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Nightchild Posted on: 09-May-2011, 05:06 AM

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Views: 2,617
I'm feeling with you. And I hope Bear will find his way as well as Rex will without him.
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #302140

Nightchild Posted on: 07-May-2011, 05:26 AM

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If I understood correctly, you want to tell your dog, that it's okay to pass on, right? But what do you need a prayer for to do so? Just tell him that you really do love him and that you would love to keep him being around, but feel he might want to leave you now, which would be okay, if that's his way now.
I've had a similar situation with a rabbit some month ago. Only in that case it was rather reassuring her, that it was okay to leave, which she had already decided to do.

As for the brother: Did you consider, that Bear might stick around, until his brother can safely come with him?
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #302134

Nightchild Posted on: 04-May-2011, 06:31 AM

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Views: 2,195
Thanks a lot.

I hope, you all had a most wonderful beltane yourselves.
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #302111

Nightchild Posted on: 04-May-2011, 06:20 AM

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Views: 3,450
Essentially it was what happend during the last year.
There were a volcano erupting, a huge wave destroying a city that couldn't be defined at that time. There was a fire spreading from city to city of which my friend said, she believed it to be metaphorical and some kinds of riots. At last there was an attack on some soldiers, but she couldn't say when and where.
As by now, we know of the volcano in iceland, the tsunami and the riots in Africa.
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #302110

Nightchild Posted on: 14-Apr-2011, 11:57 AM

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Last year my friends and me had some strange things happening to us. I believe I did tell about those about half a year ago, maybe a little more than half a year...
In essence we learned, that earth is not at least pleased with what we humans do to her. The first things we were told happened around the time the oil was flowing into the gulf. There were things one of my friends saw, that made us believe, there's more to come. And there was. Think of what's happening in Africa at the moment. Think of Japan.
Some weeks ago I said the earth is shaking, She's trying to shake us of, in some kind. Or maybe shake us awake. Again and again I think of a joke I was once told. Two planets meet. The first says: "So, how are you?" The second responds: "Oh, not so well, I have homo sapiens." The first one comments: "Oh, I've had those too, it'll pass." I feel, what's happening is some kind of wake up call.
Plus, I'm a water being in some way. I feel strongly connected to water. And I gotto say, for some time now, I feel the rage in the water. I do believe it's connected to what's happening in Fukushima with the radioactivity poisoning the water.

Well, in essence: I do believe Gaia's showing us, that we can'T live without her and that we should seriously start thinking about what we do to her.
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #301913

Nightchild Posted on: 31-Oct-2010, 05:11 AM

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Views: 1,100
Once again it is time to say goodbye. Once again the time of Halloween has arrived. The time of Samhain.
Whatever you may see in it and whatever aspect you feel most important about it, I just want to wish all of you a great celebration.

Happy Samhain to all of you, who live in the northern hemisphere. And happy Beltane to those, who live in the southern hemisphere.

Blessed be. smile.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #299775

Nightchild Posted on: 04-Aug-2010, 01:30 PM

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Views: 2,789
Okay, I meant to reply to this already last year, but I lacked the time to do so.

I for myself do not think that the first thing in a BOS is supposed to be a statement of belief. That is due to the fact that I strongly believe that belief does change over time as you learn more about the traditions and theories and the history of your faith.
As for me I stared out believing that there were several deities. By now I believe that there's one form of deity and all those names we call the gods and goddesses are just some kind of shortcut, like the direct phone number of some special office in an office building.

So what do I believe?

I do believe that there is some kind of deity, devinity. It inhabits the land, the water, the trees and animals, the air, everything that is around. It's connected to nature, it is nature. And it is us.
I believe that I am part of everything and everything is part of me. I am connected. I know it and very rarely I may also feel it, which does feel unbelievable.
I do believe that Lord and Lady, as you call them, are two parts of that deity. I also call to Lord and Lady, meaning two different aspects of devinity.

I do believe in reincarnation. I really strongly do, for I again and again meet people and feel deeply connected to them. For example I met one of my friends and after half a year it felt as if I had known her forever. By now I know her about 7 years.
I believe that that phenomenon is caused when you find someone whose soul you've known in a past life. With whom you might have experienced some great things during a past life.
I do believe that there are currently several people who gather again and that they do so, because there's something they need to do.

