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> Broadcast Schedule, Highlander Radio
Posted: 05-Feb-2023, 03:02 PM
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Celtic Guardian
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View our broadcast schedule for Highlander Radio and find out when we are playing specialty programs - such as our late morning Castle of Scotland program, latest episodes for several podcasts (Irish, Scottish and Celtic) as well as our Top Ten count downs and more!

View Broadcast Schedule

Highlander Radio is unique to all of our channels as we have live news programs throughout the day, so you can always be up to date with current events.

It is a great companion if you work remote too, you will find the days flying and the work accomplished. We actually received feedback from people that said it was the one broadcast that got them to retirement.

So give a listen, check out the schedule and enjoy the day with Highlander Radio by your side.


Celtic Radio DJ
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Posted: 05-Feb-2023, 03:52 PM
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Celtic Guardian
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I would love to listen to the Castles of Scotland and the Bedtime Stories, but we get up at 4am eastern time for work so are in bed at 8pm sad.gif

What are the Bedtime Stories?

Quando omni flunkus, moritati

PMEmail Poster                
Posted: 05-Feb-2023, 05:56 PM
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Celtic Guardian
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Medieval Kingdom
Rank #76
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They are a mix of old Irish, Scottish and Gaelic stories appropriate for young and old alike.

Some examples:
  • Connla and the Fairy Maiden
  • The Piper of Keil
  • The Prince, the Fox and the Sword of Light
  • King McCullought's Supper
We have a long list of these types of stories, some are better than others.

*** Also note the Broadcast Schedule for Highlander Radio is now available without logging in. It is set for EST zone, but if you do log in you can set it for other time zones.
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