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Celtic Radio Community > Medieval Clans > Alquimia

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 02:18 PM
La ciencia de la Alquimia, sagrada, secreta, antigua y profunda, también denominada arte real o sacerdotal y filosofia hermetica, esconde tras textos esotericos y emblemas enigmàticos las vias para penetrar en los secretos mas profundos de la naturaleza, de la vida y la muerte y de la unidad, la eternidad y el infinito.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 03:04 PM
A la vista de tales secretos, el de fabricar oro, tiene, relativamente, poca importancia; se podrìa comparar con los superpoderes (siddhis) que a veces consiguen los grandes yoguis; estos poderes no se buscan por el valor que en si tengan, son importantes productos secundarios que resultan de alcanzar un alto nivel espiritual.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 03:14 PM
La Alquimia no es simplemente un arte o una ciencia que enseñe a realizar la trasmutacion de unos metales en otros, sino mas bien una ciencia sòlida y verdadera que enseña a conocer el centro de todas las cosas, lo que en lenguaje divino se llama "El Espiritu de la Vida"

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 03:30 PM
A lo largo de la historia, los verdaderos alquimistas, que desdeñaban la riqueza y los elogios mundanos, han intentado encontrar la Medicina Universal, la Panacea; esa panacea, que al sublimarse totalmente se convierte el la fuente de la juventus, en el elixir de la vida y en la llave de la inmortalidad.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 03:36 PM
La gran obra consiste, por encima de todo, en que el hombre se cree a si mismo, es decir, que domine absolutamente sus facultades y su futuro; es especialmente la completa emancipaciòn de su voluntad lo que le asegura el dominio sobre el Azoth y la regiòn de Magnesia; en otras palabras, el control absoluto del agente magico universal.

Posted by: Leelee 01-Nov-2008, 03:39 PM
¿Te estudio de las artes de la Alquimia?

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 03:43 PM
Todo procede del uno y vuelve al uno, por el uno y para el uno. De esta forma tan tranquilizadora habla Ouroboros (la serpiente o dragon que se muerde su propia cola), el elocuente simbolo del uno eterno e infinito, que representa perfectamente el gran ciclo del universo.

Posted by: Leelee 01-Nov-2008, 03:45 PM
Ah, veo ....

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 03:46 PM
Creo que el estudio de la alquimia sigue vigente aun en nuestros tiempos, lo que sucede es que como lo escribo, no es la simple transmutaciòn de unos metales en otros sino la transmutaciòn de cuerpos o seres "pesados" y toscos en algo mas sutil y perfecto.
Las minas del Rey Salomon se encuentran en la mente y no en el Africa ardiente como pensaba la gente.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 01-Nov-2008, 03:51 PM
Maybe I'm also a Mystic Dreamer, that's why I`m trying to learn how to make Alchemy in a more spiritual way.

Do you speak spanish?

I'm writing this post in spanish because I speak spanish, because I have to post something that express what I mean, and that is sometimes difficult for me.

Posted by: Leelee 01-Nov-2008, 04:43 PM
Ah, veo .... biggrin.gif No, no hablo, pero me parece un idioma precioso. Mi hermano puede hablar español y me enseña algunas palabras ... Sin embargo, yo sólo verlo dos veces al año.

Yo estaba curioso en cuanto a lo que estaba escrito y traducido acerca de sus frases a Inglés Traducir utilizando un programa de Google. No estoy bien con los ordenadores, pero si estoy lo suficientemente curioso, voy a meter en todo y encontrar la manera de trabajar las cosas. thumbs_up.gif

Posted by: tallerlacuba 02-Nov-2008, 09:47 AM
Esta es la idea hermano(a), aprender de todo un poco, para mi la vida tiene solo dos objetivos: Divertirse y Aprender.
Yo no tenìa ni idea acerca de computadores hasta que me acerquè a uno y permitì que me enseñara.

