CelticRadio |
Posted on: 10-Feb-2025, 10:35 AM |
Replies: 1 Views: 93
One of the founder's of Celtic Radio has passed away - Sarah - things have been a little rough we will be getting the site back up and figure out why it keeps crashing. We will be posting something soon about Sarah, the life she lived and what Celtic Radio meant to her. We will address all emails that have been received and please understand there may be a long delay. Our apologies. |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #319007 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 21-Dec-2024, 12:20 PM |
Replies: 1 Views: 55,586
A little late this year, but we have switched over to our server the playlist for our Christmas Channel and Highlander Radio. Our local server Christmas playlist is much better than the one we run all year remote you should notice a big difference.
Update: We are having a slight issue with our Christmas channel and have reverted back to the server playlist we had setup. If you tune into Highlander Radio you will hear our better Christmas playlist as well as you can make requests of Christmas songs they will show on our front page.
Sounds like we will have to work on this in 2025!
Enjoy! |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318988 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 06-Dec-2024, 06:25 PM |
Replies: 1 Views: 55,586

"A Celtic Christmas"
<a href="https://www.celticmusicradio.com/mobile/celticchristmas_intermediate.html"> </a>

It's never too late to tune into our "A Celtic Christmas" broadcast! Thanks to our generous support by our premium members, we have been able to keep this channel going all year and are opening up this channel for free listening for the entire Christmas season. We have also increased our listener capacity to 250 listeners. If we need to bump up the listeners slots this week, we will. You can tune in any time and enjoy the music for the season or any time during 2023!
The Christmas Channel has been added to our Basic Listening in App with no login required. Just download the App and go to Basic to start listening!
Merry Christmas!
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318980 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 04-Dec-2024, 06:12 PM |
Replies: 2 Views: 2,544
The Celtic Radio Google App is now live and compatible with the latest Google phones.
We have also added our Celtic Christmas broadcast to the basic free version of the App. Listen to Highlander Radio, Celtic Moon and A Celtic Christmas.
The full menu has been restored in the app!
We are going to hold off on an update for Apple phone until after the new year but it needs an update noticed some funkiness with the screens. |
Forum: Technical Support · Post Preview: #318979 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 03-Dec-2024, 06:57 PM |
Replies: 2 Views: 2,544
The App will have limited services as it is being submitted to the Google store - latest updates will be added for the newest phones. We are asking our App developer to also update the Apple version too.
Full menu will be available after the App is submitted and approved. |
Forum: Technical Support · Post Preview: #318974 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 01-Dec-2024, 06:45 PM |
Replies: 2 Views: 2,544
So apparently the Celtic Radio App has been removed from the Google Play store. Apparently, they needed verification of who we are but it was not entirely clear what that meant. We figured it out and sent them verification documents. We will get our vendor working on it once they clear our identity.
For those that have already have the App installed on your Google phone no worries, do not uninstall as you may not be able to install it. We hope to have this issue resolved in about a weeks time. Fingers crossed!
In other CR news our server blow out in September did result in some loss of data. Mainly around our Wordpress feature for Celtic Radio Premium members. Just a few backup scripts that need to be recreated so not a big deal. We will get working on that soon.
121 new songs being added to our channels this week. We've got some great new tracks from the River Drivers, Gentleman Soldiers, Skyrie and Sorrowhearts to name a few!
Forum: Technical Support · Post Preview: #318973 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 23-Sep-2024, 06:05 PM |
Replies: 0 Views: 47,516

