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Stargazer Posted on: 21-Dec-2003, 09:15 PM

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Happy Yule, Christmas, and New Years to you all smile.gif . May the spirit of the dragon inspire you. May the grace of the unicorn enlighten you. May the will of the phoenix encourage you. And may the magic of the fae enchant you. Blessed be. Mellonīn, Im annale i galu calad, meleth, ar i Benain. Sing daan faai lok ngo pang(cantonese chinese).
  Forum: Celtic Radio  ·  Post Preview: #27253

No New Posts  Fairies (Pages 1 2 )
Stargazer Posted on: 21-Dec-2003, 06:52 PM

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Views: 2,192
The Faerie Realm has been one of my favorite interests. I've always found it very fascinating, for I remember the stories my grandmother used to tell me. I am a believer of the Faerie Realm, for the realm of the faeries is a gateway to the spiritual and physical worlds. I do have some info on faeries by Ted Andrews. I attended a lecture of his a couple years back, and this segment is basically about that. It's called Touch of the Faeries. So no matter if you believe or not, or you have a totally different theory on the subject of the Faerie Realm, it's very interesting if you're into Faeries:

Touch of the Faeries

Nothing captures our imagination more than the idea of faeries, elves and other nature spirits. Stories about them are found in every tradition upon the planet, and they never fail to touch us in some way. The truth is that most of us have had faerie encounters, but we have either forgotten, didn't realize at the time or allowed others to convince us that they weren't real.
For many years I was associated with a nature center. I worked in its animal program and I also served as one of the center's trail guides. I would take groups of kids and adults out into nature and teach about its various aspects.
I particularly loved working with the preschoolers because...well, first of all, you didn't have to walk very far with them. And second of all, you didn't need to get real botanical. I would take them along a wonderful trail and talk about some of the fairy lore associated with the plants and trees.
One day I was leading a small group of about 15 preschoolers, their teacher and a few of their parents. I came to a spot where there was a natural mound. Mounds are raised areas in the earth and many traditions around the world taught that communities of fairies and spirits often live within the mounds - hence the more common name of "fairy mound".
I was standing in front of the group on the trail telling them about the fairy mounds. The teacher smiled at me and then spoke to the group of kids, "Well, we don't really believe in fairies and elves, do we?"
The entire group was silent. They lowered their eyes, not looking at the teacher. I smiled to myself, thinking, "This is interesting...let's see where we can take this."
I proceeded to tell a bit more about the fairy mounds, and as I was talking a small boy from the back steps forward. He put his hands on his hips and looks up at me. Then in a challenging voice he asks, "How do they get in and out of there then?"
I smiled and replied, "Many people think it is through the small openings at the base of nearby trees."
At that moment a little girl steps up and says, "They do not. They use this flower and this flower and this on over here." And she proceeded to point out specific flowers.
The girl's mother blushed. The teacher rolled her eyes. And I was jumping up and down inside inside shouting, "Yes!"
We moved on at that point, but throughout the rest of our hike, the boy was plastered to my one leg and the girl to my other. Finally an adult that knew what they had been experiencing.
A little further on we came to a boardwalk that crossed our pond. I led the group across, and as we got to the middle, I paused to talk.
"You know, they used to say that if you tickled the water just right, all of the faires would come out, riding on the backs of dragonflies."
I then coaxed everyone down onto the walkway. I even made the teacher and parents do it. Then with the tips of our fingers we tickled the surface of the water for several minutes. When we stood up, there must have been 200 or more dragonflies soaring around us.
It was one of the most wonderful hikes that I ever led while at the center. I did get some interesting mail from it, but it was truly amazing!

Enchantment Still Lives

There are still places where enchantment lives - where streams sing and winds whisper. Where caverns lead to nether realms. Where trees speak and flowers tell tales. Where unicorns dance in the morning dew.
Fairies. Elves. Gnomes. Nature spirits. Devas. Unicorns. Dragons. The Realm of Faerie is filled with all of these wonders and more. Skeptics will say that this realm should never be taken literally. They will say that this realm and all of its inhabitants are nothing more than "the stuff of fiction". They are merely a product of the imagination.
Every tradition in the world at some point taught that all aspects of Nature have a spirit associated with them. When we have this phenomena of common threads - common teachings - happening all over the world, especially when those traditions and societies had no contact with each other, it should make little bells go off. It is a reminder that there is something universal - something truly wonderful - happening around us.
Throughout history, humans have tried to classify and put beings of the Faerie Realm into specific constructs - tried to find ways of organizing them. In older, more traditional metaphysics they were often classified as part of the angelic realm of life. The truth is that none of the ways of classifying them are exactly correct, but it sometimes helps people to understand and relate to them a little easier. The most important thing to keep in mind is not how those beings and creatures of the Faerie Realm are organized and categorized. What is most important now is to remember that they are Mother Nature's children, and opening our heart to them opens our heart to wonder and joy.
In Volume Six of this Series, Faerie Charms, we will explore this world more fully, including learning about all of its different inhabitants and some of its most amazing creatures, but for now we will focus on opening the doors for you.

