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> Clan Napier
  Posted: 04-May-2009, 12:03 AM
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Celtic Guardian

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Realm: Huntington Beach, California


As a child I was told that Napier was French and/or Irish; come to find out it's quite Scottish. My father died young and I missed the opportunity to talk to him about his family, heritage and many other things. Just by opening a myspace account have I found a LOT about my clan; I am in the very early planning stage of going to Ireland and Scotland next year; it was always a dream of mine to go Ireland, however, since making friends with a Group from Scotland and Ireland, I couldn't go to just one of those countries, BOTH is a must. If anyone out there has any information or suggestions, please let me know.
Thank You in Advance!
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Posted: 27-May-2013, 12:51 AM
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I don't know how helpful this is, but my sister's friend's last name is Nappier, which is most likely a derivation of your last name

I don't Speak Human; I can't understand a word you're saying
PMEmail Poster               View my Facebook Profile.
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