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Faileas Posted on: 05-Nov-2005, 03:51 AM

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Views: 11,283
And me smile.gif. Let me know when ye start working seriously on this. My partner Bruce has the computer expertise that we need and it should be an easy thing for him to write the programm for the translator smile.gif.
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #131084

Faileas Posted on: 23-Oct-2005, 12:32 PM

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Views: 1,416
Hai a charaid,

feuch mas toigh leat Julie Fowlis (seinneadear le Cliar), Rachel Walker, Mairi Mac Innes agus Fiona Nic Coinnich (a measg na seinneadaran oga ..). Na seinneadairean "classigeach" Art Mac Cormack, Caristion Phrimrose wink.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #130042

Faileas Posted on: 09-Oct-2005, 01:03 PM

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A chairdean - Friends,

bidh mi ann an saora-laithean bhon a-maireach gu 21mh den Damhair.

I will be on holidays from tomorrow to 21 october.

Chan eil fios agam ma bhios e comasach dhomh-sa a tighinn air an lionn.

I dont know if it will be possible to me to come on the net.

Feuchaidh mi, co-dhiu, airson suil a chumail orrbh. wink.gif

I will try, however to keep an eye on you ...

ach mura h-eil ... , bithibh modhail agus cumaibh oirbh leis a ghaidhlig smile.gif

but if not, behave and keep up with the Gaidhlig smile.gif

Chi mi a-rithist sibh:)

I will see you again.
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #128948

Faileas Posted on: 30-Sep-2005, 05:16 PM

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QUOTE (Cù Dubh @ 30-Sep-2005, 12:59 PM)

Ach bidh sinn flleanta lath'-eigin, tha mi 'n dòchas
but we'll be fluent someday i hope

Tha mi air a bhith a' leughadh na litreach bheag gach seachdain
I've been reading little letter each week

Tha i nas fhurasda na litir do luchd-ionnsachaidh laugh.gif
It's easier than letter for learners

Am bheil duine sam bith eile gan leughadh?
Anybody else read them?

Tha mi cinnteach gum bi thu fileanta latha air choireigin smile.gif.

I am sure that will thu fluent day some .

Tha e ceart gu bheil na litrichean beaga nas fhasa na litrichean do luchd-ionnseachadh.

It is right that are the letters small easier than letters to learners.

Tha mi gan leugheadh uaireigin - na litrichean do luchd-ionnseachadh.

I am them reading sometimes - the letters to learners.

Ged nach eil mi a' tuigsinn gach fhacail, tha mi a' tuigsinn an ciall den litir gu leir.

Even though I not am understanding each word, am I understanding the meaning of the letter as a whole.

Tha iad gu math innitinneach, nam bheachd-sa, smile.gif

Are they quite interesting, in my opinnion (emphasized).

Tha i fliuch is gaothach an seo cuideachd.

It is wet and windy here too.

Bha ceilidh coisir ann an Uige a-nochd agus bha deagh thide againn.

There was a choir ceilidh in Uig tonight and we had a good time.

Ach nuair a dhraibh sinn air ais gu Port Righ bha droch shide againns wink.gif,

But when we drove back to Portree we had bad weathear ...

Bha sinn ionganntach oirnn nach bu dh' feum sin bata ...

It was a surprise that we didn't need a boat ... wink.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #128249

Faileas Posted on: 29-Sep-2005, 06:42 AM

Replies: 9
Views: 2,923
Fantastic that yer into LARPIng (live action role playing), if I understood that correclty. I am writing in several Darkover based role plays (via message boards) as its the only way I can actually do that. The Brits are not very much into that sort of thing even though I know there is a lot of Historic Re-enactments around. But I think its quite a different kettle of fish wink.gif. I have to admit that I am quite curious about that and I start to think, that if I were in Germany , I could do that lol. LARPing seems to have quite a few followers over there ...
  Forum: The Celts  ·  Post Preview: #128155

