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> Beginner's Welsh, Welsh with English Translations
Posted: 08-Jul-2005, 03:22 PM
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Mae na pethau gwaeth! Paid a becso amdana i!
There are worse things! Don't worry about me!

Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i´m gwlad
Tra môr yn fur
I'r bur hoff bau
O bydded i´r heniaith barhau
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Posted: 11-Jul-2005, 04:29 AM
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So, be ydych chi'n meddwl am yr ieithoedd chwaer Cymraeg?

Pryd mae pobl yn dweud wrtha i, "Fi'n dysgu Gaeleg yr Alban" neu Wyddeleg, neu beth bynnag, fi'n rhyfeddu pam nid Cymraeg? Wrth gwrs, fi'n meddwl hwn achos mod i'n Gymro a fi'n dwlu ar fy iaith. So, pam nid Gaeleg, Gwyddeleg, Cernyweg, Manaweg neu Lydaweg?

So, what do you think about Welsh's sister languages?

When people say to me, "I'm learning Scottish Gaelic" or Irish Gaelic, or whatever, I wonder why not Welsh? Of course, I think that because I'm Welsh and I love my language. So, why not Gaelic, Irish, Cornish, Manx or Breton?

(p.s. there is a Welsh word for "so", but I can't remember it at the moment!)
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Posted: 11-Jul-2005, 09:06 AM
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Does dim diddordeb da fi mewn yr ieithoedd eraill, mae arna i ofn. Mae fy merch yn awgrymu mod i'n dysgu Spaeneg yn aml, ond dw i'n dweud wrthi hi, "Dim diolch! Dw i'n dysgu Cymraeg achos mod i'n lyfio'r iaith a Chymru." Ond darllenais am Mary, brenhines yr Alban ac am William Wallace (ar ôl gwylio "Braveheart"!) Dw i'n eu parchu nhw. Beth yw'ch barnau chi, Antwn, Austaff?

--- I'm afraid I'm not interested in other languages. My daughter often suggests that I learn Spanish but I tell her, "No thanks! I'm learning Welsh because I love the language and Wales." But I read about Mary, Queen of Scotts and about William Wallace (after watching "Braveheart"!) I respect them. What are your opinions, Antwn, Austaff?

Ac felly - So ??

Weithiau, mae'r ateb i'n problemau o dan ein trwynau, dim ond bod angen i ni gymryd cam yn ôl ac edrych eto. - Stuart Kerner
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Posted: 11-Jul-2005, 09:18 AM
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FELLY! Na ni, diolch Gwenynen! Gyda llaw, mae enw "Wallace" yn golygu Cymro.

FELLY! That's the word, thank you Gwenynen! By the way, the name "Wallace" means Welshman.
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Posted: 11-Jul-2005, 02:26 PM
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Roedd y hynafiadiaid William Wallace yn Gymry te? Alla i ddim gofio rhai gwybodaeth. Dyna gyffrous! Dw i'n ei hoffi e mwy byth!

--- Were William Wallace's ancestors Welsh then? I can't remember some information. That's exciting! I like him even more! smile.gif
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Posted: 11-Jul-2005, 05:43 PM
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Gwn i ddim pam gaiff Gaeleg yr Alban ac Wyddeleg mwy sylw na'r Gymraeg, yn enwedeg pan ymwneud â cherddoriaeth. Ystyriais i astudio'r ddwy ieithoedd 'ma unwaith ond nid allwn i aros yn ddiddordeb, fel Gwenynen, dw i'n caru'r Gymraeg rhy lawer. Mae'n rhaid wrth adfywiadwyr y Cernyweg yn penderfynu pa un ydy'r fersiwn gorau o'r iaith, dybiwn i.

I don't know why Scottish Gaelic and Irish get more attention than Welsh, espcially when it pertains to music. I considered studying these two languages but I could not stay interested, like Gwenynen, I love Welsh too much. Revivalists of Cornish need to decide which is the best version of the language I should think.

Hoffwn i ddysgu rhai ieithoedd eraill sef Rwsieg neu Eidaleg er enghraifft, neu fyddai'n dda i'w astudio'r Almaeneg unwaith eto. Dw i wedi'i dysgu yn yr ysgol amser maith nôl.