WordPress Now Available! <hr>Celtic Radio now comes with Email and WordPress hosting. We can setup your email address or WordPress site using one of our exclusive domains. Perfect for musicians, family history pages or any project you might have. Our full list of available domains:
VideoCelt.com StormCelt.com StormGale.com CelticHearts.com CeltRockRadio.com CelticMusicRadio.com CelticWebHosting.com CoatOfArmsOnline.com Medieval-Kingdom.com
Choose any subdomain such as yourname.celtichearts.com for your WordPress site or email address. This can be done through our easy-to-use dashboard with both website and database backup options available.
You can help us get the word out - pass this on to Family and Friends. This would be perfect for musicians looking for an inexpensive solution for a web presence or for those interested in starting their own WordPress website.
Sign-up today! <a class='img' href='https://www.celticradio.net/php/founder/index_founder.php'> </a> |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318957 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 22-Sep-2024, 03:09 PM |
Replies: 0 Views: 4,584
Ceòl Nèamh Music Heaven
 <hr> Neamh in Scottish Gaelic or Nemos in Proto-Celtic means heaven and is what we are describing as some exciting changes to our channel line up on Celtic Radio.
Ceòl Nèamh - meaning Music Heaven - is that place you reach when the tunes flow freely and without interruption. When every transition to the next song is a welcomed state of musical bliss.
To help with Ceòl Nèamh (and celebrate the 1st day of Autumn), we have removed all of our ads and promotions. The effect is calming as well as engaging in the reason we are started Celtic Radio - for the music.
We have also made available in the Celtic Radio Network App our two most popular channels for all to tune in - Highlander Radio and Celtic Moon.
Tune in today with the App!
<a class="img" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/celtic-radio-network/id1086803642?ls=1&mt=8"> </a>
<a c;ass="img" href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.app.appc63d24121743"> </a> |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318956 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 22-Sep-2024, 02:38 PM |
Replies: 0 Views: 66,421
Background: This is a County Cork name variant of "Cosgrave", which is the Anglicized form of the Gaelic name "O'Coscraigh", meaning the male descendant of Coscrach, a Gaelic nickname meaning "victorious, triumphant" (from "coscur", victory, triumph). The sept originally were settled in Clones, County Monaghan Ireland. Another sept of the same name, often Anglicized as Cosker, is found in south-east Leinster particularly around north Wicklow, near Bray. The name is also found as Cosgrove in Ulster and Connacht. The original Gaelic version of the surname first appeared in records in the late 10th Century. Benedictus O'Cascry, of the Connacht sept was Bishop of Killaloe until he died in 1325.
Variations: Cosgrove, Cosgrave, Coscraigh, O'Coscraigh, Coscrach, Cosker, O'Cascry, MacCoscraigh, O'Coscraigh, Cosgriff, Cosgroff, McCusker, McCosgrove.
More Info: Read Full Family History and view the Coat of Arms
Discussion of this family is welcomed. |
Forum: Surnames & Heraldry · Post Preview: #318955 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 14-Sep-2024, 09:23 AM |
Replies: 8 Views: 13,666
A little update to this. We have locked in on the Celtic Radio Network App for another 3 years. We just could never make the deadline to create our own App before September 1st. Also we are a little behind with setting up WordPress websites - we are going to get caught up soon - we all had a bought of COVID or the FLU not sure which it was! |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318953 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 14-Jul-2024, 09:58 AM |
Replies: 0 Views: 3,792
We were down for a little bit this morning. Our CelticRadio.net server died this morning. Not really sure what is wrong with it, but could be one of the chips on the motherboard burnt out who knows!
Lucky for us we keep backup servers ready to go and it only took us 30 mins to switch out the server with the backup server and move the drives over.
Since these servers are getting older, we purchased 3 dell servers this morning. Our webserver and broadcast server will be moved to these new server in the next few weeks. We also purchased a backup server for our CelticMusicRadio.com server.
Once the servers are installed we are going to look into replacing all drives with SSD for both backup and production.
Any help you can providing feel free to sign up for our premium account. It is how we keep this site going. Thank you very much to those that have and to those that will! |
Forum: Technical Support · Post Preview: #318915 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 08-Jul-2024, 09:04 PM |
Replies: 8 Views: 13,666
Well, we had an in-depth discussion today about the relaunch. Have received many emails and social media messages so very happy with all of the positive comments!
While the relaunch is mainly about the visual aspects of the site, what we have built is a framework behind the scenes to continue to support our operations. From the network, to the servers to our cloudflare integration.
And then someone today asked - what can we do to support the musicians with all of these changes? The pieces then fell together on our next move!
We will be creating a new class of member account. A musician only Celtic Radio account. The musician class will be completely free and is meant to provide the musician with a website, email address and ability to directly communicate with listeners on our broadcast. The only requirement will be that the musician has submitted 1 CD of their music to the broadcast.
Included with the musician member account will be:- Email
- WordPress
- Access to their Music
- Special Musician Profile
- Free Banner Advertising
- Direct access to the broadcast
We all know how hard it can be, financially, for a new musician to get a name and audience out there. This account will provide a bridge to musicians to host their website and email address on our servers and to provide increase focus and attention to their music.
We expect to launch the Celtic Radio Musician accounts soon.
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318911 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 07-Jul-2024, 05:49 AM |
Replies: 0 Views: 7,300
Start your day out right with a little CUAS - celebrating the wild and diverse musical traditions of West Kerry. Their debut album "CUAS" was released in May.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pSEJp-ivvfw?si=22CglePbeDhtXCak" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You can purchase their CD from their bandcamp site. Definitely a worthwhile album all around and you can support a great new band that is up and coming!
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318910 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 06-Jul-2024, 11:53 AM |
Replies: 8 Views: 13,666
Thank you. We would be remiss if we did not mention two behind the scenes guys here in the forum that helped with some or the early direction of the redesign as well as to bounce things off:
So a big shoutout to:
They are the admin team behind Celtic Radio and very grateful for their support and friendship. I think they have both been on this site for at least 20 years. |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318907 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 06-Jul-2024, 09:35 AM |
Replies: 8 Views: 13,666

