The Gypsy Artist
Celtic Princess
Joined: 23-Apr-2004
Birthday: 15-May-1984
Total Posts: 990
Realm: Wherever life takes me.
I am a taurus in every sense of the sign. I have a heart of an artist with, hopefully, ample talent. I enjoy history, music (anything done on the piano), and mythology. My most favorite thing to do is to visit the annual Renaissance festival and the costumes we make for the festival (11 years and counting). I love to travel and my favorite place so far has been the Cayman Islands.
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Journal Entries Pages: (7) [1] 2 3 ... Last »
Long time
It's been a long time since I have used this. And it's been a while since I have really joined in the forums. I'm still here; just really busy. I have been asked to be the maid of honor in two of my closest friends' weddings. One is December 3rd, so I have been busy planning and putting that together. I moved here two months ago and it still seems so new to me. It's going to take some time to get use to it. I have put a few pictures of the house and friends I live with on my other journal: http://pics.livejournal.com/ali_may/And I have had some really bad news in my family. I haven't had much time nor the energy to come online. Hopefully that will change once the holiday season is over. I have also thought about joining the local branch of the SCA here in Grand Rapids, but I haven't thought about a character name or history yet. Well I hope everyone is doing alright. Hope to be on more soon.
Changed again
Alright, I changed my personal photo again. I'm done, lol. I dyed my hair a while ago back to more of my natural color so I thought I'd update my picture. I get my ring from Keltic tomorrow! I would already have had it by now but I wasn't home when they delivered it, so I have to pick it up at the post office tomorrow morning. I'm excited!
Slow Forum
Anyone have any ideas or questions for any topics or things I could add to Cornwall's forum. I feel I'm just adding fact after fact with nothing interesting. I'm running out of ideas already. I know the post count is not important, but keeping it active is. Both Wizard and I were talking about it, but he's as stumped as I am. Any ideas would help, thanks!
Well I haven't posted on here in a while, so I will right now. I am waiting for a phone call, two actually. I don't do very well waiting for others. I had an interview last week and did pretty well. I start in a new doctor's office on the 15th. I will be handling paper work, files, phones, results, and such. Mostly front office work, which is alright because they get paid better. It's good experience and I cannot wait until I start. I am making plans to move this coming summer. I have a room saved for me in Grand Rapids. Hopefully everything will go as planned this summer. Keeping my fingers crossed .
I'll be back
Sorry I haven't been on this a lot, I started a live journal - ali_may for those who have one - but I will return!
My Signature:Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you judge people you have no time to love them. ~Mother Teresa
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