I do not believe in good and evil. Those are terms made and defined by mankind and depend on perspective and the greater context. I therefore am careful with making wishes for myself and others. Whatever I wish might in the long run turn out to be not as positive as I might have thought.
And I do believe in educational measures. Meaning that I won't turn the other cheek when someone slaps me in the face. I try not to be aggressive, but I will stand to fight.

I do believe in the circle of life. I eat meat, I use leather and whatever. I just hope that there's no wasting of what mother earth gives to us and I try to say thanks for whatever I consume once in a while.

I believe that all kinds of believes got some things in common. That's true for the asian systems, for the european and the american systems and all others. That means I use the symbols of my land, of Europe, but I try to also learn about the similarities to other beliefs and in the end, I think, Earth will respond to all of them.

I believe in local spirits, which we call "Ortsgeister". They are connected to some place, they may leave it if they choose to, but usually only do for good reasons. They exist for different reasons, some are strictly natural, while I also know one that's an ancestral spirit. They guard their land, they are guardians, guidances, sorces of knowledge and friends.

I'm not quite sure whether to mention that I believe in leylines. As far as I'm concerned that's nothing to believe in, they are fact.

I greet the spirits, when I encounter them, and I do greet the moon, although I try to keep in mind, that it's not the moon itself I worship, but the principle of life that's so easily visible in her periodic waning and waxing.

Although it's nothing about my belief I might also mention that I am part of a circle, I guess you could call it a coven, we ourselves say "Zirkel" which translates best to circle, I think. We learn together and we celebrate the eight feasts of the year.
It's hard to say what we do practise, since all of us have a different background. I usually also refrain from saying that I'm wicca and settle with the word pagan, leaving the rest open.

Okay, that's all I can think of right now, I might come back and add something, though.

I'd be interested in how your "similar rituals" as you say differ from the wiccan versions, Wizard. So I'd be glad if you cared to explain. smile.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #298790

Nightchild Posted on: 04-Aug-2010, 12:07 PM

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Views: 2,145
Okay, I haven't been here for quite some time. And so I didn't think of asking you, when this year started to get definitely weird.
I'll start with telling you, what has happened with me/us so far and then you'll be left to telling your stories of this years events.

I first realized that this year is kinda strange around Ostara. A friend of mine says for him it's already started in winter. He swears that what we call "Raunächte" (I believe the translation would be "Twelve Days of Christmas", which might be used in a different context with you than it is with us) already began in November and lasted until February. Usually the beginning is around Yul and the end in early January. That time of year, when the nights are chrisp and full of spiritual life. When things happen, that tend not to during the rest of the year. As for me: I believe this years beginning was Dec 14th, the end somewhen mid January.
Then there was a break until the day of Pan. It was a Tuesday, this year, 30th of March. It was afternoon when I was passing my precious time in a chatroom and an accquaintance of mine come online, just to tell me he had received a message via dream, that this evening one should better refrain from doing spiritual work.
Some days later a friend of mine, living nearby, told me, they had had some trouble that evening with a pack of "spiritual wolves" (in lack of a better describtion - those wolves were not real, but to them they looked like wolves). Those entered their estate unbidden and were very irritated. They tried to get inside and didn't understand, why the usual means of defence that are established around their house, were triggert. Some form of local spirit finally succeeded in smoothing out matters. What they were told was, that those wolves where running for quite some time and wouldn't stop soon.
Some weeks later, the evening of Beltane. My friends and me were down by the lake attending the bonfire of Walpurgis. We tried to get to some quieter place nearby, but were told not to leave the fire. All the places we usually visit when down there where forbidden and hostile that night.
When we came back to my friends' house it was really hostile everywhere around. Three of us decided, that we wanted to ask what was going on. We left the house again and promptly realized that on my friends property it was much calmer than outside on the street. There there was also a difference: The darker a place the more hostile it felt but we also felt that we needed to go into as much dark as possible. As for me I mostly felt that the night was alife. One of my friends got a message consisting of several images, starting with some things that already happened (i.e. the eruption of the volcano on Island) and continuing into the future, telling of destruction. The other one left us for some time. What he found behind a corner was a prosession of ancestral spirits. After receiving our respective messages the world became more hostile once again and we were told to get inside again.
On our very own Beltane celebration the next evening we had a nice time in the garden of my friends' house, but shortly after ending the ritual we were once again told to get inside right away, which we did. It was creepy.
This years midsummer celebration didn't take place because of too many people being ill at that time. But following our Lammas celebration there was again something unusual: We had the Lammas ritual in the garden as usual, some time after ending the ritual again we were told to go inside. One of us (the one who saw the ancestral spirits before Beltaine) wanted to go for a walk because he felt it important. He had two places in mind. We decided for one and left in a group of five people (him, me, the other one who was with us on Beltaine and two other friends). We walked some time, feeling that we were passing through a guarded tunnel. There was life in the shadows: wolves and cats and warriors. When we reached to field there was fog dancing over the heads of grain on the field. There seems to be an old ritual place nearby, where we were not allowed to go. We stayed for some time. I don't know what the oterhs were told during that time. I saw the full moon over the nearby wood and mostly enjoyed feeling part of everything. The one message I received that night was what I get again and again for some time now: We're not alone. Something's awakening. And it's important that we're here. The stay on the field ended by something chasing us away. It kinda sounded like the Wild Hunt.
The thing that really got me on Lammas is the fact that one night later, when I happened to take a look at the moon, it was half moon. But I'd swear there was a full moon hanging in the sky when we were on the field.