Today we are officially relaunching our site. This is after an effort of almost two years of bringing the CelticRadio.net website technology up to date and fixing a ton of issues. Today we sit upon enough bandwidth and processing power to provide a great user experience.
It was not always this way, during our early days we struggled with alot of issue. But that is in the past, and we are looking to go to the moon with Celtic Radio.
Our relaunch is focused on the people that support this site. Without our Celtic Radio Founder members this site would not exist for all members and musicians alike.
A few key benefits of joining the Celtic Radio Founder's club:
- Email Services have been officially relaunched. Get your own Celtic Radio email address. - Family History PDF and Coat of Arms download. - Mobile Website App - listen through Desktop, Mobile or App - Host your WordPress site- we include all the tools - Many more features.
View the Comparison Chart for all member features.
Sign-up today and get access to the special Celtic Radio Dashboard - it is a part of our site that is only available to Celtic Radio Founder members and is the central location for all the benefits and features of the club.
Sign-Up Today
Preview of Dashboard:
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318904 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 05-Jul-2024, 09:53 AM |
Replies: 0 Views: 5,556
Just a note that we are pulling together a new Celtic Radio Founder contest.
The new contest is going to be called the Stout Celt Rock contest and it is going to feature a 1 pint official and authentic Guiness glass, a few CDs and a black Celt Rock Radio Teeshirt.
We will get this pulled together in a few days and update the system.
On the monthly CD contests, we are back to holding these contests once a month. Remember for those contests you are automatically entered but you do need "Claim" the CD if you are interested. If we do not get a member claiming the CD, we will raffle it off to a Celtic Radio Founder member.
Looking forward to our monthly contests. Just spoke with the manager for House of Hamill and they are going to send us a few CDs for this contest. Their new release is coming out on August 1st! |
Forum: CelticRadio Founders · Post Preview: #318901 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 05-Jul-2024, 09:44 AM |
Replies: 5 Views: 23,799
The Wordpress feature is available now to all Celtic Radio Founder members signed up for premium. It is not available for enhanced members, you will need to upgrade to premium for this feature.
We have not made a general announcement yet - if you want you can be the first sign up!
Go to the Dashboard and then to WordPress. We didn't add an email feature to the wordpress sign up, but you can sign up for email to on the other tab.

Email signup is automated. Just give the system an hour. WordPress will have up to 48 hours turn around, but probably alot quicker.
Everything we tested on WordPress works - it is a basic version and limited to our server. Can't rule out a few hiccups along the way, but everything we tested worked flawlessly.
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318900 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 05-Jul-2024, 07:58 AM |
Replies: 5 Views: 23,799
We are making very good progress with updates to our website. In fact, we would say over the last year we have accomplished no less than 5,000 individual updates covering all aspects of the site and broadcast. Result is much improved experience for our members!
Email services and WordPress sites are now available through the dashboard. Choose a cool Celtic email address using one of our snazzy domains. For our techies out there, our email is now secured with a SSL certificate, DMARC, SPF and DKIM.
SEO Optimizing is making a difference in our search engine rankings, but this project will take about a year to complete.
The next big project for us would be creating a new Celtic Radio App. This would bring control of the App over to us and also we could maybe do more things than we can't do now. The vendor we use is now charging per user. As a short term solution, we may have to limit the App to our premium or enhanced members, there would be some free accounts but there might have to be a time limit on them. This would buy us some time to develop our own App.
Looking ahead the rest of the year we will be more focused on the music and contests. In 2025 we want to develop a modern player page with all the bells and whistles, as well we will continue to build out CelticMusicRadio.com.
One thing is for sure - the musicians and independent artists are depending on us to continue this site. Not only this site, but all of the people out there supporting Celtic music. We are like a rag tag band of travelers and bards (and bardettes) trying push this genre to the next level.
Thanks so much for your support - we will continue to develop this site, introduce new features and music because of you. Thank you so much! |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318898 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 04-Jul-2024, 12:31 PM |
Replies: 0 Views: 9,087
Louise Bichan<hr>