Un Saludo Caluroso desde el Tròpico Utòpico

Posted by: tallerlacuba 02-Nov-2008, 09:52 AM
"Si fixam solvas faciasque volatile fixum
Et volucrem figas faciet te vivere tutum"

Si disuelves lo fijo y fijas lo volàtil y sujetas al que tiene alas conseguiras vivir de una forma segura.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 02-Nov-2008, 10:02 AM
Los Cuatro y los Tres

Calor + Sequedad = Fuego
Calor + Humedad = Aire
Frio + Sequedad = Tierra
Frio + Humedad = Agua

Posted by: tallerlacuba 02-Nov-2008, 10:16 AM
The True Alchemy and The False Alchemy.

As the true objectives of the Alchemy have always been hidden by the Hermetic symbolism with which the knowledge are expressed on the trasmutaciòn of the metals, it is unavoidable that errors and confusions arise when those not initiated try to interpret the occult recipes too literally

Posted by: tallerlacuba 02-Nov-2008, 10:23 AM
I have a good translator called Power translator, it works with english, spanish, french and german, if you want it just tell me and I'll send you the adress for you to download it.

I don't know if it works with windows vista.

Have a Nice Day

Posted by: tallerlacuba 02-Nov-2008, 02:29 PM
Fascinados por el espejismo fatal del oro, gentes de toda indole -A quienes los verdaderos Alquimistas llaman desdeñosamente "Puffers", por utilizar los fuelles de una forma frenetica- ignorando los principios verdaderos del arte, han realizado innumerables experimentos, normalmente sin ningun exito, a menudo con resultados desastrozos, que han hecho que la Alquimia se desprecie y se considere un "Arte Falso", dando pie a actitudes desdeñosas.

Posted by: Leelee 02-Nov-2008, 03:34 PM
Gracias por el ofrecimiento de la traducción del programa, pero la que yo estoy usando es libre y no tengo que descargar nada. Espero que deciphers buen español para leer.

Posted by: olorin 03-Nov-2008, 02:22 AM
Soy curioso porqué usted sentía la necesidad de fijar varios postes sobre la alquimia en español. Encuentro que muy inusual yo debe decir.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 03-Nov-2008, 01:47 PM
Primero que todo, Señor Olorin, dèjeme decirle que el traductor que usted usa deja mucho que desear.
Ademàs parece que usted sabe utilizar el sanitario por lo que contiene y no por el letrero que tenga, ya que al parecer vuestra merced no sabe leer.
No se si lo que le molesta es el tema de la Alquimia, el hecho de que lo escriba en español o que otra cosa.
I can understand what you say without any translator, but that's not the point.
It seems that you, as a good "American" are just a thief, that's the way you have grown.
That's the only you can wait from some people of a country without CULTURE.
Now you will have the chance to watch the life from another point of view.

De cualquier manera Mister Olorin yo no estaba metiendome con usted y tampoco la harè en el futuro, no porque no pueda obrar tan cochinamente como usted, lo cual es solo cuestiòn de tiempo, sino porque mi cultura me impide rebajarme a su nivel.

The magic consists in playing a "War" game in peace.
You are a good example of your "culture"
"The honey wasn't made for the mouth of the pigs."


Best Regards Olorin

Posted by: tallerlacuba 03-Nov-2008, 02:05 PM

I didn't answer your question.

I posted about alchemy, because I really like that item, I posted in spanish because I speak spanish and finally, I posted because my post rating was too low.

Not for you to destroy me, I didn't think that someone could get mad about that.

But it seems that the intolerance is a part of your personality.

Deus Vos Curet

(Don't feel curious, it means "God Protects You" and it's Latin, I hope you don't feel offended)

Posted by: tallerlacuba 03-Nov-2008, 04:15 PM
Alcanzar los conocimientos del Creador es descorrer el velo y convertir la oscuridad de la ignorancia en la luz de la sabiduria. Obtener esa suprema sabiduria es fundirse concientemente con Dios y amarlo; vivir para amar. Pero ¿Como puede escaparse el hombre de la prision de su propia imperfeccion?, ¿Como puede trascender sus conocimientos actuales y transformarse en Dios?