Have you Had

Have you ever seen movements out of the corner of your eyes that could not be explained?
This usually occurs when contact is beginning to open more clearly.

Do you know that talking to your plants help them grow?
The spirit in the plant responds to you.

As a child did you have an "imaginary friend"?
Most children's imaginary friends are part of the Faerie Realm and are drawn to the child because of his or her openness.

Do you find things disappearing and reappearing around your house frequently?
Those of this realm often do this to get our attention.

Do you dream of strange beasts and places?
This can reflect dream journeys into this realm.

Faerie Encounters?

Are your favorite times of the day dawn and dusk? Times of the year the equinoxes and solstices?
These are powerful times for Faerie Realm experiences and encounters.

Did you believe there was something living in your closet or under your bed?
Closets often become the homes of Dark Elves - very old and creative beings. Closets and undersides of beds are also Tween Places, doorways through which we experience spirit.

Did you ever walk through an open field and have to brush the spider webs from your face?
Spider webs do not form in open fields. They need something to be hanging from. What you usually experience is the brush of the field faeries.

Have you ever caught the fragrance of a tree or flower as you passed by it?
This is usually a greeting from the plant's spirit.

A Glimpse into the Faerie Realm

The Faerie Realm is a magical place that overlaps our world in many wonderful ways. It is of our world, but it is also not. It is between our physical world and the spiritual world. It touches everything natural upon the planet. It is a shifting time and place with doorways and windows to it wherever there is a shadow or an intersection. Wherever there is Nature, there will always be nature spirits, beings and creatures of the Faerie Realm.
They are found within the mists, fogs and the border areas of field and forest. They are found in caves and along creeks. They can be seen peeking out from between bushes and appearing within the bark of trees. They will move among the shadows and follow deer trails through the woods. They gather at natural mounds (raised areas), and dance in flower gardens and small clearings in the woods.
Every flower has its fairy, every tree its spirit. Every wood has its Lady of the Wood. Faeries, elves, pixies, gnomes, leprechauns, trolls, unicorns, dragons, mermaids and more are found throughout the natural world of the humans. There are spirits of the stones and spirits of plants.
As we open to this realm we will realize that faeries and elves have a variety of shapes and forms. They range in size from the tiniest of pixies to great forest devas. They can be larger than a redwood or tinier than a firefly. Their shapes are changeable and they will often use "glamour" to show themselves. They reveal themselves only in the way they choose or the way they think you will more likely accept them. And they only reveal themselves when they feel comfortable doing so.

Faerie Magic

Nature is one of the truest realms of magic left to us today. It is a place of wonder and marvelous, magical works. Within Nature is the magic of life, death and rebirth. Within Nature is the power hidden within you.
The faerie beings are Mother Nature's children, and as such, they have many abilities and great magic. If our hearts are open, they will share their magic and knowledge with us. Some have the gift of words and music and can show us how to use them to charm and change the world. Some can control the weather and the elements. Some posses the secrets of healing with herbs and plants. Some can teach us to communicate with animals. Some hold the knowledge of crafting tools of great power and magic.
Different beings of the Faerie Realm do have different powers, but almost all have the magical ability to weave glamour, to shapeshift, to bestow secret wisdom of Nature, and to awaken joy though creativity.