Faileas Posted on: 22-Sep-2005, 05:07 PM

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lFailte, Scelia smile.gif

Great to see you new on our little family ( wink.gif ) here on CR smile.gif. I have been a member now for nearly three years and still like coming her wink.gif. I wonder whether Wiz has been talking about me, when he mentioned "more accomplished gaelic speakers" ... angel_not.gif . I would recommend bbc.co.uk/alba/ and there Beag air bheag. They give a pretty good idea where to start and a whole load of useful links. But just pop in a few forums further down and we can discuss this in all its due length smile.gif. Failte ort a-rithist rolleyes.gif thumbs_up.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #127798

Faileas Posted on: 22-Sep-2005, 04:23 PM

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Views: 3,257
I saw it written in a song, I think .. Its weird, a mixture between Irish, Scottish and Welsh - thats what it looked like to me. I only know the Manx for the Isle of Man itself - Ellen Vannain ...(which is a song we always mess up in the altos heheh, nice regularity wink.gif )
  Forum: Gaelic Languages  ·  Post Preview: #127796

Faileas Posted on: 21-Sep-2005, 02:57 PM

Replies: 5
Views: 986

Hallo, a chairdean,

i thought i would open up this topic as stoirmeil said he likes Gaelic poetry and I will start with one that I wrote for the literature exam at Sabhal Mor Ostaig. I quite like it and it is based upon a journey between Portree and Sleat on a full moon night. It was fascinating .. I can tell ye. Just remember that Gaidhlig poetry works with sounds rather than rhyme. So its sounds at the end of a line or even sounds within a line and so on. Sometimes they happen to rhyme but it certainly is not the rule. Of course the poetry doesn't work as such in English as it does in Gaelic, which is why I refused to translate it elsewhere. I hope ye understand why, as ye read this underneath wink.gif. But for the benefit of those who might have trouble understanding what it is about, I will break with that attitude and give you all the benefit of understanding the message biggrin.gif angel_not.gif

Gealach an Eilein

Tha airgead a' nochdadh air a' chuan a tha domhain is dubh.
Tha Marsco cho soilleir ag innnse mu buan.

Tha an t-eilean cho sitheil a-nochd, fianais air stri, air daoine bochd,
a' toirt fada falbh orra bhon taigh. Chan eil ach caoraich an-drasda a-staigh.

Tha an càr a' sigheadhdh seachad, tobhtaichean falamh a' lineadh an rathad.
Ach tha sinne òg fhathast, gaol ùr a tha beò an dràsd.

Am bi beatha ùr a' tighinn a-rithist? No an fhuirich do dhualchas ach brist'?

Chan eil fhios aig gealach an Eilein a chuir na ceistean nam ceann.
Bidh freagairt aig teaghlach, athair, mathair agus clann.

Island Moon

Silver appears on the sea, that is deep and dark.
Marsco is telling so clearly about eternity.

The island is so peaceful tonight - witness to fight, to poor people
that were taken far away from the house. There are only sheep there today.

The car is gliding past - empty ruins are lining the road.
But we are still young - new love that is alive today.

Will new life come again? Or will your heritage remain only broken?

There is no answer at the island moon that put the questions in my head.
Answer will be with family - father, mother and children.

  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #127721

Faileas Posted on: 14-Sep-2005, 05:03 PM

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Views: 2,700
Remember tho it i's not really a hard sound ... I think the sound is made right at the back of yuur throat wiht the tounge touching your gum. I find it very helpful to imagine where the sound is produced and where the tongue is situated. Big thank you to Mary Rankin here who is our Gaelic tutor ;-).

Oh , this talk about the moon reminds me of my poem ... , which some of you might know (Geallach an eilein). If there is interest I' ll post it here again and provide the translation as well :-).
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #127105

Faileas Posted on: 12-Sep-2005, 03:42 AM

Replies: 556
Views: 59,915
Failte an seo, Eventide biggrin.gif - Welcome here smile.gif

's math sin d' fhaicinn -

it is good that you to see - it is good to see you

Rinn thu gle mhath

Did you very good - You did very well,

Rud beag

a thing small - a small thing

sgriobh thu:

'S fheàrr leam fhogar mìosan.


I would say myself:

's fhearr leamm miosan am foghair

just being niggly , hehe - but great work, eventide smile.gif Leave the genitive till later wink.gif

Chi mi a-rithist thu!

