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> RIP Shane MacGowan
Robert Phoenix 
Posted: 18-Dec-2023, 04:43 PM
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I'm surprised it wasn't mentioned here. One Nov 30th 20203 the Pogues frontman Shane MacGowan has died aged 65, following a recent hospital stay after being diagnosed with encephalitis. I watched the funeral (it's on Youtube) and it was an awesome thing to see. His funeral was about 50 minutes longer than Micheal Jackson's so be prepared for a tearfully long sit.

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Posted: 18-Dec-2023, 05:20 PM
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It was an amazing funeral - a fitting tribute to a man that brought so much musical joy to us all. Thanks for posting this.

For those that did not see the full funeral there is an excellent recap along with a great rendition of Fairytale of New York.

I thought that Lisa O'Neill did probably as close to the original version that Kirsty MacColl performed with Shane. Tragically Kirsty passed away in 2000 saving her son from a motor boat that had entered the location where they were diving off Cuba.

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Posted: 05-Jul-2024, 07:53 PM
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Irish priest calls musician Shane MacGowan’s raucous funeral Mass ‘a scandal’


I thought it was a beautiful service fitting for the man!
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