Faerie Magic of Glamour

Glamour is one of the most powerful forms of magic found in the Faerie Realm. Glamour is the magical ability to make things appear a certain way, even though they may not be that way. IT is a form of shapshifting and we explore this in volume one of this series. Glamour is common to the Faerie Realm and it is common to our own lives as well.
TV advertisers use glamour (through music, words and imagery) to make people feel they need a particular product. They make us feel our breath isn't fresh enough and that our underarms really stink.
The faerie beings use glamour so that they appear to us in the way they desire. It may not be how they actually are, but often how they believe you think of them. Most often they use glamour to affect our moods. They are very feeling beings. They are more emotional, and they will use their magic to make us feel things more strongly. They stir our emotions.
A number of years ago I was a speaker at a summer solstice celebration - one of the most powerful and magical Tween Times of the year. On the night of the solstice, I decided to take a walk in the woods before my lecture rather than participate in the bonfire celebration. As I stepped into the woods, all sounds from the celebration disappeared. It was as if i passed through an invisible shield.
I followed a short path and sat down on an old log, in a small clearing. It was so relaxing and comfortable. I glanced at my watch so I could time how long I would be gone. I didn't want to be late for my talk. To my amazement an hour and a half already disappeared in what I thought was a 15 minute walk. I was amazed, discovering it was time for my lecture.
I realized then that I didn't know which way to get back. There was no sound from beyond the woods to direct me. There was no sign of the path I had followed. A soft mist encircled the little clearing and lights danced all around it. I knew that faerie glamour was at work. There was an overwhelming feeling of comfort and peace and a part of me was perfectly willing to just sit back down and forget about my lecture. Glamour of contentment had been woven around me.
Then I heard my name spoken, and as I turned around, there stood one of the ladies from the celebration. She said, "It's time for your lecture." She smiled and led me out of the woods. I was only 30 yards from the bonfire clearing! Later, when I spoke with this lady, I asked her how she knew where to find me. She explained simply, "I am a Druidess and the trees called me to you."
When we get caught up in faerie glamour, we lose track of time and sometimes we lose track of where we are. We get enveloped in the feelings of the moment. The beings of the Faerie Realm can teach us how to weave glamour so that people understand us better, so that we can accomplish things more easily, so that people can see who we truly are.

Faerie Magic of Shapeshifting

Faerie beings are natural shapeshifters. they change their form to suit the situation. They will show themselves in a variety of forms. They may take human form. They mat even take the form of an animal. They may shapeshift to become a flower or plant, but most often they will take the form expected by us.
When I first moved onto my farm, I began seeing a strange creature in the bushes around my house and at the edge of the woods. I knew that curiosity was drawing this being out, as it so often does with faerie and human encounters.
I was patient, and soon he began showing himself to me. He became my "monkey man", appearing half-human and half-ape. Although I don't see him as often, when he comes near the house, he uses this form. When I see him out in the woods, he is but a shadowy form.
Faerie beings frequently take the form of an animal to first approach humans. Animal forms seem easier for them, probably because animals are closer to Nature. If you are ever out in Nature, sitting quietly, and small animals seem to approach you, while looking at you, it is likely to be a faerie being. True wild animals do not approach humans in that way. It is contrary to their natural behavior and instincts.
Shapeshifting is a natural part of life and of Nature. Plants and many animals go through metamorphosis, changing their forms. Because the faerie beings are so strongly connected to Nature, it should be no surprise that they have this ability as well.
They can teach us how to be better shapeshifters within our life. It is something that we have all done and can benefit from doing better. Think about it. We learn early on in life how and when to smile, when to be serious or when to be studious. We have learned to present a particular image. This is part of shapeshifting.
It is something we can all learn to do very well. Through the beings of the Faerie Realm we can learn to shift to all aspects of ourselves more easily and powerfully. We can become more natural in how we relate to the world around us. We can learn to melt into our environment, to become invisible or to become more compatible with others around us. And in the process we discover that we can shift our dreams into reality.

Faerie Magic of Nature's Secrets

Within Nature are many secrets - magical and marvelous - that have yet to be uncovered. There are uses of plants and stones that are healing and can make us strong, psychic and powerful. Many uses of plants and stones have become lost, were never recorded or are yet undiscovered. The faerie beings though posses this secret knowledge and hold the the keys to the natural cures for diseases.
The spirit of a tree, flower, plant or a stone knows how it can be used magically. These spirits of Nature know how to use it for healing and blessing. They know the herbal qualities and the magical, spiritual qualities. And they can reveal them to us.
Some plants and stones can heal. Some can open the heart to love. Some will comfort sorrow and some can bring prosperity. Some will protect us and some will open up vision of other worlds ans wonders. To those who demonstrate a reverence and prospect for Nature, the faerie beings will reveal the healing and magical qualities of their plants and stones. And they will guide you in their uses.
They are the experts of making things grow. They will show you the magic of planting seeds so that they grow faster and stronger. They will show you how to sow seeds of hopes and wishes so that they take root and are fulfilled. Their is the magic of weaving new life and new growth in the world - whether it is through plants or through activities. They can show you how to grow your dreams like a plant in the earth or grow strong like the great rock foundations.

