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> Tessellated I
Posted: 25-Dec-2012, 06:57 PM
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Group: Celtic Nation
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Joined: 15-Mar-2010

Realm: Aberdeen, Scotland


B]The "I" Shape.[/B]
The "I" shape is square in proportions, with the vertical column one third the width of the square by design. The thickness of the base and top of the "I" are the same thickness and consequently have to be one quarter of the height of the square to tessellate in this precise fashion. The shape of the "I" I arrived at during consideration of one of my engineering design projects.

The Colours.
My use of the colours of the spectrum, half of the "I"s Red-Orange-Yellow and the other half Green-Blue-Purple, and the black lines to define the outline of the "I"s was directly inspired from a work of art I found on DeviantArt website, named "Colorful Tessellation" by ~TheShadowRider123, Cori Davis of the United States of America. This work of art is dedicated to Cori with my thanks for the inspiration her work gave me.

Using Paint.NET I was able to add what I would describe as a "metallic texture" to the colours, although the program function I used is called "Effects - Distort - Dent" by Paint.NET's menus.

This version of the work has my own watermark added.

PMEmail PosterMy Photo Album               View My Space Profile.
Posted: 25-Dec-2012, 07:00 PM
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Group: Celtic Nation
Posts: 6
Joined: 15-Mar-2010

Realm: Aberdeen, Scotland


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View a larger scale version of Tessellated I

A tessellation of a capital "I" shape employing the colours of the spectrum which I created using Paint.NET the free image and photo editing software which runs on Windows.

Attached Image. (Click thumbnail to expand)
Attached Image (Works with IE Only)
PMEmail PosterMy Photo Album               View My Space Profile.
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