Posted: 04-Jan-2007, 07:43 PM
Celtic Guardian
Group : Administrator
Posts: 9,821
Joined: 23-Sep-2001
Zodiac : Oak
Realm: Toronto, CAN
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Background : The name Macnab derives from the Gaelic ‘Mac an Aba’, ‘child of the abbot’. According to tradition, the progenitor of this great clan was Abaruadh, the Abbot of Glendochart and Strathearn, the younger son of King Kenneth Macalpine. Abaruadh, the Red Abbot, was descended from King Fergus of Dalriada and a nephew of St Fillan, founder of the monastery in Glendochart in the seventh century.Variations : Abarcrumbie, Abarcrumby, Abbot, Abbotson, Abbott, Abbottson, Abercrombie, Abercromby, Abercrombye, Abercrummye, Abircromby, Abircromme, Abircromy, Abircromye, Abircrumby, Abircrumbye, Abircrummy, Abircrumy, Dewar, Deware, Dewere, Dochard, Dochart, Gilelin, Gilfalyn, Gilfelan, Gilfillan, Gilfillane, Gilfillian, Gilfolan, Gilfulain, Gilfulan, Gilland, Gillefalyn, Gillefillane, Gillefillian, Gillefolan, Gilleland, Gillephillane, Gillifelan, Gillilan, Gilliland, Gillphillan, Gilphillan, Guileland, Guililand, Guilliland, Guliland, Gulliland, Jore, MacAnaba, MacAndeoir, MacGeorge, MacIndeoir, MacIndeor, MacIndoer, MacJore, MacKnabe, MacNab, MacNabb, MacNap, Makinnab, Maknabe, Milnab.More Info : Discussion of this family is welcomed.
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