I just thought(since I am attempting to learn photoshop) that I would put a thread up with some of my attempts. I felt the need to share this one...out of sadness and...I dunno...i think its like my stories in that its a glimpse into my soul...anyway..here it is..as always, feedback is welcome.
'Dying for being different is still better than living as a Sheep'-anon
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Joined: 09-Oct-2003 Zodiac: Holly
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WOW! Can't say quite what is impressing me so, I guess that it's the mix of real photos with CG imagry like that. And it wasn't the resources of mega-corp to do it either.
Some pretty severe expressions in there, and the broken picture can only mean one thing. (at least, I thought so) It's so expressive you tend to forget how much work was put into it, and how well it was done. Good work man. You got the focus off the photo-chop and onto the scene.
"I am a Canadian by birth, but I am a Highlander by blood and feel under an obligation to do all I can for the sake of the Highlanders and their literature.... I have never yet spoken a word of English to any of my children. They can speak as much English as they like to others, but when they talk to me they have to talk in Gaelic."
-Alexander Maclean Sinclair of Goshen (protector of Gaelic Culture)
Thanks for the compliments,Raven. YEah, the broken picture is a representation of my divorce(thats a pic from our wedding day). Everything has a reason too, even some of the pieces and where some of the blood is. Thanks for digging it.
i know i said i wasnt going to post any more here but i was really proud of myself with this one and thought i'd share it with my extended family on celtic.
Wow! This is on a whole new level. So clean, man. Your learning curve just spiked, buddy. What prog are you using, because this looks like a far cry from my cheap ps.
One critique, this could use a nice 8-10 pixel wide border. Something dark, but not necesarily black. (a deep, and very dark forest green, so close to black you can just tell there's a hue) Try it and see how it looks. It's that final piece of contrast that wraps up an image, giving it a finished look.
Thanks for tha critique,Raven. I will try the border and see how it turns out.
I use photoshop 7.0 deluxe....and lots of time and lots of tutorials online. But, most of what I do I have discovered by accident(ie, this one) by asking myself"ok..what happens if..."
The more I learn the more I find photoshop very customizable as far as textures, brushes, almsot everything. Its a great prog once you show it who's boss.
Group: Super Moderator
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Joined: 09-Oct-2003 Zodiac: Holly
Realm: Kentucky
You are quite a talented artist, Urian. Your spirit is quite dark. Darkness with a voice that cries to be heard. Something wants to tell me though that you probably don't come off as a dark personality to people who know you personally. It's channelled into your creative works. Quite amazing what you've done wuith PS.
I'm speechless ! I'm afraid I've not the words in English to say the power of this picture...in France we say "a little picture is often better than a long speech". Yes, it's dark, but beautiful. It's strong and evocative. Nothing to add except thank you Urian.
Que restera-t-il de notre sang mêlé au sel, sans trace dans les mémoires ? Une ultime navigation, trompeuse. Et des souvenirs, illuminés d'embruns. Mais condamnés au silence de la mer... Loïc Finaz.
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