So why am I telling you all of this? I believe what is happening to us is not limited to us. And I'm curious if there was anything weird happening to you as well, especially around the days of the feasts. Any hostility that was unusual, any messages that were strange, anything at all?

Thanks a lot and blessed be.
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #298789

Nightchild Posted on: 22-Dec-2007, 08:55 AM

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Views: 934
I just wanted to wish all of you a happy yul celebration, which you hopefully do or already did have.
I myself had a nice (not so) small celebration with some friends of mine.

So, well, there was no thread about yul as far as I saw, so I thought I'd open one. smile.gif

Be blessed.
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #224547

Nightchild Posted on: 13-Dec-2007, 09:35 AM

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Views: 8,155
I think it important to not think of Christians as 'Christians' but as different people of Christian belief.
I do tend myself to talk about 'the Christians' at times.
Yet especially when talking about those coming into the grove and those chatting in the church corner of this board, I think you have to make differences.
Because I do think that those coming here and talking mostly are not those trying to force their belief on you when you enter their part of the Board. I can't prove this or anything, but I did meet many people online and offline and among those where christians who tried to convince me that their belief is the one and only and christians who were great to talk, to discuss and to argue with and who gave me many things to think about as well as vice versa.
On the other hand I've also met many pagans who tried to force their special kind of pagan belief on others.
That's what people are like, that's life. And we've gotto learn to live with that.

Still I'd say, let those post here, who want to talk, to discuss and to give and be given things to think about and to learn from. We don't have to have the same opinion on the topic, but we have to have the same opinion on how to discuss with each other.

And for the actual topic:
I'd say at the moment two of my favourite deities are Cerridwen and Hekate. But that does change a lot, I guess...
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #222809

No New Posts  Samhain (Pages 1 2 )
Nightchild Posted on: 31-Oct-2007, 05:50 PM

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Views: 1,251
First of all:
Happy Halloween to all of you. smile.gif

As some of you might know, I make a difference between the celebration of Halloween (which for me is the commonly known stuff like Trick-and-Treating) and the celebration of Samhain (which I was told to take place at 15° of Scorpio, which was known as Eagle earlier in the history of mankind...) that I consider the actual feast.
So I did celebrate Halloween today, but Samhain is still to be waited for. It'll be on November 11th this year and me and my group will gather Saturday 10th to have our celebration.

We still don't really know, what we'll do this year. The group works well together and so we often just meet and see, what we'll do. This year, and that's for sure, we'll have some guys new to the subject with us and even some guests. Another thing that's for sure, because it's obligatory part of our Samhain ritual, is a phase of sitting in the completely darkened room and remember the dead.

As for today: I like to dress up, so I took the chance to wear my favourite clothes, a black skirt and a violet blouse. This year I even put a plastic spider in my hair and a stuffed spider on my shoulder.
We had some small monsters coming to our house, but sadly it were fewer than last. Some didn't even dress up. But I'm glad that they come at all. Unfortunately it's not that big over here in Germany...