Faerie Magic of Creativity

Nothing is more drawing to the Faerie Realm than creative activities that bring joy. They are drawn to all creative artistic efforts in which there is joy. One of the most beneficial ways of inviting the Faerie Realm into your life is by involving yourself in something creative. But it must be something that you truly enjoy doing. It doesn't matter whether you are good at it or not. What matters is that you enjoy it. The faerie beings will be drawn by your enjoyment in the creative process.
You will know when they are close, while you are in the midst of your activity, by the fact that you lose track of time. Their energy has helped you slip into the Tween Times. People often ask me how I am able to come up with so many ideas for writing. Part of it is that I so enjoy the weaving of a book together that the faerie energy is strong around me at those times. I slip into the Tween Times and I am filled with inspirations and imaginative possibilities throughout the process.
One of the great benefits of faerie contact is the creative inspiration that comes while in the midst of your activity. They add their creative energy to yours and new ideas, new approaches, new inspirations and insights unfold and blossom, like a flower. Sometimes it's like a field of flowers. And your activity takes on a life of its own. It becomes faerie charmed.
The faerie beings are the experts at creativity and inspiration. After all, what is more inspiring than a beautiful scene from Nature? They can teach you how to be more creative and productive in your life. They will help inspire you to new expressions of your joy and life.

Opening to the Faerie Realm

When we experience the Faerie Realm, we do so through the five senses. We may see flickering lights around plants or shadowy faces in the trees. We may hear the whispered voices of the pine as a breeze brushes through it, or we may hear music from unexplained sources. (A tinkling of bells is a common sound experience.)
We may also feel their presence. They stimulate goosebumps. We get a chill or a change of pressure in the air around us. We get the "fly walking through the hair" kind of feeling.
One of the strongest senses by which we experience them is through the senses of smell. Have you ever walked down the street and caught the fragrance of a flower or tree? Most traditions teach that this is a greeting. Extend a greeting back.
The more you acknowledge the greetings, the stronger they will become around you - even if you are not sure. I operate on the assumption that most people think I am a little bit strange. (I know - hard to believe, isn't it?) If my neighbors see me talking to a tree, they just usually roll their eyes, and bring their kids inside until I've moved on.
Every flower has its fairy. Every tree has its spirit. When we learn to recognize this, we open ourselves to wonderful possibilities. We can uncover some of the secrets of that plant or that aspect of the natural world. If nothing else, it will help us in working with the herbal qualities of the plant. And we can use this to our benefit in many areas of life.
We know that all plants have their own energy - their own spirit. If you are having trouble with aches and pains, go sit under a willow tree for about 10-15 minutes. Just feel the embrace of the tree around you. The aches and pains will disapear. If we examine this phenomenon from an herbal aspect, we discover that within willow bark is a chemical called salicylate. This is the basis of modern aspirin.
If you have trouble handling strong emotions - especially feelings of guilt. Go sit under a pine or evergreen for a bit. Let the spirit of the tree embrace you. I have wonderful blue spruce in my front yard, and I am often found sitting under it a half hour before my family visits...and several hours afterward. (Bless their hearts.)
Every plant - every aspect of the natural world - has some spirit, some energy associated with it. The fairies and elves are Mother Nature's children. They are her caretakers and they are no further from us than we allow. They hold the key to of the mysteries of life and nature. They stimulate intuition, creativity and artistic energies. They hold the secrets to the healing powers of plants, stones and all of nature.
If we open ourselves to them once more, they will bless our lives many times over.

10 Steps to Faerie Encounters

1. Spend time in nature.
You cannot expect to encounter them if you do not spend time where they are found.

2. Meditate and pray regularly in Nature - under trees, next to ponds or at creek beds and seashores.

3. Take up a fun, creative activity.
They are drawn to anyone, who expresses joy at doing something, even if they aren't very good at it.

4. Let an area of your yard grow wild so that they can play.

5. Sing often and learn to play something musical - even if you aren't very good at it.
They are drawn to those who try to express themselves through music.

6. Be loving, appreciative and protective of all things in nature.

7. Read fairy tales.
They are powerful, magical doorways into the heart and the part of you that still believes.

8. Leave gifts - stones, little ribbons, a splash of milk.

9. Honor Nature.

10. Spend MORE time in Nature.

Faerie Friendly Plants

Apple tree - one of the most inviting fragrances to faerie beings; the home of the unicorn.
Basil - invites dragons and dragon spirits that are protective.
Carnation - provides protection against unwanted spirits and ghosts.
Gardenia - draws the faerie beings while stimulating your telepathic ability to communicate with them.
Lilac - helps awaken clairvoyance and spirit vision, especially of Nature spirits.
Rosemary - very protective; used at Christmas to thank the elves for their help throughout the year.
Violet - the flower of the Faerie Queen, draws all Nature spirits and stimulates telepathy with them.

Remember: Every flower has its faerie - Every tree its spirit.

Faerie Misconceptions
There are many misconceptions about the Faerie Realm. These are two:

It is dangerous to work with the Faire Realm.
There are as many different personalities in the Faerie Realm as there are in the human realm, but in and of themselves, faerie beings are not dangerous. They can be mischievous and they often take things - usually when we most need them. If offended or disrespected, they can initiate a string of bad luck. Faerie energy also amplifies our emotions. We feel things more strongly - whatever our mood is.
You do not need a protective magic circle to work with them. Those who profess this do so out of their own fears. They project human behaviors onto the Faerie Realm, which is an insult to them. Using magic to control the faerie beings and spirits shows great disrespect for them. Work with them should always be cooperative. Beings believed to be disruptive and dangerous are usually some other kind of spirit.