Posted by: McKilgore 03-Nov-2008, 09:16 PM
as an outsider with no ties to clan Bruce I don't think much of a King that goes down so quickly I think Olorin and Shenaniganz247 are good people and I think Olorin will be a great dominating king

Posted by: sisterknight 04-Nov-2008, 01:24 PM
my liegelord,
there is nothing wrong with latin.....have you ever checked out what i have???

you could send that translation programme my way as well....

[email protected]


Posted by: Showann 04-Nov-2008, 01:28 PM
Thanks to Lord Gandalf and Lord McKilgore for your posts.

I was'n referring to you at any time Lord Gandalf, I'm a peaceful man and I don't use to attack anyone at least they attack me first.

I became a King because of my score, but not for stoling anything to anyone.

I know this is a war game, but I think that war isn't never a game.

Why not to transform a war game into a peace exercise?

About Olorin, I could see that he was the only one who applied some Alchemy to the game by transforming lead into gold.

His formula was to use the lead to kill people and stole their gold. (that's valid)

It seems that some medieval ideas still remains between us.

I'll try not to write "dangerous" things anymore, and continue working to grow again.

Thanks again for your comments.

tallerlacuba of IDEALAND

Posted by: Shenaniganz247 04-Nov-2008, 01:46 PM
Hmmmmmm double accounts much?????? somebody slipped up it seems and posted under the wrong log in!

and for the record I don't think you were attacked because of your "dangerous" post topic....and by don't i mean I know it wasn't the reason. This is starting to become a sad game because people are having to have more than one account so they can easily get in with other clans to protect their main account and find out other info that may benefit them. you showing this mistake you just made, made it all the more real. this will not sit quietly

Lord Shenaniganz247 of Kincardine
Chieftain, Clan Bruce

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 02:33 PM
Of course you may be righ my Lord

But not everything is what it seems to be, you can belive or not.

Anyway I'll explain gladly what`s the matter.

I first started playing this game because I use to hear Celtic Radio, some day my 12 son watched it and he wanted to play, so I opened a new account for him.

The mean idea was that he practiced some english and of course, as it says in our clan slogan: "Help and protect each other".

I also think what you say, that some people is opening various accounts to take advantage of it, but that's not what I want to teach my son .

We are trying to be better people than we are, and you gave me the chance to teach some things about the peace, the love and the respect for the others.

I could be a King in a fair way and that was very important for me.

I already played this game and I thank a lot to it,


"Does't really matter, anyone can see
Nothing really matter to me
Anywhere the wind blows"


My mistake was replying from his PC when he showed me your post.

Receive my excuses and God protects you.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 02:43 PM
Of Course Lady Sisterknight

I'll send it to you as soon as I have the link.

I also have a latin translator which I'll place in the same folder.

Have a nice day.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 02:49 PM
Dear Lords and Ladies

This is the link for download Power Translator 6.0
(English, Spanish, French and German)

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 03:40 PM
Dear Lords and Ladies

This is the link to download the Latin - English dictionary

I hope you to enjoy it.

Have a nice day

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 03:48 PM
Sorry Sirs

I have reviewed the las upload and I will have to disable it because it doesn't work.

Let me see if I have another copy of it.

Anyway the name of the program is "Words"

Have a nice day

Posted by: Shenaniganz247 04-Nov-2008, 03:59 PM
Lord Tallerlacuba I love how you say you are all about peace but i remember not long ago when you were in Clan MacInnes, you attacked me without being provoked or asked to do so by your fellow clan members. You may be a "peaceful man" now as you say you are but then you enjoyed the attack. I guess what goes around comes around. I do not need your workers or your gold as you seem to think so from your emails you continue to send me, I'm doing this simply because I can to remind you of what you did before, and after finding out about the two accounts I feel it's only necessary to put them as close together on the ranking ladder as I can.