Besides that I started lighting one Jack O'Lantern outside about a week ago. It's no real pumpkin, so it's recycable for next year. *g*
And two days ago I started putting a light in my window. I feel the need to guide the spirits by doing so (as I feel every year).
I'll keep that habit until mid November, I guess, but at least until November 11th.

I'm not sure if I liked not having pumpkin for lunch, but we had some still warm pumpkin-pie-cake in the evening, so I guess, it's okay.

Having learned to love pumpkin in very many different meals, I really feel sorry for you, stoirmeil, for not getting any. But I think I actually don't have to. You seem to be pretty happy with your fruit. After all it's the fruit of the goddess (at least someone once told me so...)

So now after talking and talking (it just flowed, sorry), I wanna say:
Welcome, Arianrhod1025.
What you describe sounds really great. Samhain rituals are the strongest I have witnessed yet. Good luck tonight. smile.gif
Oh, something I just remembered: My friend used to use the sage from sage tea, before she found s shop selling the good white sage. Just thought there might be a chance, you didn't thought about that possibility yet, if you wanted to really use sage...

Okay, I guess, I talked enough by now. I'll better be off.
Have a great night, everyone. smile.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #214873

Nightchild Posted on: 20-Oct-2007, 10:57 AM

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Views: 584
Well, it's been quite some time since I last showed up here, but see, I always come back somehow. *g*
And I do have to say: Shadows, you're right. I've had the exact same thought the other day. My best friend is currently befriending the local spirits of her area, which is not far away from mine, and she's talking with them more and more often.
Some time ago she drew a picture. It's some kind of picture you could find on a drum or something. Well, anyway, she showed it to me and we looked at it and I said, that's like a story. So we started putting the story in words.
It's more than I can fully get by now, but somehow it's the history of mankind - or at least I feel like it is. And it's the promise of change. It's the promise of the awakening and of better times.
Yet I daresay that it's still some time and I actually doubt that I'll witness it in this life. But it will happen and that's good to know... smile.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #212493

Nightchild Posted on: 06-Apr-2007, 10:23 AM

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Views: 10,837
QUOTE (gwenlee @ 06-Apr-2007, 12:25 AM)
Those of you that are pagan/wiccan, do you believe in God?

I believe, that god and goddess include many different aspects of life and that the god you believe in is only one aspect of the god I believe in.
So I'd pretty much go with Sekhmet's 'Which one?'. cool.gif
  Forum: Philosophy & Science  ·  Post Preview: #192632

Nightchild Posted on: 05-Apr-2007, 07:11 AM

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Views: 10,837
I guess, I'd be officially labeled wiccan. But I'd settle with almost everything pagan that suits me and makes me feel well. So I'd say, it's more important what you do, think and believe than what kind of religion you call yours.
  Forum: Philosophy & Science  ·  Post Preview: #192432

No New Posts  Ostara
Nightchild Posted on: 25-Mar-2007, 06:11 AM

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Views: 617
Somehow I feel Ostara getting closer and closer to me. Still I enjoy Samhain the most, but strangely enough I end up planning the Ostara rituals for our group the second year in a row now, which might not sound that much, but taking into account, that this only was my fourth Ostara, it is much.

So we sat together, talked, ate and than had a very powerful ritual including a 'farewell' and a 'thanks' for the winter and a 'hello' for spring and ended in eating painted eggs. The part I enjoyed most was the waking of nature which took place inside the house, due to the late hour, but felt absolutely necessary when thinking about Wednesday, when we had a late breakout of winter, including snow completely covering the ground.

Well, I don't seem to be able to keep my talking short.
I hope you all had a great Ostara nonetheless. rolleyes.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #191083

No New Posts  Wicca (Pages 1 2 3 )
Nightchild Posted on: 20-Feb-2007, 10:06 AM

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I'm going to go out on a limb here, and guess that Nightchild's saying that the Pagan mainstream has become as intolerant as the Christian mainstream. Correct me if I'm wrong. However, if I hit the mark, it is sadly true. I, myself, have been bashed by the pagan minstream in the past over here in the States. As well as the Christian mainstream, seeing as how my beliefs are sort of all inclusive.

I'd rather not say that it's the mainstream. Yet there are groups that pretend being mainstream, that pretend being the majority, where you can find more intolerable people than in other groups. And of course there are those who walk the world pretending their belief is the one and only true and right one. Some of those grow and learn, some just don't. Yet those mainly are the ones that make themselves heard.

