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> Health & Wellness - Stress Relief, Benefits of Epsom Salts
  Posted: 17-Apr-2011, 10:11 AM
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Celtic Guardian

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Benefits of Epsom Salts

Epsom Salt has countless health benefits. This long-time remedy has been useful for almost everything from relaxing the nervous system, curing skin problems, aching limbs, back pain, healing cuts, muscle strain, treating cold and congestion to drawing toxins from the body.

Most of us have had stress-related problems at some time in our lives and all of us have learned to deal with it in different ways. But how many of us have tried soaking in a tub full of hot water with a few cups of Epsom Salt to ease that stress? Not many surely.

Now, this is definitely not some breakthrough research. The wonders of Epsom Salt have been well-known for hundreds of years now. We list some of the magical properties of Epsom Salt for you:

Eases stress and relaxes body:

Stress drains the body of magnesium and Epsom Salt is considered to be a natural stress reliever. When dissolved in warm water Magnesium Sulphate is absorbed through the skin and replenishes the level of magnesium in the body. The salt draws toxins from the body, sedates the nervous system, reduces swelling and relaxes the muscles. Experts believe that bathing with Epsom Salt at least three times a week helps to look better, feel better and gain more energy. Magnesium ions also relax and reduce irritability by lowering the effects of adrenaline. It lowers blood pressure, creates a relaxed feeling, improves sleep, concentration, and helps muscles and nerves to function properly.

Relieves pain and muscle cramps:

Try soaking your aching, tired feet in a tub of water with a cup of Epsom Salt, this will not only make your feet feel better, but also removes foot odour. Epsom Salt neutralizes odour and softens skin. Epsom Salt has been a long time remedy for a number of ailments. An Epsom Salt bath is known to relieve inflammation and relieves pain, making it beneficial in the treatment of sore muscles, bronchial asthma and migraine. In addition, it has been known to heal cuts, reduce soreness from childbirth and relieve colds and congestion.

For Compresses - Use 2 cups of Epsom Salt per gallon of water. Soak a small towel in the solution and wrap around affected area of the body.

For Soaking - Add 1 - 2 cups of Epsom Salt to warm water in a standard-sized bathtub. Bathe at least three times a week for at least 15 minutes.

Foot Bath - Add 1 cup of Epsom Salt to a tub or container of warm water. Soak for at least 15 minutes.

A Few More Benefits of Epsom Salts

Exfoliates dead skin
Helps muscles & nerves function properly
Helps prevent hardening of arteries & blood clots
Makes insulin more effective
Relieves constipation
Essential to plant health

Whether you like a relaxing soak or wish to enhance your beauty effortlessly, making Epsom Salt a part of your daily routine can add a whole lot of goodness to your way of life.

~Communittee Newspaper~
Posted: 18-Apr-2011, 08:23 AM
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Celtic Guardian

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It is also a volatile laxative. An acquaintance bought a small (by local standards) bit of ranch land to raise appaloosa horses in SW Colo. He had a pump set in an existing well on the property and moved the horses in. It was only a short time till the horses were "spraying" the fences and each other. It was even dangerous to walk behind the critters. A test of the water indicated a high concentration of epsom salts. It seems the aquifer that he was pumping from ran through a deposit of the salt. Desalinization equipment was new at the time but that was his only solution short of hauling water 20 miles or so.

My grandmother used it when my cousin or I stepped on a nail. She said it drew germs from the injury. She also used a piece of cured bacon cut fresh from the smoke house. That was probably for the salt it contained. Pills have replaced the old ways that our ancestors used to live productive lives before the advent of modern medicine.



PMEmail Poster               
Posted: 09-May-2017, 04:55 AM
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I must say that music such as this has always been a huge stress relief for me. I always found the intricacies of celtic music, flutes, pipes, fiddles, and the speed of them kind of acted as a system reset button for my emotional state. The music forced me to breathe and just listen and float with the journey of the tune. Has anyone else experienced this?
PMEmail Poster               
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