And Lord Gandolf339 I'm sorry you didn't care much for seeing Clan Bruce sitting atop the leaderboard. I do not recall doing anything to you or your clan or ever saying a harsh word toward you and yours. Hopefully you will see myself and Lord Olorin in a new light if only you knew us better.

Lord Shenaniganz247 of Kincardine
Chieftain, Clan Bruce

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 04:24 PM
Dear Lord Shenaniganz

You really think you are "The Police" of this game?

You are a good example of revenge and intolerance.

If I'm not bad you also attacked me then, so I left the Clan McIn, for you to leave them alone.

Oh my dear Gulliver...

As some American song says:

"Sometimes you have to fight when you're a man"

The war is for MEN.

But for men who doesn't think.


Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 04:35 PM
Thanks Lord Gandalf

You will be the King.

Count with our clan.

And let me say thet I don't think "Americans" are thiefs, I just was calling "Thief" to a person who robes. No matter if he needs it or not.

If that one ore ones result to be "American", that's not my fault.

And America is a Continent, not a Country.

I'm also American and here there are thiefs and narcos, and guerrilla, but the most of us, the same than the most of "Americans" or Japaneses are good people.

This is not a politic game, and if it was understood that way, it was a misunderstood.

I give you this explanation because I feel you mercy it.

Un dia los enanos se rebelaran...

Posted by: Shenaniganz247 04-Nov-2008, 05:13 PM
Thank you Lord Gandolf339 I meant nothing towards you, only thought that your comment meant you were displeased with the clan I belong to. I have nothing against your clan or yourself either and find you in high regards in this game.

Tallerlacuba, since I did retaliate when you were not the "peaceful man" you seem to be now you may do the same as I did to you and that is I fought back, for I am not one to let my country be dwindled to smoke and ruin. If this was to be a "peaceful game" as you are saying it should be then the creators would not have put in the option to send armies or for that matter even build them, that should tell you that the creators had a mind for battle and war if wanted or needed as well.

And I'm still shocked you are sending me personal emails written in spanish thinking i'm actually going to take the time to try and translate them. Although this is your "son's account" as you say, I have seen that excuse used in this game all too much (and many of you know who i'm speaking of).

I could easily make another account and try to sneak into another clan to get what the word is on pending attacks on my clan from another clan, but I feel that is disrespecting the sanctity of the game.

And as Lord Gandolf said earlier in a post, it is nothing personal, and attacks are not made because of your personal real life character, tis but a part of the game. we live and we die in this game but in the end we all go home to our own homes and our beds and live to see another day, the outcome of the game not affecting our real life (or at least shouldnt).

At some point in this game everyone will eventually be attacked bysomeone for some reason, so we can only prepare the best we can, and should be be diminished to nothing as I was earlier in the game we only work to recover.

Lord Shenaniganz247 of Kincardine
Chieftain, Clan Bruce

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 05:41 PM
Dear Lord Shenaniganz

Accept my excuses if your real character felt ofended.

I think I'm speaking to Lord Shenaniganz and I guess that`s not your real character.

Remember that the creator of the game also placed a way to say the Lords who attack us what we think.

What Lord tallerlacuba thinks, not what I think.

Please, keep in the game.

I attack, You attack, He attacks, etc.

I know that.

But the fact that guns exist doesn't mean I have to use them.

Do you understand what I try to say?

As you could see I didn't spy any other clan with my son's account, he created the clan and I joined it.

It seems to be that you use to judge too soon.

I won't write in spanish for you anymore, what doesn't mean I won't write in spanish anymore.

Why don't you read the Royalty posts.

You don't have many friends I see.

If I wasn't a paceful man before, now I am, some people changes, and the same way I sent my excuses then, I send them now.

Excuse me if my english is not so good, but I don't use translators, that`s why sometimes I prefer to write in spanish.

I'm not insulting anybody, I just needed to post and I liked Alchemy as a good item.

