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> Ffilmiau, i ddechrau fforwm Cymraeg am ffilmiau
Posted: 18-Dec-2005, 11:16 AM
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Croeso. Dyma fforwm Cymraeg lle gallwn ni siarad am ffilmiau. Y sawl sydd wedi gweld ffilm dda gall wneud sylw arni yma ac ymarfer y Gymraeg ar yr un pryd o ganlyniad. Mwynhewch!

Yr hen Gymraeg i mi,
Hon ydyw iaith teimladau,
Ac adlais i guriadau
Fy nghalon ydyw hi
--- Mynyddog
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Posted: 18-Dec-2005, 05:14 PM
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Syniad da, Antwn oherwydd dw i newydd wylio'r ffilm, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe gyda'r teulu ddoe. Postiais i amdani yn yr edau arall yn Saesneg hefyd. Roedd hi'n rhagorol! Gawsoch chi gyfle i wylio hi? Ein hoff storiau ni ydy Narnia. Mae'r ffilm yn cadw'r sylwedd (gist?) o'r stori. Mae'r 'special effects' yn fendigedig. Gobeithio y gwnân nhw ffilmiau ar gyfer y gweddill o'r storiau hefyd.

--- Good idea, Antwn because I just watched the film, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe with my family yesterday. (I think it'd be better if we included translation too for the sake of non-Welsh speakers because I see this thread has been visited several times.) I posted about it in another thread in English too. It was splendid! Did you all get a chance to watch it? Narnia is our favorite stories. The film keeps the gist of the story. The special effects were wonderful. I hope they'll make ffilms for the rest of the stories too.

Weithiau, mae'r ateb i'n problemau o dan ein trwynau, dim ond bod angen i ni gymryd cam yn ôl ac edrych eto. - Stuart Kerner
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Posted: 19-Dec-2005, 08:28 AM
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Rydw i ddim i wedi gweld eto'r ffilm "The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe" ond gobeitho i yn fuan.
Mae gwybod da'r ffilm dilyn y lyfr yn fanwl.

---I have not yet seen the film "The lion, the witch and the wardrobe" but hope to do so soon.
It is good to know the film follows the book reasonably well.

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head.
if you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart

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Posted: 19-Dec-2005, 08:32 AM
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Dw i heb weld y ffilm eto, ond dw i eisiau'n fawr!
Yn ddiweddarach, dw i'n methu atal gwylio Spanglish gyda Adam Sandler, Paz Vega, Tea Leoni a Cloris Leechman.
Mae 'na ffilm hardd. Ac dw i'n dwlu ar wrando ar y Sbaeneg! Ar ol gwlyio'r ffilm 'ma - byddwch chi eisiau dysgu Sbaeneg hefyd - yn lle Cymraeg sicr o fod.

I haven't seen the film yet but I really want to!
Recently, I can't stop watching Spanglish.
Such a beautiful film. And I love listening to the Spanish. After watching this film - you'll want to learn Spanish as well - instead of Welsh probably!

Gwlad, gwlad, pleidiol wyf i´m gwlad
Tra môr yn fur
I'r bur hoff bau
O bydded i´r heniaith barhau
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Posted: 19-Dec-2005, 09:34 AM
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Dyweda i amdani wrth fy merch sy'n dysgu Sbaeneg. Ydy. Mae Sbaeneg yn iaith brydferth, ond dim yn gymaint â'r Gymraeg! smile.gif

--- I'll tell my daughter who's learning Spanish about the film. Yes, Spanish is a beautiful language, but not as much as Welsh!
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Posted: 20-Dec-2005, 12:56 PM
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Cytuno'n llwyr Siarls. 'Na ffilm hardd ydy Spanglish. Dw i wedi'i gymeradwyo i ambell cyfeillion a theulu. Dw i wedi meddwl am ddysgu'r Sbaneg ond ai Gymraeg fy mod yn caru yn fwy na ddim arall.

I completely agree Siarls. Spanglish is a beautiful film. I have recommended it to a few friends and family. I have thought about learning Spanish but its Welsh that I love more than any other.

'Roedd Croniclau o Narnia yn ffilm hyfryd hefyd. Dw i'n falch o weld iddyn nhw gadw i'r llyfr yn ffyddlon iawn hefyd Gwen. Fi'n antur ffilm nesaf yw King Kong! Ar ol LOTR gan Peter Jackson, fyddwn yn gweld un rhywbeth iddo wneud.

Chronicles of Narnia was a lovely film too. I'm glad to see that they loyally kept to the book too Gwen. My next film adventure is King Kong. After LOTR by Peter Jackson I would see anything that he made.
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Posted: 23-Dec-2005, 02:18 AM
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Fy marched siarad Ffrangeg a dw i’n siarad Sbaeneg tipyn bach. Neis leithoedd.
Oes, unrhyw un edrych y diweddaraf “Harry Potter” ffilm eto?
---My daughters speak French and I can speak a little bit of Spanish. Nice
Anyone seen the latest Harry Potter film yet?
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Posted: 23-Dec-2005, 09:28 AM
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Oes, dw i wedi'i gweld. Mae'n tywyll iawn ac yr oedd hi'n ffilmio tywyll iawn hefyd. Yr hyn fy mod yn hoffi am Narnia taw cadarnhaol yw hi. 'Roedd gyda hi dewines ddrwg siwr o fod, ond yr oedd gyda Narnia awyrgylch gobeithiol amdani, wrth ar y cyfan oedd Harry Potter yn teimlo sinistr iawn er ei gwaethaf hi'n dibeniad hapus.