Faerie Realm Beings war with each other.
This is the stuff of fiction. It makes for good fantasy and fun computer games, but the beings of the Faerie Realm do not participate in this kind of behavior. It is contrary to their nature. Again, teachings of such activities are little more than humans projecting human behavior onto these beings.

Visible Signs of Faerie Presence

Faerie beings control their appearances to us. They decide when they will reveal their presence. They appear and fade in shadowy places along the fringes of yards, woods, etc. They are like a gathering of shadows on a grey day, subtly shifting when no air is actually moving. They are shadows where no shadows should be. When we gaze at those places and relax, we lose track of time and the world around us slips away - just as if we are mesmerized.
Once we start seeing them, the occurences do come more often. Sometimes it's because now we are more aware of their presence and where to look. Sometimes it is because they are more comfortable revealing themselves to us.
When we start seeing, they appear as vague forms, tiny shimmering lights and shifting shadows. Then it is usually a face that flickers and disappears like a puff of smoke. Sometimes it is just a set of eyes that seem to peer out of the shadows or between the foliage. The face may appear in the bark of a tree, like one of those games of finding the hidden pictures.
Initially it happens so quickly that we think it is our imagination, but once when this occurs, they will appear more frequently and more clearly. And remember: they are as curious about us as we are of them.

Open Your Heart

Sometimes in life it is more important to feel than to know. By stirring some of those forgotten embers, by remembering what we felt and knew as a child, we rediscover the joys and mysteries of the world.
Remember that we can starve as much from a lack of wonder as we can from a lack of food. Nature and all of her spirits keep the wonder in us alive.

May your eyes be always open.
May your hearts overflow.
That which enchants will also protect -
May this you always know.

- Ted Andrews
  Forum: Ireland  ·  Post Preview: #27248

Stargazer Posted on: 17-Dec-2003, 06:07 PM

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I finally found time to post on the subject of wu-wei. So again I spread the wisdom and insight of eastern philosophy explained by Bruce Lee to those of you who may not know too well what wu-wei actually is:

Wu-wei (natural action)

Wu-wei is natural action. - The basic idea of the Tao Te Ching is NATURALISM in the sense of wu-wei (inaction), which really means taking no unnatural action. It means spontaneity; that is, "to support all things in their natural stage" and thus allow them to "transform spontaneously." In this manner Tao "Undertakes no activity and yet there is nothing left undone."

Wu-wei's expression in daily life. - In ordinary life wu-wei is expressed in "producing and rearing things without taking possession of them" and "doing work but not taking pride in it" - thus the natural "way" stands in complement to all artifical ways such as regulation, ceremonies, etc. This is the reason why the Taoists don't like formalities and artificialities.

On not expending one's powers prematurely. - The work of conservation is shown to be a continuous actualization and differentiation of form. One does not allow oneself to be influenced by outward success or failure, but confident in one's strength, one bides one's time.

You do not need special training. - There is no need to exert oneself in special cultivation outside the daily round of living.

Do not expend power prematurely. - Wait in the calm strength of patience - he that is strong should guard with tenderness. One need not fear lest strong will should not prevail; the main thing is not to expend one's powers prematurely in an attempt to obtain by force something for which the time is not yet ripe.

Natural action is pliable. - Non-action, as it is often translated, does not mean no action, but no such action as begets opposition. "Right" action is neither to oppose nor to give way, but to be pliable, as a reed in the wind.

Wu-wei is spontaneous action. - Spontaneous action - of which Nature (Tao) was the grand practitioner. This action of Nature was real action. The second was action taken with design, premediated, and directed to chosen ends. This, however attractive it might seem, was a forcing of Nature and therefore unreal.

Action in conformity with the situation. - The person is[[in?]] question is not in an independent position, but is acting as an assistant. It is not his task to try to lead - that would only make him lose the Way - but to let himself be led. If he knows how to meet fate with an attitude of acceptance, he is sure to find the right guidance. The superior one lets himself be guided; he does not go ahead blindly, but learns from the situation what is demanded of him and then follows.

Don't seek, but allow. - Do not seek IT, for it will come when least expected. Let go. Don't seek or run away.

On the principle of wu-wei. - Wu-wei is spontaneous superiority. Wu-wei is spontaneous action without prearrangement. Wu-wei ensures the spirit of harmony with nature. Wu-wei sees no violence done, with the result of peace and freedom from disturbance. Wu-wei is the nourishment of the spirit, left alone, so it can find stability. Wu-wei is "taking no action;" all efforts made with a purpose are sure to fail.

