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Celtic Radio Community > Celtic Hearts > Sonnet 100

Posted by: Leelee 05-Oct-2009, 04:42 PM
Sonnet 100

In night when colors all to black are cast,
Distinction lost, or gone down with the light;
The eye a watch to inward senses placed,
Not seeing, yet still having powers of sight,

Gives vain alarums to the inward sense,
Where fear stirred up with witty tyranny,
Confounds all powers, and thorough self-offense,
Doth forge and raise impossibility:

Such as in thick depriving darknesses,
Proper reflections of the error be,
And images of self-confusednesses,
Which hurt imaginations only see;

And from this nothing seen, tells news of devils,
Which but expressions be of inward evils.

By Lord Brooke Fulke Greville (1633)

Posted by: mcnberry 05-Oct-2009, 09:57 PM
Where Danger looms
~by R.L. Irving

When the darkness falls and danger looms,
werewolves howl at shiny moons
Dogs run scared and bats take flight,
flying off to the still of night
You're walking down deserted streets,
not knowing yet the things you'll meet
Whispers echo from every door,
begging you to come no more
Footsteps heard on the steps of stairs,
taunting you with stench filled air
You start to run, you try to escape,
your heart and breaths just can't keep pace

You run through the streets, screaming in fright,
but no one hears you this Halloween night
Then suddenly, through the mist filled air,
a shape appears with long grey hair
A woman with a crystal ball,
where lightening flashes through it all
Beckoning with her toothless grin,
"Come closer now" and look within
A tiny movement, a careless act,
will take you where you can't come back
But the beauty of the ball wins out,
you move closer now with stinging doubts
Forgetting the danger you look inside,
revealing the secrets it strains to hide

The paperboys scream "Man found dead"
working all day, their feet like lead
The woman listens with a knowing grin,
the secret she holds close within
Waiting for the next full moon,
she walks the streets where danger looms
Humming a song no one can hear,
she clutches a ball she holds so dear.

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