I would like to learn some other languages namely Russian or Italian for example, or it would be good to be learning German once again. I had learned it in school a long time ago.

Cofion cynnes i bawb --


Gyda llaw Gwen, dwi'n hoff o'r ffilm "Braveheart" hefyd.

Yr hen Gymraeg i mi,
Hon ydyw iaith teimladau,
Ac adlais i guriadau
Fy nghalon ydyw hi
--- Mynyddog
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Posted: 12-Jul-2005, 02:40 PM
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Braveheart - y ffilm fwya torcalonnus dw i erioed wedi 'i gweld oedd hi! Collais i gymaint o ddagrau (gwelais i'r fideo ar fy mhen fy hun.) Gobeithio y bydd Mel Gibson yn gwneud ffilm am Owain Glyndw?r hefyd.

--- Braveheart - it's the most heartrending movie I've ever watched! I shed so much tears (I watched the video alone.) I hope Mel Gibson will make a film about Owain Glyndw?r too.
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Posted: 12-Jul-2005, 04:54 PM
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Ac mae mwy o bobl yn siarad Cymraeg na'r ieithoedd Celtaidd eraill. Fi'n shwr bod mwy o bobl yn siarad Cymraeg na'r eraill a'u gilydd.

And more people speak Welsh than the other Celtic languages. I'm sure more people speak Welsh than the others put together.

Ie, oedd ach Gymreig gan Wallace. Yes, Wallace did have Welsh ancestry.

A fi'n meddwl bod y stori Glyndwr a Llewellyn yn fwy diddorol na Wallace. Falle mod i'n unllygeidiog!!
And I think Glyndwr and Llewellyn's story is more interesting than Wallace. Maybe I'm biased!!

Gyda llaw, cafodd Braveheart ei ffilmio yn Iwerddon - nid yr Alban!
By the way, Braveheart was filmed in Ireland - not Scotland!
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Posted: 12-Jul-2005, 06:07 PM
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Shwd mae Antywn shwd a ti heddiw

A fo ben bid bont
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Posted: 12-Jul-2005, 06:07 PM
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Dw i'n credu dy fod yn gywir Siarls, ond yna, pam ydy'r ieithoedd Geltaidd eraill mor boblogaidd i ddysgwyr? Pam ydy'r pobl yn sôn am bethau Celtaidd ac yn golygu dim ond y dwylliannau Albanaidd neu Wyddelig? Mae bobl jyst anwybyddu'r ieithoedd a cherddoriaeth Frythonaidd fel arfer.

I believe that you are right Siarls, but then why are the other Celtic languages so popular for learners? Why do people mention Celtic things and only mean Scottish and Irish cultures? People just ignore the Brythonic languages and music usually.

Dw i'n cofio pan es i i'r w^yl Geltaidd unwaith. Roedd band a'r enw Seven Nations wedi cael ei chwarae am gyfnod pan ofynodd y canwr i'r dorf "Anyone here have Welsh ancestry?". Nid oedd un llaw ymysg y dorf yn codi heblaw finnau, a dyma oedd gw^yl Geltaidd. Rhaid bod rhai bobl yn meddwl yr oedd y term "Celtic" wedi golygu cerddoriaeith Albanaidd neu Wyddelig yn wastad.

I remember when I went to a Celtic festival once. A band with the name Seven Nations had been playing for a while when the singer asked the crowd "Anyone here have Welsh ancestry? There was not one hand among the crowd raised except my own, and this was a Celtic festival. Some people must be thinking that "Celtic" had always meant Scottish or Irish music.

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Posted: 12-Jul-2005, 06:17 PM
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Howdy Austaff! Dw i'n iawn diolch. Sut mae'r pethau yn Awstralia y dyddiau 'ma?
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Posted: 12-Jul-2005, 08:21 PM
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Annywl ffrindau

Mae flin da fi Antwn gadewais i cyn atebaist ti fi. Gadewais i ysgrifennu a neges 'ma Mae pethau wych yn Awstralia dw i'n teimlo dda mae'n haul yn disgleirio yn yr ac awyr dw i'n wedi orffen fy waith am mis 'ma. cool.gif Shwd mae America?