Wu-wei is creative intuition. - The principle of wu-wei is entirely an action of creative intuition, which opens the wellsprings WITHIN man. While the action of assertion, man's common tendency, is preconceptual and rational, it cannot penetrate the hidden recesses of creativity. The action of assertion is viewed from the externals of intellection, while the action of non-assertion is activated by the inner light. The former action is limited and finite, the latter free and limitless.

- Bruce Lee 1940-1973
  Forum: Short Stories  ·  Post Preview: #26548

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Stargazer Posted on: 14-Dec-2003, 06:07 PM

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I must say, these are quite beautiful art works. May words never fail you m'lady smile.gif

Do hou hou, do leng ngo ngoi jan.
  Forum: Poems  ·  Post Preview: #25751

Stargazer Posted on: 14-Dec-2003, 03:14 PM

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First I think it should be called "East and West Philosophy," rather than "East Vs. West Philosophy"(but that's just my opinion). I feel that eastern and western philosophy shouldn't conflict with each other, but rather coexist. For if we don't stop looking at it in two pieces then we won't see that it's a whole, and how can one see the whole picture if we only look at it piece by piece. Don't break it apart, just put it together. Here is some insight on this from Bruce Lee's perspective (i know i posted this in Wisdom Keepers, but i feel Bruce Lee's comparison to eastern and western, with yin and yang should be posted here too):

"Yin-yang and its relationship to Eastern and Western culture. - Nothing is superior in every aspect. The Occidental education is excellent in some ways, the Oriental in others. You will say, "This finger is better for one purpose; this finger is better for another." But the entire hand is better for all purposes. There are good points in Chinese; there are good points in Occidental culture. Oriental culture and Occidental culture are not mutually exclusive, but mutually dependent. Neither would be remarkable if it were not for the existence of the other." - Bruce Lee
  Forum: Philosophy & Science  ·  Post Preview: #25697

Stargazer Posted on: 14-Dec-2003, 02:43 PM

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Again, here is some more about eastern philosophy explained by Bruce Lee. This time it's on Zen Buddhism (note: the Eight Fold Path of Buddhism is very helpful if you ever need to use it wink.gif :

Zen Buddhism

Zen has no metaphysics. - Zen wishes to escape the pointless endeavor to trap life in a metaphysical net instead of simply living it.

Zen reveals that there is no problem, and no solution. - Zen reveals that there is no where for man to go out of this world; no tavern in which he can overcome anxiety; no jail in which he can expiate guilt. So, instead of telling us what the problem is, Zen insists that that the whole trouble is just our failure to realize that there is no problem. And, of course, this means that there is no solution, either.

The parable of a tea serving. - A learned man once went to a Zen master to inquire about Zen. As the Zen master talked, the learned man would frequently interrupt him with remarks like, "Oh yes, we have too," etc. Finally the Zen master stopped talking and began to serve tea to the learned man; however, he kept on pouring until the tea overflowed. "Enough, no more can go into the cup!" the learned man interrupted. "Indeed I see," answered the Zen master. "But if you do not first empty your cup, then how can you taste my cup of tea?"

Buddhism is effortless. - In Buddhism there is no place for using effort. Just be ordinary nothing and nothing special. Eat your food, move your bowels, pass water, and when you're tired go and lie down. The ignorant will laugh at me, but the wise will understand.

Zen has no idols. - Zen liberates the mind from servitude to imagine spiritual states as "objects," which too easily become hypostatized and turn into idols that obsess and delude the seeker.

Transcending karma. - The way to transcend Karma lies in the proper use of the mind and will.

The Zen of assertion. - An assertion is Zen only when it is itself an act and does not refer to anything that is asserted in it.

On prajna (wisdom). - Prajna is not self-realization, but realization pure and simple, beyond subject and object.

On the bodhisattva. - Leaving sagehood behind and entering once more into ordinary humanity. After coming to understand the other side, you come back and live on this side.

Buddhism's Eight Fold Path - The eight requirements that will eliminate suffering by correcting false values and giving true knowledge of life's meaning have been summed up as follows:

1. Right views (understanding): You must see clearly what is wrong.
2. Right purpose (aspiration): Decide to be cured.
3. Right speech: Speak so as to aim at being cured.
4. Right conduct: You must act.
5. Right vocation: Your livelihood must not conflict with your therapy.
6. Right effort: The therapy must go forward at the "staying speed," the critical
velocity that can be sustained.
7. Right awareness (mind control): You must feel it and think about it incessantly.
8. Right concentration (meditation): Learn how to contemplate with the deep mind.