See I will again you - I will see you again! thumbs_up.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #126865

Faileas Posted on: 27-Aug-2005, 03:34 AM

Replies: 11
Views: 1,040
concerning bheil - we say vwe:l - i. e. the e (like a german e - mind ye - bit like an english a but not so much diphtonged) - and a so-called slender l- effected by the i. That means your toungue is in the middle of your gum. Other regions might be different - but thats the Skye - way ;-).
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #125861

Faileas Posted on: 27-Aug-2005, 03:29 AM

Replies: 11
Views: 1,040
Hello Eventide,

I can tell you what our Gaelic tutor from the choir tells us about the h-sound.

First of all I have to say though that it mostly is, as when you are trying to blow with the mound wide open. That is you get a very aspirated sound, and the air that comes from your lungs doesen/t touch your gums or teeth at all - its very difficult to explain without actually showing you. But I hope it does help a bit. This h-sound appears also in words like, e.g. "thuit" - I fell. That is you get this h-sound between the ui and the t at the end which is a tsch - sound. But so ye get thu - h - tsch. Does that make sense? ;-)l
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #125860

Faileas Posted on: 25-Aug-2005, 07:02 AM

Replies: 556
Views: 59,915
Tha mise gu math - taing dhut airson faighneachd :-)

IS I weill - thanks to you for asking (I am well - thanks for asking)

Tha i grianach air an t-eilean an-diugh

Is she sunnny on the island today - it is sunny on the island tody

Ach tha frasan ann cuideachd

but is showers there too - there are showers, too

Chuir e clach min-mheallain ann na bu thraithe ...

Put it stones hail in earlier (past tense!) - there was hail earlier on !

Samhradh neonach, gu dearbh ;-)

Summer queeer , indeed {a queer summer indeed)

Ann an dol seachad - tha blog ur agam ....

In the going bye - I have a new blog

Seinn, Seinn, Seinn., Oran ur, oran an t- uir

Bhiodh sin math ur faicinn ann wink.gif

It would be nice to see you there wink.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #125722

Faileas Posted on: 12-Aug-2005, 06:33 AM

Replies: 556
Views: 59,915
Hello a chairdean,

ciamar a tha sibbh an - diugh?

how are you today?

Tha i tioram an-drasda

Is it dry today (i.. e. It is dry today wink.gif )

Co aig tha fios de cho fad a bhios sin ...

Who to has knowledge how long that wil be thisl (Who knows how long this will be?)

As you see, a chairdean , I am putting both literal translation and the more "English" way underneath every word. You will find the English translation directly under the corresponding gaidhlig one to help Sonee' s problem and I think it might generally be a help for other people too. Just a wee thing to the use of a dictionary ... Unfortunately you will find verbs and prepositions only in their basic form ... so you won't find "cumaidh" , which is the future tense - the form you will find is "cum". The same is valid for prepositions - so you won't find "ort" .... The preposition you are looking for here is actually "air". So you see what I am getting at. You won't find the right words if you don't know some of the grammar . For that I recommend things like "Teach yourself Gaelic" or the books from Sabhal Mor Ostaig - Speaking our language. Or the grammar lessons , that our good friend Wizzi here puts together. I just wanted to point out that a dictionary allone wont help you to actually learn the language - and a grammar book alone won't either. Grammar and vocabulary always go together smile.gif. But in the end you will get there smile.gif (((((((((Sonnee))))))))
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #124655

Faileas Posted on: 10-Aug-2005, 08:57 AM

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Views: 59,915
QUOTE (Sonee @ 10-Aug-2005, 01:02 PM)

What I really wanted to say was 'I won't give up!' How would I say that? (De tha Gàidhlig airson....'I won't give up!')

I think I would use ....

Cumaidh mi ort ri sin.

(lit. I will keep this up)

And you asked:

Would this be correct: Tha mi glè sgith an-duigh.

Yes it is absolutely correct smile.gif.(apart from the u and i the other way round wink.gif but I guess thats more typing wink.gif ). To answer your question about the sentence structure:

Generally: Verb - subject -object - place indications- time indications

so for an example:

I am going to Portree today.