Some things are universal. Religious persecution isn't what it was in the days everyone chooses to remember. Some people tend to forget that Christians were Persecuted against on a large scale by the Romans, who were Pagan at the time, just as the Romans later laid waste to Paganism under a Christian guise.

That's definitely a true one. But when talking about persecution one shouldn't forget about christian groups being persecuted by other christian groups for their differences in belief. It's not as if Christianity equals Christianity. It's not now and it never was. Well, okay, maybe, but only shortly after its creation. wink.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #186394

No New Posts  Wicca (Pages 1 2 3 )
Nightchild Posted on: 17-Feb-2007, 08:29 AM

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I'm back, once again. Unfortunately being absent made me miss your discussion. sad.gif
Yet there's something I wanted to add, because I myself feel it important to be mentioned:
Someone already said, there were a lot of religions that don't tolerate other believes nowadays. As for me, I mostly feel it's Christans who don't tolerate us. Mostly, not exclusively.
Some of you might remember I'm living in Berlin, Germany. So I don't know what it's like somewhere else, but I do know what it's like here. And I dare say there's also a lot of people following some kind of pagan belief who don't tolerate any belief that varies only a nuance from their own. Which I personally find is pretty sad.
As for Christians: A friend of mine tends to say it's not us who have a problem with them, it's them who have one with us. Meaning as long as they don't have one we don't have one either.

I hope, I didn't forget anything... unsure.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #185987

No New Posts  Samhain (Pages 1 2 )
Nightchild Posted on: 29-Oct-2006, 05:15 AM

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Views: 1,251
That both sounds really great.
We had our usual sit-together, a lot of talking and a remembering phase during the dark time of the ritual. I somehow tend to see less and less during those phase of the ritual. This year I more felt then saw a wood all around me and although it's not new to me, being in a Samhain ritual for the fourth time already, I'm still amazed, how far a room can stretch.
After that and before we had some food, including a pumpkin pie cake, the recipe of which my sister brought home after her exchange year in Missouri. Unfortunately there was no pumpkin soup, because the pumpkin that should provide the main ingredient was rotten inside. sad.gif
Now I can wait for the little monsters to show up, which I guess should be on Tuesday. *g*
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #171729

No New Posts  Samhain (Pages 1 2 )
Nightchild Posted on: 28-Oct-2006, 06:29 AM

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Views: 1,251
Hello there.
I'm back again, at least for a while and since it's about time I thought I'd just say 'Have a great Samhain.'
So...: Have a great Samhain.

I know it's actually still some days until the day of samhain, but our circle decided we'd celebrate the saturday before the actual date and I figured some of you might as well.
Have a great celebration, whenever it might take place. And maybe the one or the other feels like letting us know how they celebrated and whether anything... 'unusual' happened around the time.

That's it from me so far. Once again: Have a great time. biggrin.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #171552

Nightchild Posted on: 17-Apr-2006, 04:12 AM

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Views: 4,496
As I see it, it's not doing something that makes up for a bad act. It's rather regretting the bad thing you've done. This means that other religions that work with some kind of heaven assure that you can go to heaven if you live by some kind of moral.
But then again, regretting is something you do, too...

Just my thoughts wink.gif
  Forum: Philosophy & Science  ·  Post Preview: #147126

Nightchild Posted on: 30-Mar-2006, 04:28 AM

Replies: 74
Views: 4,496
Let me tell you briefly what I discovered: beyond all religions, all denominations, all concepts and theories there is this truth:
All around us is a marvelous, rich world. We are amazing, complex creations ourselves - each unique and vital and precious. We were created - we are loved by our Creator. We seek interaction with our Creator and He is waiting for nothing more than for us to take that first step! And sure the Bible has been around a long time, but if you search its pages it will stir in YOUR heart a personal realization that its the key to everything. It's radical, its comprehensive, its dramatic and its life-changing. And it's got the answer to every single question.

That's a truth I mostly could follow. I'd definitely go with the part of the rich world and the fact that there's someone (like a creator) that loves us. Yet when holding this as for a truth beyond religions you should take into account that this also might be a She. Not to offend, just to push thoughts. wink.gif

now its part of our history that we fought the crusades for many many years but again the pope told us to and we only did what we were told. however now that we have other religions killing us its all of a sudden wrong and they should be punished. what's the difference?  there is really no difference but because it's not us and our god didn't tell us to do it's wrong for these other groups to kill.