Yes I have seen it. Its very dark and it was filmed very dark too. What I like about Narnia is that its positive. Sure it had an evil witch but Narnia had a hopeful atmosphere about it while on the whole Harry Potter felt very sinister despite its happy ending.
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Posted: 23-Dec-2005, 11:41 AM
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Es i weld Narnia ar Ddydd Mercher - mewn gwirionedd, ni fwynheais. Neithiwr, gwelais Spanglish unwaith eto! Heno, dw i'n mynd i dy^ fy ffrind yn Abertawe i weld un o fy hoff ffilmiau - Housesitter gyda Steve Martin a Goldie Hawn - dw i'n gobeithio i fy ffrind yn ei hoffi!
Dw i ddim yn hoffi Harri Potter - gellaf weld dylanwad oddi wrth LOTR a Narnia ayyb.

Antwn - beth wyt ti'n meddwl am gymeriad Tea Leoni yn Spanglish - Mrs Clasky?
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Posted: 24-Dec-2005, 02:12 AM
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Dw I’n cytuno â y “Narnia” ‘ma wedi hapus storďau annhebyg “Harry Potter”. Dw I’n hoffi “Narnia” mwy.

--- I agree that Narnia has a happy story unlike Harry Potter. I like Narnia more.
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Posted: 28-Dec-2005, 05:32 PM
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QUOTE (Siarls @ 23-Dec-2005, 12:41 PM)
Antwn - beth wyt ti'n meddwl am gymeriad Tea Leoni yn Spanglish - Mrs Clasky?

Hen drwyn! Aeth hi o dan fy nhgroen yn ofnadwy trwy'r ffilm. Yr oedd eisiau arna fi neidio i fewn i sgrin a dweud wrthi y dylai beidio ymyrryd a^ phawb a'u dull o fyw. Styfnig fel mul hefyd oedd hi. 'Roedd hi'n sicr taw hi sy'n wybod y dewis gorau i bawb ond ni allai hi erioed mynd heibio ei anniogelwch ei hunan. Waeth iddi ymddwyn mor ddrwg o'i herwydd. Wrth gymryd ar esgus cymorth, oedd hi wedi achosi ddifrod ym mhob perthynas o'i chwmpas er mwyn gael rhwydd hynt.

Mae arnaf i ofn iddi bersonoli sut mae bobl eraill yn golwg ar Americanwyr. Pam ydyn nhw'n edrych yn gam arnom ar dro? Gallai agwedd fel hithau fod un rheswm am hyn, ymysg rhai eraill.

Mae'r ffilm yn gweithio ar nifer o lefelau -- fel stori rhamantus, fel stori am wrthdrawiad diwylliannol a portread sut mae wladychwyr o Fexico yn cyfannu a^ diwylliant Americanaidd.

Er gwaethaf yr hyn y dywedwyd uchod, does dim rhaid yn dweud ei bod yw ffilm gyda'i chalon yn ei lle.

Weles y ffilm The Island ar DVD pen wythnos ddiwethaf. Gwych!
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Posted: 14-Jan-2006, 09:33 PM
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Rydw I newydd wlio “Braveheart” gyda Mel Gibson ar y teledu eto.
Dw i’n y hoffi ‘ma ffilm er e wedi hanes camsyniodau. Ond pleaserus.

I have just finished watched “Braveheart” with Mel Gibson on television again.
I do like this movie although it has some history errors. But enjoyable.
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Posted: 15-Jan-2006, 01:52 PM
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Dw i'n hoff o'r ffilm hon hefyd. Fydd Hollywood yn aberthu cywirdeb hanesyddol am stori dda fel rheol os yw hanes yn rhy ddiflas i "box office" mawr. Edrychwch ar Pocahontas! Pan allai brosiect fod yn costio $80 miliwn, yna y mae angen arnynt yn adennill eu buddsoddiad hefyd, felly maen nhw wedi gorfod bod yn ofnus am gymryd gormod o risgiau. Mae gyda ni sianel hanesyddol i'r gwirionedd.

I'm fond of that film too. Hollywood will sacrifice historical truth for a good story as a rule if history is too boring for big box office. Look at Pocahontas! When a project may cost $80 million then they need to recoup their investment too, so they have had to be afraid about taking too many risks. We have the history channel for the truth. thumbs_up.gif

Beth yw "box office" yn Gymraeg?
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Posted: 15-Jan-2006, 02:33 PM
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Roeddwn i wedi gwylio Braveheart hefyd. Mae hi'n ffilm mwya torcalonnus dw i erioed wedi gwylio. Methais i atal crio wrth ei gweld. Ond fel chi'n dweud, roedden nhw newid y stori. Ffilm arbennig ydy hi beth bynnag. Dylai Mel Gibson wneud ffilm ynglyn â hanes Cymru.


I've watched Braveheart too. It's the most heartrending film I've ever watched. I couldn't stop crying while watching. But as you say, they changed the story. Special film anyway. Mel Gibson should make a film about Welsh history.
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Posted: 17-Jan-2006, 11:21 AM
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Yn wir!! Fyddai taw peth gwych, ffilm am hanes Cymru.....yn Gymraeg wrth gwrs! Mae'n ddigon o storiau, siwr o fod.

Truly! That would be a wonderful thing, a film about the history of Wales....in Welsh of course.
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