Tha mi a' dol gu Port Righ an-diugh.


I will do it tomorrow in Aberdeen.

Ni mi e ann an Obar Dheidhinn a- maireach.

Verb - Subject - object - time indication - Place indication

so Attention: the word order in Gaidhlig is here the other way round than in English wink.gif

Is that helpful for you?

  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #124418

Faileas Posted on: 04-Aug-2005, 06:54 AM

Replies: 556
Views: 59,915
Chan eil dad is ur an seo, a charaid - Nothing new here, my friend.

Tha an t-uisge ann, agus a' ghaoth, na meanbh -cuileagan is na luchd -turais -

There is rain, and the wind the midges and the tourists.

Tha Port Righ trang sna laithean seo - Portree is busy these days.

Bha na geamaichean an-de - The games were yesterday.

Ach cha robh mi ann air sgath gun robh an t-side ro dhona -
But I was not there , because the weather was too bad.

Agus bha Brus beagan tinn - bha a' ghuth aige faisg air falbh agus bha fuachd air.

- And Bruce was a bit ill: his voice was almost gone and he had (still has in fact) a cold.

Ach tha e fada nas fhearr an - diugh - but he is a lot better today :-).

Oh rudeigin ur ... - chaidh an taigh aige ann am Bicester (far an robh e a' fuireach)a reic mu dheireadh thall agus bidh a h-uile rud deiseil dihaoine biggrin.gif.

Oh, something new -Bruce's house in Bicester (where he had been living until last November) and everything will be finished (i.e. completion) will be Friday.

Mar sin ...., tide airson a' coimhead air taighean .. -

therefore, tiome to look for houses smile.gif biggrin.gif cool.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #123712

Faileas Posted on: 03-Aug-2005, 07:34 AM

Replies: 556
Views: 59,915
Feasgar math, a chairdean smile.gif. Cha robh mi ann airson greis ....

I haven't been here for a long time ....

Ach tha mi toilichte ur faicinn an seo fhathast ...

But I am happy to see that you are still here smile.gif.

Bha mi trang air aiteachean eile ... errr

I was busy in other places angel_not.gif

Bidh fios aig Maddie, hehe

Maddie knows it wink.gif.

Uill , bidh mi air ais co-dhiu ...

I will be back however...

air sgath gu bheil ...

because ...

tillidh mi smile.gif (8)

  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #123604

Faileas Posted on: 08-Jul-2005, 12:44 PM

Replies: 556
Views: 59,915
Oh , uill se deireadh laitha dheth eile a th' ann. - Well it's the end of another day off.

Bha mi gu math leisg - bha mi a' leughadh, a' sgriobhadh aig bordean brath is a a' seoladh tron eadar-lionn wink.gif - I was quite lazy - I was reading, writing on message-boards and sailing through the internet smile.gif.

Bha sin snog. - This was nice.

Ach feumaidh mi obair a-maireach ... sad.gif - But I have to work tomorrow ...

Chi mi a-rithist sibh - I will see you again smile.gif.
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #121254

Faileas Posted on: 08-Jul-2005, 07:22 AM

Replies: 237
Views: 15,936
I see ye plan to revive HC smile.gif. I haven't followed the story from the start but I read bits and bobs and I like the idea as such. So I would think moving the time line would maybe give a chance for new chars to come in? Since Bubba seems to have come to a dead end it would be nice to have a good story going smile.gif.
  Forum: RPG - The Playground!  ·  Post Preview: #121239

Faileas Posted on: 30-Jun-2005, 10:41 AM

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Tha mi air ais biggrin.gif biggrin.gif.

I am back!

Bha i seimh gu leor ann an Sassain ach tha mi toilichte a bhith air ais wink.gif.

It was relaxing enough in England but I am happy to be back.

Chan eil gaidhlig ann idir - there is no gaidhlig there at all sad.gif

Bha an t-side math agus na daoine coibhneil - the weather was good and the people friendly.

Dh' ith mi cus, hehe - I ate to much wink.gif

Stad sin aig caraid Bruis ann an Hull airson oidhche luain. - We stopped at a friends' of Bruce in Hull for Monday night.