- Bruce Lee 1940-1973
  Forum: Short Stories  ·  Post Preview: #25690

Stargazer Posted on: 14-Dec-2003, 01:46 PM

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Thank you MacErca for your complement smile.gif , and very good yourself; for the wolf, like many other animals, teaches us wisdom if we pay close attention. That is why many styles of chinese Gung Fu attempts to mimic the perfect form and skill found in all animals. Here's some more upon eastern philosophy explained by Bruce Lee. This post is about Tao, which is a major philosophy of China (note: the symbol of Taoism is the Yin-Yang):


The history of Tao. - To the Chinese what is highest, the origin of things, is nothingness, emptiness, the altogether undetermined, the abstract universal, and this is also called Tao. Before Confucius, the term "Tao" usually meant a road, or a way of action - moral, social, and political. The Taoist used the term "Tao" to stand for the totality of all things, equivalent to what some philosophers [i.e., Hegel] have called "The Absolute." The "Tao" was the basic stuff out of which all things were made. It was simple, formless, desireless, without striving, supremely content.

Gentleness in the Tao Te Ching. - In Tao Te Ching, the gospel of Taoism, Lao-tzu pointed out to us the value of gentleness. Contrary to common belief, the yin principle, as softness and pliableness, is to be associated with life and survival. Because he can yield, a man can survive. In contrast, the yang principle, which is assumed to be rigorous and hard, makes a man break under pressure.

On uniting with Tao, a personal experience. - I lay on the boat and felt that I had united with Tao; I had become one with nature. I just lat there and let the boat drift freely according to its own will. For at that moment I had achieved a state of inner feeling in which opposition had become mutually cooperative instead of mutually exclusive, in which there was no longer any conflict in my mind. The whole world to me was unitary.

The Tao and emptiness. - The assimilation of the Tao has its foundation in "meekness," "tenderness," poverty of spirit, and quietness. These are expressed sometimes by one word, "emptiness." An aggressive spirit will be brought low, pride leads to a fall, violence will end in defeat, all [of] which come from misunderstanding the real use of Tao.

The philosophy of Taoism. - Taoism is a philosophy of the essential unity of the universe (monism), or reversion, poarization (yin & yang), and eternal cycles, of the leveling of all differences, the relativity of all standards, and the return of all to the primeval one, the divine intelligence, the source of all things. From this naturally arises the absence of desire for strife and contention and fighting for advantage. Thus the teachings of humility and meekness of the Christian Sermon on the Mount find a relational basis, and a peaceable temper is bred in man. It emphasizes nonresitance and importance of gentleness.

Tao is truth. - The word "Tao" has no exact equivalent in the English language. To render it into "Way," "Principle," or "Law" is to give it a too narrow interpretation. Although no one word can substitute [for] its meaning, I have used the word "Truth" for it.

- Bruce Lee 1940-1973
  Forum: Short Stories  ·  Post Preview: #25682

Stargazer Posted on: 13-Dec-2003, 08:07 PM

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Kudos to the spreading of knowledge and wisdom, for learning should never conclude smile.gif . Here is some chinese wisdom explained by Bruce Lee upon the yin-yang for those of you who may not fully understand the yin-yang, or for those of you who would like to broaden your perspective upon it:

Yin - yang

On yin-yang. - Yin and yang are two interlocking parts of one whole, each containing within its confines the qualities of its complementaries. Etymologically, the two characters of yin and yang mean darkness and light.

The etymology of yang. - The yang (whiteness) principle represents positiveness, firmness, masculinity, substantiality, brightness, day, heat, etc.

The etymology of yin. - The yin (blackness) represents negativeness, softness, femininity, insubstantiality, darkness, night, coldness, and so forth.

The basic theory underlying yin-yang. - The basic theory in yin-yang is that nothing is so permanent as never to change. In other words, when activity (yang) reaches the extreme point, it becomes inactivity, and inactivity forms yin. Extreme inactivity will, in the same way, return to become activity, which is yang. Activity then is the cause of inactivity, and vice versa. This system of complementary increasing and decreasing of the principles is continuous. From this, one can see that the two forces (yin-yang), although, they appear to conflict, in reality are mutually interdependent; instead of opposition, there is cooperation and alteration.

Yin-yang is not dualistic. - The common mistake of the Western World is to identify these two forces, yin and yang, as dualistic; that is, yang being the opposite of yin, and vice versa. At best they see the two forces as cause and effect, but never paired like sound and echo, or light and shadow.

