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Celtic Radio Community > Celtic Hearts > Suicide - A Poem |
Posted by: Faerydreamer 31-Mar-2009, 09:20 AM |
SUICIDE ©Dianne Barskey 2007 Is suicide the answer To all of life’s issues? No, I do not think so. Suicide is “the easy way out.” The difficult way is to say “I need help. Can you help me?” Talking, sharing, listening Learning ways to cope These are better ways for all. Suicide leaves friends and family Scratching their heads “Is there something I could have done?” “Is there something I did or said wrong?” “What is wrong with me that you Did not want to stay?” Is this the legacy you want to leave? |
Posted by: Lady-of-Avalon 31-Mar-2009, 11:26 AM |
A very deep poem indeed that speaks volumes. But as the subject in itself it is unfortunately a very delicate one and as one who experienced two suicides in my family...all I can say is that it is not up to us behind to make ourselves the judge and jury of one who has decided to do as one wish with his/her life. I would be a topic that could be open in Family Matters for those who would like to share their own experiences with suicide. Thank you for sharing this poem. Lady of Avalon |
Posted by: Faerydreamer 31-Mar-2009, 11:34 AM |
I am not judging anyone for their thoughts or actions in this. I am sharing what kept me from doing it myself several times in the past few years. I have been dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and it has worn me down. I am not afraid to say that I have been at the brink. I am sure that there are many in this world that are there. I would like people to read this and to rethink it for themselves. If I reach one person with this, I have done something good in this world. I am sure that being a survivor of such a tragedy is difficult. I have not had to endure that. I have just had to deal with my side of things and that in and of itself has been a long, long, hard road. I will have to live forever with having put fear into my friend's and family's hearts. Thank you for your thoughts on this poem.. |
Posted by: Lady-of-Avalon 31-Mar-2009, 11:44 AM | ||
Faerydreamer, Nothing in my post refer to you as judging anyone. I am speaking in the general term of "us" the families and friends left behind. Sorry if you misunderstood my meaning. And of course, talking about it is the best therapy to heal. Good luck to you but try and not take upon your shoulders the weight of guilt as sometimes in life there is so much one can deal with all the hardship, especially when one's alone. And if you want to express your sentiments I invite you to open the subject in Family are more than welcome to do so. Lady of Avalon |
Posted by: Faerydreamer 31-Mar-2009, 12:01 PM |
I understood what your point was. I appreciate it because my family is very judgmental about my receiving treatment. Thank you for the pointer to go to Family Matters. I will do that. |