Bha ceol is ol ann wink.gif (choimhead sinn aig bhideo Runrig .... wink.gif ) - there was music and drinking ...

Agus be draibh uabhasach snog a bh' ann tro Gleann Comhainn - and it was a very nice drive through Glen Coe.

Stad sinn airson dealbhan a thogail - we stopped to take pictures.

Cha robh uisge ann agus cha robh moran cuileagan ann - there was no rain there and there were not many midges ... unsure.gif

Ach bha sibhse samhaich .... - But YOU were quiet ....

Chan urrain dhomh sibh a leigeil nur aonar - I cannot leave you alone .. tsk ... unsure.gif tongue.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #120642

Faileas Posted on: 22-Jun-2005, 04:57 PM

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Views: 59,915
Failte air ais, a ghraidh smile.gif. 's math d' fhaicinn an seo.

Uill, a chairdean, bidh mise a' falbh airson coig laithean.

Well, friends, I will be away for five days.

Bidh mi air ais feasgar di-mairt.

I will be back Tuesday night.

Teid sinn sios a Kent, anns a' chean a deas Shassain far am bidh partaidh mor aig parantan Bruis - tha iad posta 40 bliadhna thumbs_up.gif.

We will go down to Kent in the south of England where there will be a big party for the parents of Bruce - they are married 40 years !!!

Tha mi a' coimhead air adhart a bhith a-muigh as a' bhuth mor an eilein laugh.gif

I am looking forward to be out of the big shop of the island

ach bidh mi gur ionndrain sad.gif

but I will miss you! sad.gif

Co- dhiu, bidh mi air ais air sgath gu bheil fios agaibh ...

However, I will be back because you know ....

Tillidh mi! wink.gif note.gif

Cumaibh oirbh cho fad's a tha mi air falbh smile.gif.

Keep going as long as I am away smile.gif ... agus bithibh modhail tongue.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #120077

Faileas Posted on: 17-Jun-2005, 05:03 PM

Replies: 2
Views: 2,341
The World of the Red Sun has become Under the red Sun and the new url is

Under the Red Sun

Hope to see some of you there biggrin.gif.
  Forum: RPG - The Playground!  ·  Post Preview: #119660

Faileas Posted on: 17-Jun-2005, 05:47 AM

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Sonee ...

Chan eil mi a' bhuannachd an t-sabaid - I don' t win the fight wink.gif

You will, a ghraidh, eventually smile.gif Just don't give up. I know well how busy life can be cool.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #119593

Faileas Posted on: 15-Jun-2005, 11:08 AM

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Views: 59,915
Feasgar math, a chairdean,

ciamar a tha sibh an-diugh? - How are you today?

Bha mi caran samhnach sna laithean sa chaidh air a' bhord seo - I was a bit quiet at this board in the last days.

Ach bha mi trang ri obair agus ri bordean eile - but I was busy with work and with other board.

Co- dhiu, mar a tha fios agaibh cumaidh mi suil aig an aite seo - but as you know, I keep an eye on this place

agus bidh mi a' sgriobhadh uaireigin - and I write sometimes.

Ach chunnaic mi gun do rinn Cu uabhasah math mar tidsear -

but I saw that Cu did really well as tidsear cool.gif

Agus a-nis tha mi cho sgith ris a ' chu - and now I am as tired as a dog (wow grrrr.. wink.gif )

Tha i tioram an seo air an eilean - It is dry here on the Island.

Bidh mi air ais - I will be back tongue.gif

Tioraidh an-drasda!
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #119439

Faileas Posted on: 14-Jun-2005, 03:49 PM

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Tha e tioram an-seo, stoirmeil biggrin.gif (fhathast), ach tha e gu math sgothach

It is dry here, stormeil (still), but it is quite coudy.

Tha e a' fas dorch a-nis ..., uill seorsa, cha bhi ann oidhche dubh mar sa gheamhraidh

It is getting dark now ,, well sort of, the nights are not pitchblack as in winter.

Bha na meanbh - cuileagan gu math dona a-roair ....

The midges were bad last night wink.gif smile.gif unsure.gif
  Forum: Scottish Gaelic  ·  Post Preview: #119385

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