10.
David S. R. Clark, Administrative Sergeant-Major _______________________________________________________________________________ Teton & District Performing Arts (Bagpipes~Drums~Vocalists~Highland Dancers)
Hi. I have a cousin that went to Ireland about 25 to 30 years ago and he found one or two cousins there. His name is Mark Waters. He met with our long lost cousins in Ireland and matched our family tree with theres. and sure enough it matched. I would love to keep in contact with them. We might have lost contact for a while. We are yet to get in contact again. We live in Australia now. My family left by ship about 150 - 200 hundred years ago. My name is Danielle.
My cousins name is Mark Waters. My mothers name is Pauline Jenkins. My name is Danielle Edwards. My cousin Mark Waters went to Ireland about 25 - 30 years ago, to find some cousins he researched through the family tree, that did not migrate to Australia. and he found one or two of them. They, i hope will remember this meeting my cousin way back, and i am wanting to find them and to keep in contact with them. . daniellechristine38@.
Not a good idea to post your email; address.
This post has been edited by Shadows on 25-Oct-2017, 12:12 PM
Did the Ancestry thing last year but I only started working on the tree about two weeks ago. So far the earliest is on my mom's side to a Giovanni Erspamer in 1735. On my Dad's side there is a Stephen Kelly (married to Joan Rickard) that goes back to 1772 in Cornwall.
Unavoidably Detained by the World
"Irishness is not primary a question of birth or blood or language; it is the condition on being involved in the Irish situation, and usually of being mauled by it."-Conor Cruise O'Brien
My wife can trace her heritage back to one of three brothers who fought for the Jacobites at Culloden.
Me, I can go back 4 generations and in that time I have a bootlegger during prohibition, are member of the KKK and the victim of an unsolved murder. Why on Earth would I want to keep digging?
Kent & Krista Halloran
"Only when the last tree has been cut down, the last fish been caught, and the last stream poisoned, will we realize we cannot eat money.” - Unknown
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