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> Homecoming,... Well... Kinda..., Descriptions descriptions...
Posted: 17-Apr-2012, 02:44 PM
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ur-Lord of the Domain and Realms

Group: Celtic Nation
Posts: 283
Joined: 09-Mar-2006

Realm: Caer RivenMyst, Fantasia I.D.


PMEmail Poster               
Posted: 17-Apr-2012, 02:51 PM
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ur-Lord of the Domain and Realms

Group: Celtic Nation
Posts: 283
Joined: 09-Mar-2006

Realm: Caer RivenMyst, Fantasia I.D.


(Let's try that again...)

(walks in, his memories of another place adding to this one)
(hums as hardwood plank floors worn resilient with age formed under his steps, growing upwards into walls and a roof of similar wood. Forming a large open area building)
(Rafters high and deep beneath an attic level formed, with a spiral staircase leading upwards from the main floor)

Little at a time...

(an ornate round door formed to his left, enameled in green and gold. To his right a bar that ran more than half the length of the building. Beyond that to the right still, a large fireplace, with chairs and couches to sit upon. A jukebox appeared between that and the bar, with music ready to be played)

There we go...

(beyond that formed a dining area with tables and chairs and a kitchen beyond that. To its left, a large balcony overlooking a green valley below)
(throws his coat on the coat tree near the door, he walked to the fireplace, flames going as he sat down in one of the chairs and relaxed)

There we go... just like home...
PMEmail Poster               
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