July 2024 Contest<hr> Our July 2024 contest is featuring a brand new CD donated by Louise Bichan, which is her second release.
About Louise Bichan<hr>Louise Bichan is a USA-based Scottish musician and photographer who uses both mediums to tell stories old and new.
Growing up in the remote but culturally rich Orkney islands, a place where creativity abounds and playing music has been a part of the social fabric for centuries, gave Louise a solid grounding in music. She started playing fiddle at the age of 7 after witnessing the magic of live music: “I remember the butterflies in the tummy feeling when watching concerts at the Orkney Folk Fest as a kid, wanting to be a part of it all.” The sense of community and belonging it gave her was infectious; she pestered her parents to let her learn.
In the years since, she has honed her craft, first amongst the cream of Scottish folk at Glasgow’s renowned session scene and performances with talent like Orkney group Fara and award-winning singer-songwriter Rachel Sermanni, before a scholarship to Berklee College of Music, Boston, where she developed her style further.
Masterfully blending traditional and classical arrangements, her music is thoughtful, and complex, curious and playful. She composes in response to her roots and the world around her; weaving through stories of connection, to people, nature, the past and the possibility of the future.
A Five Star Review<hr>
We invite you to help support artists like Louise Bichan by listening to their music and purchasing their CD:
Visit their website https://www.louisebichan.co.uk/ and then pick up a copy of her new release.
Our July 2024 CD contest features 1 CD from <a class="link" href="https://www.louisebichan.co.uk" target="_blank">Louise Bichan</a>.
<hr> JULY 2024 GIVEAWAY <a class="img" href="https://www.celticradio.net/php/playlist.php?start=0&limit=25&letter=&search=The%20Boys%20of%20Doorin&type=album&exact=exact"> <img border="0" hspace="5" vspace="5" src="https://www.celticradio.net/celtichearts//php/images/album_covers/az_B22124_The%20Lost%20Summer_Louise%20Bichan.jpg" width="200" height="200"></a> The Bryne Brothers
Find out how to win this CD on our <a href='http://www.celticradio.net/php/contest/celtic_radio_cd_contest.php?skipmobiledetection=true' target='_self'>MONTHLY CD CONTEST PAGE</a> |
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318897 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 04-Jul-2024, 11:51 AM |
Replies: 1 Views: 9,055
The Ultimate Castle Contest <hr>

It is time to announce the second winner in our Ultimate Castle Contest. This is a Celtic Radio Founder's only contest. One change in the contest is we replaced the World of Castles book with Celtic Castles as we ran out of that version. But the Celtic Castles is equally impressive.
The Ultimate Castle Contest features three outstanding hardcover publications on medieval castles that will be the envy of all of your medieval friends and associates. Proudly display these conquests on your coffee table as conversation pieces or in your person library. Nearly 700 full cover hard cover pages. Package includes:- Castles in Full Color
- Celtic Castles
- The Middle Ages
And the Winner is:

A big congrats to Merle. We will be getting this mailed off tomorrow and will post a new Founder's contest soon.
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318896 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 04-Jul-2024, 11:45 AM |
Replies: 1 Views: 19,763
A big congrats to the winner of our monthly CD contest featuring the The Brynes Brother.


We will be posting the next monthly CD contest for July today.
Forum: Celtic Radio · Post Preview: #318895 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 11-Jun-2024, 03:02 AM |
Replies: 1 Views: 6,821
We are in touch with our streaming provider. All Channels have been done for 24 hours. Will provide an update later today. |
Forum: Technical Support · Post Preview: #318881 |
CelticRadio |
Posted on: 05-Jun-2024, 06:49 PM |
Replies: 1 Views: 6,667
Works continues on activating the WordPress feature for Celtic Radio Premium accounts. We now expect this feature to be available on July 1, 2024. We are confident that this will be the launch date given the amount of work completed.
Both our email services and word press features will fall under our reactivated domain "CelticWebHosting.com" Eventually we will have a separate site for webhosting. Branding for email and wordpress will feature our webhosting banner.
After some debate on what to charge additionally for WordPress, we have decided that it will be included in our yearly or monthly premium accounts (no additional charge). We may add a feature later on to increase bandwidth and storage if there is a need for that.
Forum: CelticRadio Founders · Post Preview: #318879 |
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© Celtic Radio Network Celtic Radio is a TorontoCast radio station that is based in Canada. TorontoCast provides music license coverage through SOCAN. All rights and trademarks reserved. Read our Privacy Policy.