Yin-yang - not yin and yang. - You cannot use the word "and" when speaking yin-yang, as yin-yang is never two, but rather poles of one interconnected process. Just as in pedaling a bicycle; you cannot just push or not push; unless both legs are working together, you cannot get anywhere. Neither can be omitted or separate from the other. Why do we have to use this kind of thinking? It's like trying to move an elephant by pulling it - very unnatural. We must follow the natural course, just like the up and down of pedaling a bicycle. If you tried to pedal by just pushing - or by just releasing - you would get nowhere and would never get to enjoy the beauty of the scenery outdoors.

On the balance inherent in yin-yang. - In the yin-yang symbol there is a white spot on the black part and a black spot on the white one. This is to illustrate the balance in life, for nothing can survive long going to either extreme, be it pure yin (mere passiveness) or pure yang (mere activeness). Notice the stiffest tree is most easily cracked, while the bamboo or willow survive by bending with the wind. Extreme heat kills and so does extreme cold; no violent extremes can endure long, but a sober moderation [can]. Therefore positiveness (yang) should be concealed in negativeness (yin) and vice versa.

K'un (yin) is the perfect complement to ch'ien (yang). - K'un (yin, the receptive) is the perfect complement of the ch'ien (yang, the positive) - the complement, not the opposite, for the receptive does not combat the positive (ch'ien) but complements it. The receptive must be activated and led by the positive (ch'ien). Only when it abandons this position and tries to stand as an equal side by side with the positive, does it become evil. Each is the cause and result of one another. The result then is opposition to struggle against the positive, which is evil. It is the positive that begets things, but they're brought to birth by the receptive. The receptive accommodates itself to the qualities of the positive and makes its own. Therefore the receptive has no need of a special purpose of its own, nor of any effort; yet everything turns out as it should. The yin opens when it moves and closes at rest. Be soft yet not yielding; firm, yet not hard.

On Zen and yin-yang. - Zen has derived many of its concepts from Chinese belief in balance : yin, which is feminine and gentle, and yang, which is masculine and firm. Having accepted that basic idea, another must be added: there is no such thing as pure yin or yang. Gentleness should cloak firmness; firmness should be modified by gentleness.

Yin-yang and the relationship of good and bad. - Good and bad or pleasure and pain exist but for the other. Instead of opposites, they are complementaries and [each] is a function each of the other. First of all, if I have not felt pain how can I distinguish pleasure, or vice versa? Looking at the sky I can distinguish a smaller star because of the big stars, and if there were no black sky at all, there would be no stars. It is not a matter to struggle between the good and bad, but to flow like waves on the water.

The way of yin-yang. - When one wishes to expand, one must first contract. When one wishes to be strong, one must first be weak. When one wishes to take, one must first give. Everything in this world has the alternative of existence and nonexistence (positive and negative).

Yin-yang and its relationship to Eastern and Western culture. - Nothing is superior in every aspect. The Occidental education is excellent in some ways, the Oriental in others. You will say, "This finger is better for one purpose; this finger is better for another." But the entire hand is better for all purposes. There are good points in Oriental culture; there are good points in Occidental culture. Oriental culture and Occidental culture are not mutually exclusive, but mutually dependent. Neither would be remarkable if it were not for the existence of the other.

Yin-yang represents totality. - In reality, things are whole and cannot be separated into two parts. When I say "the heat makes me perspire," the heat and perspiring are just one process as they are coexistent, and the one could not exist but for the other. Just as an object needs a subject, a person in question is not taking an independent position but is acting as an assistant. Things do have their complementaries, and complementaries coexist; instead of [being] mutually exclusive, they are mutually dependent and are a function each of the other. No part has a life of its own, but each exists in complementary interaction WITH the other. Yin and yang mutually help each other - duality in harmonious relationship.

Yin-yang and extremes in trends. - Nothing can be secured by extremes. For instance, the haircuts worn by boys at this time are not haircuts at all, but disguises. The fashion cannot last, because it is extreme and will soon tire the wearer and the beholder. Possibly the beholder more quickly, but a vast boredom for all in any case. The so-called jet set is really boring to that extent that they all go to extremes.

Yin-yang and chatterboxes. - The more volubly one talks, the quicker will come his exhaustion.

- Bruce Lee 1940-1973
  Forum: Short Stories  ·  Post Preview: #25536

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Stargazer Posted on: 12-Dec-2003, 07:49 PM

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All of these poems bring much beauty to me eyes and joy to me heart smile.gif
Far quel vanwen
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Stargazer Posted on: 12-Dec-2003, 07:27 PM

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I just looked over all the work that ye posted, and I must say tis a very gid job lass smile.gif

Far quel hirilnīn
  Forum: Poems  ·  Post Preview: #25411

Stargazer Posted on: 12-Dec-2003, 01:45 AM

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Pān o far lirima ar bain, maer curu smile.gif

(All of it is quite lovely and beautiful, good job)
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