And it resulted to be my own death.

But that`s the ganme.

You better take care of yourself because many people wants your head and King Olorin's one.

When I was a King I never attacked anybody and I didn't feel more than anybody.

You must be very needed of recognition. (Your virtual character I mean)


I think Lord Shenaniganz is a son of a ...

But for the real character I send a friendly salute.

Posted by: Shenaniganz247 04-Nov-2008, 05:53 PM
Lord Tallerlacuba please realize I never said my real life character was offended, i keep that character out of this game, i was simply saying people sometimes take this game too seriously and feel as if their real character (real life) is affected as well. in saying if someone is attacked they become angry as if someone tried to attack their real family. this is a game and I see it as such and i love this game.

and actually I do have a lot of friends I just do not seek them out as much in this game, and actually i have more friends on here than you know about wink.gif so I am not in fear of being attacked and should i be attacked I will defend as valiantly as possible and not be upset about it or complain. As you will see before I left Clan Wolf I was attacked close to 20 times in ONE DAY!!!! and yet I didn't complain I simply laughed it off and even posted in the forum about it. Since then I have had no problem with those who actually did the attacks.

And sir I am not asking you to stop typing in spanish here in the forums that is up to you, but I just hope you do not expect me to take the time to go and try to translate what you write to me in the personal emails you send me in the game because of the pending attack. I do not feel the need to go and find a website and translate what you have written in my inbox.

Things change in this game just as the seasons and the days, and I too have changed in the game. Again do not take attacks personal it is all part of the game. And as you said just because you have a gun doesn't mean you use it, which is true, but you have the ability to and choose not to, while others if they have a gun they may choose to. So you see in the game if there is an attack mode some people are going to take advantage of it.

Best of Luck in the Game I will not be responding anymore in this forum, simply through my actions in the game

LORD SHENANIGANZ247 of Kincardine
Chieftain, Clan Bruce

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 05:57 PM

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 06:03 PM
I send the link to download English - Latin, Latin - English interpreter

Enjoy it

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 06:04 PM

I forgot to paste it

Posted by: tallerlacuba 04-Nov-2008, 06:20 PM
The "Royalty" attacks unarmed people.

That has a word


Posted by: tallerlacuba 05-Nov-2008, 01:59 PM
From Medieval times, that were much more than war, and upgraded by alchemists is the art of stained glass windows.
Let's see if nobody feel ofended.
I'll try to write it in english.

So I would like to share with whoever can be interested something about the painting on glass.


Posted by: tallerlacuba 05-Nov-2008, 02:07 PM
Painting with vitrous paints is based in two principles: to arrest the light on the surface of the glass and to create another dimension that did not exist there before. Herein lies the scope and the fascination of painting on glass.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 05-Nov-2008, 02:41 PM
But first -what is a vitreous paint-?
Vitreous paint is a mixture of ground glass and pigment oxide, or a mixture of metallic oxides such as iron, cooper, cobalt, manganese and others.
Ground glass contains silica, alumina, borax and lead.
Vitreous paint is sold in powdered form, and before it's application to glass, it must be mixed with water and gum arabic or other mixing agents, such as white vinegar (acetic acid), turpentine, or oils.
For the permanent adhesion to glass, all vitreous paints have to be fired in a kiln.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 05-Nov-2008, 04:09 PM
there are two basic categories (1) glass stainers' colors and (2) transparent-glass colors (known as enamels)

Posted by: tallerlacuba 06-Nov-2008, 03:18 PM
Glass Stainers' colors, which are the basic paints used for transparent shades; they are not stains, and they do not color the glass in bright, transparent shades; they are basically opaque and of a limited color palette. The major colors are blacks, numerous browns, flesh reds, and several grey-greens.

Posted by: tallerlacuba 06-Nov-2008, 05:53 PM
Vi que un sapo rojizo bebia el zumo de uvas con tales prisas
que lleno a rebozar del caldo, le explotaron las tripas...

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