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> Robertson
Posted: 05-Nov-2006, 01:45 PM
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Medieval Kingdom
Rank #76
261,035 Gold!

Background: The Robertsons descend from Crinan, Lord of Atholl and hereditary lay Abbot of Dunkeld. From Crinan sprang the royal house of Duncan I, King of Scots, whose third son, Melmare, was ancestor of the Earls of Atholl. The Robertsons are more properly called Clann Donnachaidh, from Duncan, fifth in descent from Conan of Glenerochie, a younger son of Henry, Earl of Atholl. Duncan supported Robert the Bruce, and his clan fought at Bannockburn. Duncan later seems to have fallen into the hands of the English, at either Durham or Neville's Cross. He died in 1388, succeeded by Robert, from whom the general surname of the clan is taken.

Variations: Coalyear, Coilzear, Colliar, Collier, Collyar, Colyear, Colyeer, Colyer, Colzear, Conachar, Conacher, Concher, Connachar, Connacher, Connochie, Connoquhie, Conochie, Coolyear, Donachie, Donaghy, Donnachie, Donnchad, Donnchadh, Donnchaidh, Duncan, Duncane, Duncaneson, Duncanson, Duncanus, Dunchad, Dunckane, Dunckiesone, Dundas, Dundass, Dunecan, Dunecanus, Dunkan, Dunkane, Dunkanson, Dunkansoun, Dunkeson, Dunkesone, Dunkesoun, Dunkinssone, Dunkysoun, Dunnachie, Euer, Evar, Evir, Ewar, Ewer, Ewers, Farlastone, Galashan, Glashan, Glashen, Glashin, Inches, Ivar, Iver, Iverson, Ivirach, Ivor, Ivory, Iwur, Kindeace, MacAver, MacChonachy, MacClachan, MacClachane, MacClagan, MacClagane, MacClagnan, MacClathan, MacClaugan, MacConacher, MacConachie, MacConachy, MacConaghy, MacConche, MacConcher, MacConchie, MacConchy, MacCondach, MacCondachie, MacCondachy, MacCondochie, MacCondoquhy, MacConechie, MacConechy, MacConiquhy, MacConkey, MacConnacher, MacConnachie, MacConnaghy, MacConnchye, MacConnechie, MacConnechy, MacConnichie, MacConnochie, MacConnoquhy, MacConnquhy, MacConochey, MacConochie, MacConoughey, MacConquhar, MacConquhie, MacConquhy, MacConquy, MacCowir, MacCrobert, MacCrobie, MacCuir, MacCuoch, MacCur, MacCure, MacDhonchaidh, MacDhonnachie, MacDonach, MacDonachie, MacDonachy, MacDonagh, MacDonchy, MacDonnach, MacDonnchaidh, MacDonochie, MacDonough, MacDonquhy, MacDouagh, MacDuncan, MacEiver, MacEuer, MacEuir, MacEur, MacEure, MacEvar, MacEver, MacEwer, MacEwir, MacEwyre, MacGeever, MacGilleglash, MacGiver, MacGlagan, MacGlashan, MacGlashen, MacGlashin, MacGlassan, MacGlassin, MacGlasson, MacHamish, MacHenish, MacHonichy, MacIlglegane, MacIlleglass, MacInechy, MacInroy, MacIvar, MacIver, MacIverach, MacIvirach, MacIvor, MacJames, MacJamis, MacKames, MacKchonchie, MacKeamish, MacKeaver, MacKeever, MacKeevor, MacKeiver, MacKeur, MacKever, MacKevor, MacKevors, MacKewer, MacKewyr, MacKglesson, MacKhonachy, MacKiver, MacKivers, MacKivirrich, MacKjames, MacKlagan, MacKondachy, MacKonochie, MacKuir, MacKunuchie, MacKure, MacLachan, MacLagain, MacLagan, MacLagane, MacLagen, MacLaggan, MacLaggen, MacLagine, MacLaglan, MacLaglen, MacLagone, MacLaughan, MacLglesson, MacLugane, MacOnachie, MacOnachy, MacOnchie, MacOndochie, MacOndoquhy, MacOnechy, MacOnochie, MacOnohie, MacRob, MacRobb, MacRobbie, MacRobe, MacRobert, MacRoberts, MacRobi, MacRobie, MacRobin, MacRypert, MacUir, MacUre, MacYuir, Makchonachy, Makclaggan, Makconchie, Makconoch, Makcure, Makeanroy, Makewer, Makiver, Makonoquhy, Makrob, Makrobert, Makroby, Orr, Orre, Oure, Rabbe, Read, Reade, Red, Rede, Reed, Reede, Reid, Reide, Reyd, Rid, Ride, Rob, Robb, Robbie, Robe, Roberson, Robertson, Robeson, Robesoun, Robie, Robison, Robisone, Robson, Robsone, Roby, Robye, Roy, Roye, Ruadh, Stark, Starke, Sterk, Stirk, Struan, Tonnoch, Tonnochy, Ure, Urie, Urri, Urrie, Urry, Vconchie, Yvar, Yvir, Ywar.

More Info: http://heraldry.celticradio.net/search.php?id=27

Discussion of this family is welcomed.

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Posted: 24-Apr-2008, 07:28 AM
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On the heraldry portion for Robertson, the heraldry color for the "wolves heads" is incorrect in the depiction. The blazon calls for "argent" this = a metal: silver or the color representation of white. The one on the site shows the wolves heads in gold / or.

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Posted: 17-Jan-2012, 12:41 PM
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I'm confused. How can there be a family coat of arms offered through this website when a coat of arms is never the property of a family. A coat of arms is only granted to an individual.

I know that a clan badge is different. But I see here many "family" coats of arms.

As an American, one can have any sort of thing one desires for a coat of arms, but an authentic, LEGAL coat of arms cannot belong to more than one person.

How can a "family" coat of arms be issued - or explained, or justified?
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