IMAGINATION - the freest and largest nation in the world!
One can not profess to be of "GOD" and show intolerence and prejudice towards the beliefs of others.
Am fear nach gleidh na h–airm san t–sith, cha bhi iad aige ’n am a’ chogaidh. He that keeps not his arms in time of peace will have none in time of war.
"We're all in this together , in the parking lot between faith and fear" ... O.C.M.S.
“Beasts feed; man eats; only the man of intellect knows how to eat well.”
"Without food we are nothing, without history we are lost." - SHADOWS
Is iomadh duine laghach a mhill an Creideamh. Religion has spoiled many a good man.
It truly is an interesting story to follow about where our ancestors came from, if there is a link to Russia with there many red heads and Ireland too.
This kind of stuff is so very interesting. It turns everything we think we know about the Irish culture on its ear. The scientific tools to provide this kind of information are just amazing as are the people who discover, research, & prove or disprove the theories.
That was a great article that highlights how developing technology increases or adds more mysteries to the past. Molecular genetics and genomics has shed light on how early Europeans interbred with Neanderthals and how Asians interbreed with Denisovans. There is no telling what we will learn of the fields of genetics and genomics continue to grow!
Realm: Camp Chaos, Wilds of the Kitsap Woods, Port Orchard, Kitsap County, Washington, North America, Northern Hemisphere, Planet Earth
I believe that the Neanderthals gave the human race red hair, green eyes, and freckles. It was in a National Geographic cover story a few years ago. I recently had my DNA tested for the NatGeo Genographic Project and I am 1.9% Neanderthal. That tickles the cockles of my little heart.
I have heard that hypothesis as well in regards to the green eyes and red head. It seems that the red hair hair and paler skin has to due with variant versions of the MRC1 gene. Though there hasn't been evidence to link the same variant between modern humans and Neanderthals yet. It may just be a result of convergent evolution.
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