Fel ti Antwn gwn i ddim pam gaiff Gaeleg yr Alban ac Wyddeleg mwy sylw na'r Gymraeg. Hoffaist i meddwl fy mod i'n Cymraeg sydd iaith unigryw.

Gwenynen ac Antywn rwyt ti'n meddwl allet ti sgwrs gyda rhywun yng Gymraeg nawr? Fi'n eisiau llawer o ymarfer yn gyntaf.

Siarls rwyt ti meddwl ysgrifennau yng Gymraeg helpu yn ddysgu Gymraeg? achos dyn ni dweud pethau yn ein phenau nid tu gryf ?(out loud)?

I am sorry Antwn I left before you answered me I left to write this message. Things are great in Australia I am feeling good the sun is shining in the sky and I have finished my work for this month. How is America?

Like you Antwn I don't know why Scottish Gaelic and Irish get more attention than Welsh, I like to think that welsh is an unique language.

Gwenynen and Antwn do you think you could chat with someone in welsh now? I need lots of practice first Siarls do you think writing in welsh helps in learning welsh? because we say things in our heads not out loud
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Posted: 13-Jul-2005, 08:02 AM
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Wrth gwrs mae ysgrifennu yn helpu chi ddysgu. Ond, mae yn cyfyngiadau. Rhaid ichi wrando ar Radio Cymru ac ymarfer Cymraeg Lafar a'ch hunain! Am y funud ta beth.

Of course writing helps you to learn. But there are restrictions. You have to listen to Radio Cymru and practice spoken Welsh with yourself! For the time being anyway.
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Posted: 13-Jul-2005, 09:05 AM
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Helo pawb! Dw i'n cytuno â chi! Mae Cymru'n cael ei esgeuluso. Mae rhaid bod un reswm pam dw i'n ei chefnogi.

Wel, Austaff, hoffwn i siarad Cymraeg wrth gwrs. Ond a dweud y gwir, wn i ddim os alla i dweud mwy na "Sut wyt ti?" ac "Diolch."

Mae hi'n llaith iawn y dyddau ma fan hyn. Dw i'n hoffi y hydref ac y gaeaf!

Dw i'n credu bod Braveheart wedi cael ei ffilmio yn yr Alban. Wyt ti'n golygu (ydy e'n iawn?) King Arthur? ..... Iawn, gwelais i "the credit" i'r ffilm ar DVD nawr. I don't know how to say the rest in Welsh - Both Scotland and Ireland are in the credit. They must have filmed it in both places.


Hello everyone! I agree with you all! Wales is neglected. That must be one reason why I support her. Austaff, of course I want to sepak Welsh. But to tell the truth, I don't know if I can say more than "How are you?" and "Thanks." It's humid here these days. I like fall and winter! I believe Braveheart was filmed in Scotland. Do you mean King Arthur? OK, I saw the credit on DVD now. Both Scotland and Ireland are in the credit. They must have filmed it in both places.
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Posted: 13-Jul-2005, 06:53 PM
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Austaff -- Mae'r sbaryn y corwynt Dennis wedi ffeindio ei ffordd i'n ardal a chawsom ni eitha gwlyb am gyfnod, ond yn ffodus mae e wedi colli ei frwdfrydedd am ddistryw bellach. Ac eithrio hynny a gwleidyddion sy'n greu storm eu hunain, mae bobeth yn iawn yn yr UDA. Bwrw glaw ysbeidiol trwy'r wythnos yn disgwyl ydyw ac wedyn dylai'r tywydd heulog yn ddychwelyd.

Austaff -- The remnant of Hurrican Dennis has found its way to our region a we got quite wet for a while, but fortunately it has lost its enthusiasm for destruction now. Besides that and politicians who create their own storm, everything is fine in the USA. Intermittant rain through the week is expected and then the sunny weather should return.

Allen ni ddefnyddio'r nodwedd sgwrs ar y wefan hon gyda un broblem, o ganlyniad i'r cylchfaoedd amser gwahanol, gallai ein cyfarfod ar yr un pryd yn rhy anodd inni.

We could use the chat feature on this website with one problem, because of the different time zones, our meeting at the same time could be too difficult for us.

(Gyda llaw, diolch Siarls am yr ymadrodd "o ganlyniad i")

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