Never thought about it that way. But you're right. Completely. I'm amazed. smile.gif *thinking*
  Forum: Philosophy & Science  ·  Post Preview: #144193

Nightchild Posted on: 26-Mar-2006, 03:00 PM

Replies: 29
Views: 1,284
*sigh* I do call it Lammas. I just thought this was not so common in english. At least, you know, what I meant wink.gif

Most people around here call Imbolic Groundhog Day, and Beltaine May Day. Perhaps not Christian by definition, but definately accepted by the Christian community.

Groundhog Day? Like the movie with Bill Murray? COOL! biggrin.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #143717

Nightchild Posted on: 26-Mar-2006, 06:15 AM

Replies: 11
Views: 589
But might those words (The end of what is now known) not be connected to something? Like society, like technology?
I'd go with the interpretation, that a new circle will start. No one knows what will come afterwards and maybe we'll change back to something we already once had and turned away from.
And then again, what if the world would explode or something? We couldn't change it, I suppose. So... why worry? It will show wink.gif
  Forum: The Grove  ·  Post Preview: #143706

Nightchild Posted on: 26-Mar-2006, 05:57 AM

Replies: 74
Views: 4,496
So what, Wizard? What if you are right? Isn't that, what the discussion is always about? Who's right and what happens to those who believe in the false things in one false or many (and therefor false as well) gods?
I think it's must more interesting, to think about what happens when you are wrong, for if you're right, it's all fine and well with you. The only thing left to do is convince others that their belief is false and yours is the right one. Asking yourself if you might be wrong opens the eye to what is beyond the things you take for granted.
It might lead to the knowledge, that you follow the false religion, but it might also lead to the knowledge that whatever god or goddess you worship doesn't matter in the end but what matters is how you treat yourself and those around you, including the 'lifeless' nature, that's not lifeless at all. Like Swanny said. Wise words, Swanny smile.gif

It's not about saying 'Hey, you're wrong, find something else to believe in!' It's just about not closing in and not seeing anything outside the selfmade border.

As for the last meaningful spiritual connection... I don't think it was all those years ago. The 'date' depends on the society. Look at some african cultures, look at maori and aborigines. I strongly believe, they still have such a meaningful connection.
I pretty much also believe, that there are people following christian believes that have a meaningful connection to whatever on a spiritual basis. And as for me, my last meaningful connection was yesterday. (Not taking into account, that the connection is always there, but most people chose to ignore it.)

As for destroying the world around us: I think we wouldn't have to change our religion for being better to the world and the nature. It would be enough if we just realized that we are connected to nature, that we are part of it and that probability is much higher for nature to survive without us then for us to survive without nature.
Good luck, mankind *g*
  Forum: Philosophy & Science  ·  Post Preview: #143705

Nightchild Posted on: 24-Mar-2006, 05:43 AM

Replies: 29
Views: 1,284
QUOTE (sisterknight @ 23-Mar-2006, 03:27 PM)
you know the funny part about christianity is that some of the holy days are the same as the "pagan" ones they just changed the name!!!!i guess they thought that they could recruit people that way and take the fun out of things!!!aaawwkk.i mean what is wrong with the equinox, or say beltane??

Personally I don't find that funny at all. I'd even go as far as say each pagan holiday has a christian holiday around the same time, it's just that most of them are only regionally celebrated or almost forgotten completely.
But I think it's not only for recuiting people but also that when they realised that people celebrated their holidays and wouldn't stop, christians just invented their own holidays with some similar background, saying "if they must celebrate they shall at least celebrate our holiday".
I mean, beside the well known holidays such as christmas=yul, samhain=all hallows, easter= ostara, there's a feast called somewhat with johannes, where they have a big fire and dace around it, sing and jump over it, if it's not too big for that. sounds like litha, doesn't it? I believe imbolc also has some kind of christian holiday connected I just can't name at the moment. and isn't it the same with beltane? Then there's mabon, that should be around thanksgiving (at least the german thanksgiving).
Then there's only lugnasad left for that I don't know any christian holiday. But there's one for sure. *believe*
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